Wakonda Warriors, UNITE!

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Sloth Tonight

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Jun 25, 2014
Fellow Warriors,

I am taking time out of my busy day at work to beckon all Wakonda lovers to unite in our midst. We have something to celebrate, and I also have a call to action. First, we can all take a deep breath and celebrate the fact that Wakonda "isn't going anywhere." This comment made by Clark leads me to believe Wakonda is decidedly permanent--while it could also mean that it will be a regularly reappearing juice, I myself believe it is going to be permanent, and that comment was the one that finally let me breathe a sigh of relief.

I believe that in celebration of this--and to gain further recognition of and by each other--it is time that we create a banner of some sort. I myself am a proponent of a signature banner vs an avatar, because I cannot see myself ever changing it from the sloth and REO, because it is hilarious. However, I also believe we should all decide together if and what we are going to do on that front.

Warriors, please take a moment to reply to this thread to proudly declare that you are indeed a Wakonda Warrior, and if you believe we should have an emblem and what kind it should be. Also, if any warriors are out there proficient in designing such a thing and would be willing to do it, please let us know--I could maybe pull it off but no idea how off the top of my head.

Please respond if even just to say you're a warrior--I know there are many of us, but we have never gathered in one place before and I would like to see who all is part of my sub-family! :)

Peace, Love, & WAKONDA!


Senior Member
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Jul 1, 2014
I am with you. May the sacred vapor never dissipate!
I join with you in fidelity to Wakonda!

This should be our mantra

Wakonda Warrior here! Vaping some now as we "speak" ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk with my paws :)


Me too.

We should all have t-shirts with the new logo on the front and the Wakonda Warrior banner on the back, or vice versa.

Sloth Tonight

CF Moderator
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Jun 25, 2014
This should be our mantra

YES!!! I thought to myself how well Augmented Dog said that...I second that this be our mantra.

Me too.

We should all have t-shirts with the new logo on the front and the Wakonda Warrior banner on the back, or vice versa.

YEEEES!!!! :evil:

Sloth Tonight

CF Moderator
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Jun 25, 2014
ry4love - I just tried it too, let's see if it worked...

mistike - knew you'd come along :) another member represent!!

anonymity - glad you enjoy it. when you pledge your undying love and lust, feel free to join the Warriors.

kids in the Great Room right now - SHUT. UP. NOW!!! (sloth CANNOT WAIT for change over day...this is the week from hell, kids screaming from 7 am to 1 am, and their parents suck...sorry, had to vent, back to Wakonda...)


Ultra Member
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Oct 20, 2010
Woodland Park, CO
Would one of you be kind enough to send me just a wee sample? I keep hearing how great it is but if the tobacco is strong I won't like it but.......I'd pay shipping of course :)

RIMP - I also don't do tobacco flavors. I gave my bottle of the virus away, just couldn't do it. Wakonda doesn't hit tobacco at all for me. I have it fresh and steeped and don't get it in either. I get, coffee, caramel and vanilla. If you like those three flavors, I think you'd like it!

Augmented Dog

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Jul 8, 2014
Philadelphia, PA USA
Whoa caramel? totally proof taste is subjective - I get tobacco, slight coffee, :)

I also get some caramel notes from it, but also tobacco. To me, the tobacco is mild and part and parcel with the caramel.

Taste is, indeed, subjective. I'm sure what folks taste also has something to do with equipment and the wattage setting they use to hit their personal sweet spot.

Sloth Tonight

CF Moderator
ECF Veteran
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Jun 25, 2014
Very true about devices wattage etc but even beyond that because I can hand my REO to Chrissy and she'll taste mostly coffee, while I have to kind of search the coffee out within the tobacco...

for me on that too, it could just be a bit of taste confusion between the two. A dark roast tobacco/coffee for sure :)
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