Vapers In Power Call to Action 20.02.15

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 8, 2012
Vapers In Power is a UK registered political party, set up to defend vaping.
Please see our website for more information - or post any questions here and I'll do my best to answer them :)

Each week Vapers In Power will be posting a few actions people can take to help the free vaping cause. Hopefully this will make it easier for people who are too busy to follow all the vaping news to have a postive impact on campaigns. Not all the actions are limited to people in the UK or Europe - eg the M.O.V.E campaign is worldwide.

We will post the Calls to Action on the website each Friday- here's the link for today's call to action

And here's the text (with the links):

Calls to action 20.02.15

You can help promote vaping this week by:

1. Signing the Totally Wicked petition - this will demonstrate much needed support to the legal challenge to the TPD

2. Signing the Aiduce Petition - this calls on the French government not to ratify the enabling law for the TPD

3. Asking your GP or any Health Professional you know or meet to support M.O.V.E - this will be a powerful tool to help persuade those at the coalface of healthcare that they can recommend ecigs too - IF enough health professionals are encouraged to sign it

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