Vendor warning from my observations.

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Jun 30, 2010
East Pembroke NY
For the sake of argument -

Perfect example. CE2 cartos crack, break, sometimes need mods to work right. Everyone who has been on this forum for any amount of time KNOWS that. Gotvapes likes to make things look like they invented them - but they didn't invent CE2 and it's not their fault CE2 cartos need skill to use. Things like CE2 attract newbs - but are not for beginners - they are for people who are tinkerers and are willing to screw with them, mod them for better flow, replace the tube if it cracks. Many people who KNOW how to use CE2's love them. Many people who use CE2 tank mods depend on them. Gotvape carries some leading edge stuff and experienced vapers appreciate that but IMO maybe some of that stuff should be stamped NOT FOR NEWBS or EXPERIMENTAL because newbs don't understand that not everything in ecigs works by itself.

There are also many things new vapers do wrong - using the wrong thickness of juice in things, buying auto batteries and killing them with juice leaks, sticking very low ohm attachments on batteries they don't belong on. I truly cannot imagine what a vendor has to deal with.

I'm into this late but your correct, a CE2 version 4 or under needs a tank mod. Wouldn't even think of it without one


Vaping Master
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Aug 2, 2010
oklahoma city
I buy from GotVapes even though it takes almost two weeks for anything to get to me in the UK. I found Chris and Dan to be approachable and helpful and their products are leading edge in the vaping world. They are dedicated in what they do and they believe in their product and that sometimes results in things being said that perhaps should not be. But they are human and fallible just like you and me and they offer the newest and best products and they stand by them.

Perhaps some of their products, like the fluxomisers, are not for the newb or the hamfisted, but for those who can make them work they are an outstanding product and offer a marvelous vaping experience at unrivaled value.

I have ordered from GotVapes and will continue to do so. OP, you admit you have never ordered from them and never will and I have to say I think you would have been far better to keep your observations to yourself. You have highlighted a few less than satisfactory interactions with dissatisfied customers but you have not 'observed' the countless successful transactions with entirely satisfied customers like me.

Posting negatively about a vendor you have never dealt with on an open forum is, in my opinion, ill-informed and distasteful.

I agree with what olef has said .... quite eloquently I might add...
& I probably should NOT add anything MORE ...But I can't NOT DO THAT :lol:

The OP is totally off base here (MHO) !!
GotVapes is "the" WONDER VENDOR , I love having access to all the newest stuff & being able to TRUST the vendor...PRICELESS!
I have been ordering from them since the beginning of the year too. I have only had one problem(DOA atty)& they handled it very fast & professionally.
They have always been very professional,especially when it comes to the business/products/customers. I have read & posted all over their forum &
I have never seen them act other wise.

The OP has misunderstood the "LOSER STUFF" Chris was "PLAYING" w/US in the contest thread !!
It's a FUN GROUP that hangs out over there ...& taunting is part of the FUN :lol: It's kinda a "running JOKE ,ya know ....wiener's & looser's ??
....hmm too hard to explain...It's one of those "you had to be there to get it " things . Or READ the whole thread ...which obviously the OP HAS NOT DONE !

So silly to post about something YOU have no experience with ....unless it's a question....otherwise you just look SILLY .
& Believe me... I know.... been there done that :facepalm: ....


ECF Guru
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Feb 14, 2011
I should avoid posting here :facepalm: As you see from my siggie I'm a big fan of gotvapes but I'm not exclusive.
Anything e cig related is new to a smoker come on??? No matter where you start you have to learn. And well some just don't learn as well as others. Sorry but it's true. Most here know I'm sweet and kind. In that I say this.

If you have a prob with (or learning) a product PM the vendor or call and ask questions. (I sure did)
Starting a thread in a vendor's (any vendor) forum with a swear in the header is going not going to help you.
I'd delete it too. Posting PMs is a breach in ECF TOS too..... Most adults know you catch more flies with honey.
But come at me with both barrels blazing and I'd fire back too. All I'm saying, I think most of us would too?
Not say one is right or one the wrong but tempers flair when one feels their sensibilities are in question.
Fight or flight which one are you kind of thing?

Back to GV I had one of the first gen visions cracked on delivery I PMed and it was replaced.
I'm a happy customer cause I like to play with my new toys, and because I love to learn new things....
(Also because gotvapes is one vendor that helps keep me off cigs which I still crave but have yet to touch 10 months now... Thanks to ECF and everyone here):blush:
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Vaping Master
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Oct 28, 2011
Melbourne, Florida
First off, the controversy began with a thread titled "Clearomizers Suck", on the supplier's sub forum. Beginning with that, would immediately be put on the defensive, if I were the owner. I'm not absolving the owner of the company of any wrong. He crossed the line, and probably should have just stopped responding. However, beginning a thread that way is insulting. The issue should have been resolved with some civility, by both people involved; and in private. It's his house, his rules. He deleted the thread; and I can't blame him.


ECF Guru
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Aug 26, 2010
The Peach State
The OP isn't asking questions or accusing GotVapes of anything, he/she is stating that they will be spending their money else where. I have never shopped at GV and never will, simply because of the way they talk to their customers. It is never appropriate to attack someone who is unhappy with the product they purchased BUT I can also see where the vendor was coming from with the inappropriate thread but I would not have handled it the way that GV did. I will not support a company that can attack and accuse a person who has not done anything aside from agreeing with the OP of a negative review.

The OP of this thread was not the one who mentioned the "losers" thing.



ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
The OP isn't asking questions or accusing GotVapes of anything, he/she is stating that they will be spending their money else where. I have never shopped at GV and never will, simply because of the way they talk to their customers. It is never appropriate to attack someone who is unhappy with the product they purchased BUT I can also see where the vendor was coming from with the inappropriate thread but I would not have handled it the way that GV did. I will not support a company that can attack and accuse a person who has not done anything aside from agreeing with the OP of a negative review.

The OP of this thread was not the one who mentioned the "losers" thing.


Well stated. It's not about attacking a vendor with regards to the OP. It's all about reading the reviews about a vendor and basing off of the reviews whether or not you will do business with said vendor. GotVapes just happened to be the vendor but it also pertains to all vendors.

As for me, I always read reviews. If it's a product I'm curious about, I want all the input I can get as well as any complaints that come along and how the vendor handles the complaints. Not all bad reviews will stop me but some have and I'm not just talking about GotVapes.


Ultra Member
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Sep 10, 2011
yet again, I am wondering why people are still on cartos ?!?!!? it's all about the tank system, financially speaking, and why bother with that cotton wool stuff when you got direct liquid to atty technology out there ?

what are the benefits of a cartomizer compared to a tank ? please enlighten me

A tank is a big ugly thing on the end of a perfectly good-looking eGo and they leak. Also most tanks look like they use a carto anyway.


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Jun 30, 2010
East Pembroke NY
A tank is a big ugly thing on the end of a perfectly good-looking eGo and they leak. Also most tanks look like they use a carto anyway.

Not totally true, I have 3 tanks that have never leaked. Paid a good price for 2 of them and made one myself. I have carto tank and a CE2 and a CE3 tank so you can use different types of tanks to fit your needs


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 10, 2011
Not totally true, I have 3 tanks that have never leaked. Paid a good price for 2 of them and made one myself. I have carto tank and a CE2 and a CE3 tank so you can use different types of tanks to fit your needs

Well, might try one someday, but so far I'm getting perfect performance from my Boge 2.0 cartos.


Vaping Master
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Apr 19, 2011
The Motor City
There are other things I would rather have said, believe me. No matter how bad it gets, you can't call your customers names and fight with them.

If a customer's happy they might tell one of their friends. If they're not, they'll tell everybody who'll listen. I've watched a few vicious back-and-forth threads with this vendor, so no matter how justified they felt, they lost me in the process.

Probably good guys, just not my style.


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Jun 30, 2010
East Pembroke NY
Guys, you need to clarify what you mean when you say tank. In general, though, when people say tank they mean the T in Ego-T, for example, or the T in penstyle batts, 501-T, etc.

I'm talking about these and your correct, I should have specified.


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Oct 16, 2011
I'm talking about these and your correct, I should have specified.

In that case, they're really not the same. A tank with an atty inside is a cartomizer (cartridge + atomizer).

Tanks in Egos as in Ego-T, 510-T, etc. are not reliable, I must admit, as they are susceptible to leaks and all the various issues. Obviously, at this point, to me, at least, cartomizers with reasonable liquid capacity are the better options. Haven't tried cartomizers with huge capacities, but I'm certainly eying that option.


Ultra Member
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Jul 26, 2011
Santa Rosa, CA the North Bay!
Just to clarify myself (the OP) have only "bad mouthed" what i read gotvapes say from the vendor review posts. The individual discussing the Contest issue may have more direct experiance with them. My intent was to bring to light the fact I chose not to do buisness with them Becouse of the way they handled unhappy customers. I dont want to be that guy that dose have a problem with an order dealing with customer service like that. I also didnt want any new vapors to depend on somone to help them sort out whatever trouble they are having with an unreliable customer service team. I do Encourage others both with positive and negitive customer service experiance with them to be free with there stories. I just want to be sure my own intent was clear for the life of this thread.

My very first experience w/Gotvapes ~
I got the wrong items in my order. I called and talked to Chris and he had the correct items in the mail to me THAT DAY, and refused to take the wrong items back! I am 110% confident that if I have a problem w/a gotvapes product and I call in a civilized adult manner to get it resolved, it will get resolved!! Besides I absolutely love the new fluxo's. They are nothing compared to any other vendor. They're just plain superior....

Yes, they are the sellers and should not stoop down to same level as idiot customers, but they are NOT robots, they are human's and have bad days, good days, they have feelings, get angry and occasionally lose their tempers also.. So what?? Nobody is perfect. I'm sure we have all lost it at one point in our lives...
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