What brand/type 18350s should I buy to stack in a vamo v5?

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Jan 9, 2014
Russell Springs, Kentucky
I'm using the EFest IMR 18350 800mah 3.7v High Drain Li-mn Rechargeable Battery with Button Top in my VAMO V5 in either single battery or stacked. I also have a set of the AW that also work as well but just be sure they are IMR type High Drain 10AMP or better. It doesn't seem to like Protected batteries much.


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Not sure if i was informed correctly or not but my local shop told me not to stack batteries in my vamo. i have 2 icr18350 900mAh, 2 efest imr 18350 800mAh and 1 efest 18650 3400mAh battery. the 800 and 900mAh batteries only last me about 12hrs of chain vaping and the 3400mAh lasts around 3 days chain vaping. and i like the feel of my vamo better with the 18650 in it. it makes for a better self defence tool if needed lol.


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Sep 20, 2011
NE Oregon
Not knowing any better from the start of my vaping career I was stacking batts in 5v boxes mods from the get go. I still do BTW. Now that I do know better your local B&M is, IMO, full of poop. At least in the case of the Vamo, it has enough protection in it that it's not a problem. The reason I run stacked batts in the Vamo is because I was silly enough to buy some 2.5ohm DC cartos. They need the power of stacked batts to give a good vape. When running a single coil I just use an 18650.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Not knowing any better from the start of my vaping career I was stacking batts in 5v boxes mods from the get go. I still do BTW. Now that I do know better your local B&M is, IMO, full of poop. At least in the case of the Vamo, it has enough protection in it that it's not a problem. The reason I run stacked batts in the Vamo is because I was silly enough to buy some 2.5ohm DC cartos. They need the power of stacked batts to give a good vape. When running a single coil I just use an 18650.

i am using protank 3's, again local shop said i would fry my single coil protank 2 if used on the vamo. and i vape at 3.8-4.0 volts on the 2.0 ohm dc PT3. my PT2 i use 2.5ohm coils on my ego-c twist at around 3.6volts


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Sep 20, 2011
NE Oregon
Don't know how you're going to fry any thing as long as you don't go really crazy on the volts or watts. I got the Vamo for the VW and I like it at 9 to 10 watts with the single coils. 9 watts on a 2.5 ohm single coil is 4.7 volts. A dual coil only sends half the power to each coil so you can set them higher. I use the dual coil 2.5 ohms at 12.5 watts. The problem I was having with the Protank 2 (and all other clearomizers) was that it didn't wick fast enough at those settings so I was getting dry hits. That's why I stuck with carto tanks for so long. The Aspire is changing that though!

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