What are your thoughts of the ecig tax?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 3, 2009
I know nothing about the NJ tax, but they should be forced to justify it, otherwise anything more than standard sales tax is BS. The high sin taxes on cigarettes are supposed to be for the higher medical expenses smokers will allegedly have when they get older that the government may have to take care of. If they can't prove that e-cigs are harmful then how can they justify a similar tax?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Marlboro, NJ, USA
I think that is their biggest struggle with the tax: they do not know how to classify ecigs. We understand that everything gets taxed, we just want it to be fair so that ecigs remain affordable to everyone.
I know nothing about the NJ tax, but they should be forced to justify it, otherwise anything more than standard sales tax is BS. The high sin taxes on cigarettes are supposed to be for the higher medical expenses smokers will allegedly have when they get older that the government may have to take care of. If they can't prove that e-cigs are harmful then how can they justify a similar tax?
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