Tymbandit Art Glass Drip tips

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2011
cartoon land,usa
woooow!! love it SD!!!!! id like a few more myself too!!!
Finally getting around to posting a pic of the tip that tymbandit sent me........looks like snow....sorry the pic is a little blurry but has swirls too, don't know if that's what he had in mind...snow...but it's snowing here and we love it and the tip too! Trying to order a couple more in purple and blue!:)


super dave

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 18, 2012
1 Mile High
All this time I never knew how different and better it is vaping through a glass drip tip....It's noticeably better! I don't think I really believed anyone who told me this but it is so true and I just love these glass tips and so beautiful too from Tymbandits Art Glass Drip tips!
Here are two new ones I just bought and tym just sent me....The blue one with vivi tank on a itaste svd and the purple tip with a mini vivi on a purple ego...Now I have 3 and the other white one I showed here! Thanks tym and hope you're feeling better and over the flu!



Unregistered Supplier
Nov 23, 2013
Vero Beach, Fl
Hello Heartisan, Breaking a glass tip is one of the complaints or fears of many users. However if you have a tip that you really love it can usually be repaired by a glass blower familiar with making them for less than the cost of a new one. I have repaired some of my competitors tips with great success.One must only remember that they are glass and could be broken accidentally or thru misuse. I also treat them as a functional work of art as most of them are and try to handle with care.


Unregistered Supplier
Nov 23, 2013
Vero Beach, Fl
Here is a short explanation of what Dichroic Glass is for those that care to know.

Dichro Explained

Dichroic glass is not reflective because of special glass or textures. Instead, it is a special coating treatment that is done to the glass. This beautiful glass represents an adaptation of aerospace technology to the world of art. NASA originally developed dichroic glass for use in satellite mirrors in the early 1990s, and also uses it for re-entry tiles on space shuttles.

Making dichroic glass requires a complex processing technique and is only made by a handful of manufacturers that have high-tech equipment like high temperature vacuum chambers, vaporizing electro-guns, and high temperature kilns.

The intense, computerized process involves vaporizing metallic oxides, such as magnesium or titanium, with an electro-gun. Once it is vaporized into floating dust, it settles on and coats the surface of hot glass inside an airless vacuum chamber. The complete process may require from 15 to 45 different layers totaling in a width that is smaller than a human hair. The type, order applied and number of metallic oxide layers used will determine the final look of the glass. Once the coating process is completed, the whole coated piece is fired in a kiln at high temperatures to fuse the oxides to the glass.

Dichroic glass does not use paints, dyes, or any other kind of coloring agent to create its color, but sometimes pieces of colored glass are coated. The coating itself doesn't have its own inherent color, but rather it bends light to reflect colors exactly as a prism makes rainbows. With so many combinations of oxides, glass colors and patterns available to make dichroic glass, the possibilities are endless for incredibly rich and varied colors and patterns. These amazing dichroic design elements add flash and pizzazz, sparkle and intrigue to jewelry, creating a sense of luxury and artistic class.



Alis volat propriis
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 29, 2011
Behind the Rainbow
Hi, I'll put some on real soon, I've been bit by the flu bug and it's nasty.

Right there with ya! Got to TN Christmas day, got sick the 28th before I could come to Gatlinburg, and barely made it home on the 2nd - was in bed the WHOLE time! Wahhhhh! Finally went to the doc yesterday and am on a variety of meds for my lungs, so don't try to wait this one out. Get thee to a doctor and quick!

I'll be back up this spring or summer so shall come visit then. In the meantime, don't forget to provide a link when you are ready to sell some tips. I'm interested!
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