Your feelings on manufacture of vape gear- China

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Full Member
Sep 12, 2014
silver spring md
Since the vast majority of vape gear is manufactured in China- a country which does'nt have a great reputation for its tight manufacturing tolerances, strict quality control, or safety of materials- I was wondering how people feel about this. We are all familiar with the Chinese drywall, dog food, and child toy incidents, among others. Do you trust the Chinese to provide you with gear that is not itself toxic? My reasoning here being if they can make toxic drywall- could they not do the same with vape gear. I've always thought that the Chinese don't care how they make stuff, vape gear or anything else, they'll make it anyway they can and get the money. So I guess what I'm looking for in this thread is your opinions on this. Do you trust them and feel safe using China vape gear? Personally I don't trust, but I don't see a whole lot of options on mini tanks (which is what I use) besides China, and I suspect even some claiming made in USA are not.


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Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Let's say I'm not completely enthusiastic about it. There is gear that is made in other places, much of which is quite good. ProVape even uses one component on it circut board from China because they can't find another of that high quality from anywhere else. Not all China stuff is crap, but a lot of it is.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2014
silver spring md
Let's say I'm not completely enthusiastic about it. There is gear that is made in other places, much of which is quite good. ProVape even uses one component on it circut board from China because they can't find another of that high quality from anywhere else. Not all China stuff is crap, but a lot of it is.

That's a little surprising since they are'nt known for the reliability of their circuit boards. Talk to any service guy who works on microwaves or refrigerators. Guy just came in to replace one here at work on a 6 month old microwave and I was talking to him and he said it is a common issue.


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May 13, 2014
Skidegate, BC, Canada
I've never had any issues with chinese vape gear. I'm not sure what would be toxic about's all metals, pyrex, delrin...Fasttech rules.

Quality of mech mod clones has been a bit dissapointing, but I certainly got what I payed for.

My next mech will likely be something made on this continent for 5 times as much money by someone who cares. I'd like to know what it's like to have a mech that works for longer than a few weeks before having issues.


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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Since the mod isn't going in my mouth, no concerns there, other than the usual ones regarding function.

Toppers... I thoroughly wash everything before first use. And I'd do that no matter the country of origin. If it's sold as stainless steel and a magnet sticks, I might not use it. Glass, I'm not too concerned with - other than hoping what's sold as pyrex really is! Poly, PMMA and the like, no matter where it's made, may be dissolved / etched / destroyed by some flavors, but other than that doesn't leach into what's inside it, so no particular concerns there for me.

Coils... well, I pretty much build all mine, with rayon wick.

Flavors.... I purchase from domestic sources, don't use any from overseas, although that would eliminate any need for steeping... and if the liquid is a source of concern, you can always DIY.


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Apr 15, 2014
Stainless steel, brass and copper are stainless steel, brass and copper the world over, the difference is that some people have inflated ideas of the prices for a machined piece of metal. Now to be fair i happen to think that original mod makers have the right to charge the prices that they do after all the design that goes into some pieces but the normal person has a hard time telling the difference between an original metal tube and a cloned metal tube. Certainly most people will suffer the odd slight discretion for a piece that costs a tenth of the price.


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Is it that time of Month again?

Geez this is getting to be a regular thing.

I'll make this as simple as possible:
Love China
Hate China
Be indifferent to China
Just remember, we would be several million Vapers short if not for China supplied Product. Also remember, they build to order.
People order Crap they gladly build Crap - money is any culture.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2014
silver spring md
Sorry I didnt know it was a recurring thread topic, I'm only a couple months into vaporizors. Anyway I probably trust them more on batteries and glass tanks than I would silica wicks or juice. I suppose I can do my own coils and boil the tanks a few times- as I am already starting to do, and I already use US juice (not that that guarantees anything). The topic ocurred to me because I get a nasty chemical taste on some Kanger tanks I bought. I kept doing mouth only hits thinking it would go away but it never did. After one boil the chemical taste was still there. After a soak in vinegar mixed with water over night and another couple more boils I now have a satisfying flavor. But the directions indicate to use the tank straight away and naturally I'd expect a decent experience if I use any product as directed right? My question would be what is that chemical taste? and if the Chinese cared about how they make these things it would'nt be there to begin with- at the least the directions should indicate a flushing procedure to remove manufacturing impurities- like on my Chinese made faucet water filters for example lol.
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Sep 29, 2014
Colchester VT
Personally speaking I have dealt with quality control issues from many items in my hobbies over the years from China (RC helicopters). While sometimes it is hit or miss there typically is a fix or way to doctor up anything needed if it is mechanical. Since most of my purchases have been RDA clone related I feel comfortable that despite the quality of the metal and somewhat crappy tolerances (Not always of course) for me it's not an issue.

Alien Traveler

Vaping Master
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Jul 3, 2014
United States
Happens so I use exclusively Chinese gear (Fasttech…) I believe most of the tanks are made in China anyway. Have no problems. I do not use their wicks (only cotton). I wash things on arrival (do you wash your new silverware before first use?) What else can go wrong? I believe iPhones have a chance to be more toxic than vaping gear – aren’t they made in China?


Senior Member
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Jul 12, 2014
Stainless steel, brass and copper are stainless steel, brass and copper the world over

Incorrect. The quality and integrity of each of the metals varies from mill to mill. On paper, yes it should be the same but it never is. Even two different runs of material from the same mill can have variances.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2012
I am happy with the products bought from China. When this country wakes up and starts to return the economy to this country instead of relying on unrelenting greed and bottom lines I might just start buying again. I am fed up with american co making their products in china and charging three to four times the price for substandard products defined by american specs that aren't worth the powder to blow them to hell


Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
It would be very difficult to get away from gear made in China, most things are. What would be ideal is an American company designing and ordering a product to be made in China, and then putting it through rigorous quality control, without inflating the price by a few hundred percent. That way you could deal with the American company if you had an issue, but you would be paying closer to the China direct price. You know, like what happens with your toaster.
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