VG USP in the ROK?

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Full Member
Jul 11, 2010
So where can I get it?
I went to the chemist and they gave me this stuff which I tried and it gave me really bad heartburn... so I went to a couple more and they were like no, no! No eat, skin rubbing, beauty,,, blah blah blah. Went to the bakery supply joint.. I explained it could be used for beauty treatment... He laughed and said no, no, no, this is cake shop! I was like dude!!
I ordered some from this great vitamin and crap shop online in the us 3 days delivery, good service but when I got it, I noticed no USP stamps and like someone else on here pointed out, it was a different bottle than what I ordered. They gave me my money back. that was nice.. I went to amazon for the oh so popular 'Wiltons' but they can't ship to Korea ????
I guess I should have got it from my Health Cabin order but I'm guessing there is no certification sticker and it just comes in a white bottle???
I don't want to get messed up from giving up smoking and would rather some certified Usp stuff?? Am I wrong??
Any help? Any suggestions would be much appreciated..


Full Member
Jul 17, 2010
In Europe, we order most of our DIY at flavour art, here is the link to the USPS VG:


...but in France we are mistrusting VG, because after a 180 degre-C, it becomes a dangerous gaz.
(I'v seen 250 deg here, seems we have not the same sources)

Personaly, I prefer a traditional mixt: 60% PG, 30% VG, 10% demineralized water)

Anyway, good vap :)
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