Vape Review: Lost Vape Ursa Pocket Kit UK


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ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2020
The lost vape ursa pocket pod kit is a remarkable device that combines modern technology with a touch of nostalgia. With its compact design and robust features, this kit offers a unique vaping experience.

Equipped with a powerful 1200mAh built-in battery, the Ursa Pocket Pod Kit ensures extended vaping sessions without worrying about frequent recharging. It comes with two 2ml pods, the Ursa Nano Pod and Ursa Nano Pro Pod, allowing users to switch between flavours effortlessly.

The device offers a variable wattage output ranging from 5W to 30W, providing vapers with the freedom to customize their vaping experience to suit their preferences. The 3-inch back-lit panel and 1.7-inch OLED screen provide a clear and vibrant display, making it easy to navigate through settings and monitor battery life.

One of the standout features is the game-type fire button, which adds an element of fun to vaping. The Ursa Pocket Pod Kit comes with three different games, allowing users to enjoy a gaming experience while taking breaks from vaping.

Constructed with a blend of aluminium alloy and plastic, this kit is not only durable but also lightweight, making it convenient for daily use and on-the-go vaping. The retro gamepad interface adds a touch of nostalgia, appealing to those who appreciate vintage aesthetics.

Safety is a priority with the Ursa Pocket Pod Kit, as it incorporates multiple protections such as short-circuit protection, weak battery protection, and overheat protection, ensuring a safe vaping experience.

Lost Vape Ursa Pocket Pod Kit offers a blend of modern features and retro charm. With its long-lasting battery, customizable wattage, gaming features, and eye-catching design, you can easily find the vape at reliable online vape shops.

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