Will this setup work?

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Full Member
Jul 26, 2013
Trying to kick these smokes. Got a v2cigs starter kit a couple of weeks ago and cut my cigarette consumption in half. This isn't going to do the trick though. So mods, here i come! Ordered a Vamo v3 and some Kanger pro tanks. The batteries i will be using are AW IMR 18650 - 2000 mAh High Drain. Any suggestions? Will these components work ok together?
I ordered plenty of different juices, but no cigarette flavored ones. I need a good cigarette flavored juice to help me kick the smokes. Something like a Marlboro red. Any suggestions? Thanx

fastech just sent me a photo of what they shipped my vamo in. A brown bag, all the way from china! Wish me luck.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 19, 2011
Good luck, you can do it.

I have been cig free for just over 2 months now, and I haven't cheated once.

I actually went with a similar setup as yours with some small differences. Ordered a Vamo V2, a Kanger Protank, and had a good charger and a couple of AW (ICR) 2600 batts for a flashlight that work perfectly fine in my Vamo. You made some very good choices on the hardware. Protanks are VERY good in my opinion. A couple of hints, don't fill protank ALL the way up...they don't wick great full. Also don't let the juice drop below about 1/4 of a tank as it will gurgle, flood, or leak.

Again great choices. Regarding cig flavored juices, hit up the juice section here for recommendations. Frankly I didn't get any cig flavored juices. Some think that you need to have cig flavored juice to help mimic the smoking sensation, but I just went with flavors that I enjoy.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2013
Clearfield, UT
Trying to kick these smokes. Got a v2cigs starter kit a couple of weeks ago and cut my cigarette consumption in half. This isn't going to do the trick though. So mods, here i come! Ordered a Vamo v3 and some Kanger pro tanks. The batteries i will be using are AW IMR 18650 - 2000 mAh High Drain. Any suggestions? Will these components work ok together?
I ordered plenty of different juices, but no cigarette flavored ones. I need a good cigarette flavored juice to help me kick the smokes. Something like a Marlboro red. Any suggestions? Thanx

Fastech just sent me a photo of what they shipped my vamo in. A brown bag, all the way from china! Wish me luck.

Finding hardware is the easy part, finding your preference of juice is a lot of trial and error. But once you hone in your taste, spending become much less.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 19, 2013
allen, texas merica
i had a vamo/protank setup, aft much trial and error, with vivi nova's, carto tanks and others, i settled in on bottom coil clearomizer tanks. ther are pretty much no fuss and just work. once you figure it out and feel like rebuilding heads, they are really easy. if you like the protank, thry the puritank. you can change the drip tip in it if you dont like metal in your mouth, and they arent as airy. good luck.


Full Member
Jul 19, 2013
SE Michigan
As for the cigarette flavored juice that you think you need to quit... try to stay flexible when it comes to flavors.

If you think the only way you can quit, is to find a flavor that match analog brand XYZ you may struggle.

Stay open minded, and remember, the switch to vaping is changing the means of getting Nic into your system.

With that change, will come new flavors that may never really match what you're "used to".

But that's not a bad thing. In time, you'll find "new" flavors that work best for you.

Best of luck friend!
I am not a complete noob (5 months analog free). Love my Protanks, but decided to try Puritanks recently because of good reviews, the cheap price, bigger juice capacity, and cross compatability with my Protank coils. Not one of the 3 Puritanks I ordered works at all. I have tried switching coil heads. I have tried using it on Ego batteries, Ego passthroughs, and my Vamo v3 and still have not had even one puff. I am awaiting a response from the vendor; but I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions?
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