Time to Quit or Time to Fight?

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2009
Bishop, California, United States
(Sorry for Wall-O-Text, please check out the CASAA call to action for the FDA Deeming Regs)

Hi Guys,

Well, it's started to happen. I won't say who they are, but the exodus has begun from this market. These are long time sellers that have been providing services for more than a few years.

As a forum supplier on ECF, we have the ability to communicate with other suppliers in a private portion of that forum. There's a few posts there now stating that due to dropping sales numbers, the pending legislation by FDA and other concerns (like the California ban on online sales), they are giving up. (UPDATE: California bill has been defeated. THANK YOU TO ALL THAT SENT IN THEIR THOUGHTS!!! Couldn't have done it without you)

I expected the guys to quit that are mixing their own liquids, because there is simply no way they will be able to prove to the FDA that they meet manufacturing standards. That's also the main reason I've stayed away from liquids that aren't factory produced.

We use suppliers that should be able to provide the proper documentation once these new rules come into effect. Despite declining sales over the past 8 months or so, I'm not ready to quit yet. I enjoy providing these products for you guys. But, at some point it's going to come to a head. Like many other suppliers, this business was started with a very small amount of seed money, and any profits were put back into obtaining more inventory.

My family history has quite a few tobacco related deaths, so this business was about more than making money. I've really enjoyed the former customers that emailed me their stories. How they were able to quit smoking, and eventually quit vaping. It's made the entire effort very worthwhile. Valley Vapor has made a significant difference in their lives and that makes me very happy.

While I'm not entirely sure where this will all end up, I can really only see one thing happening. Only the first few models of ecigs will be able to be bought. We're talking the initial njoy type disposables. Provided, of course by big tobacco. With the appropriate tax stamps, you could be paying upwards of $7 for one Marlboro branded disposable.

This needs your direct attention. Please take a few minutes out of your day and share your stories with them. Otherwise, you could see all of us decide to sell off remaining stock to another vendor and move on. It's already happening on ECF. I'm determined not to let that happen to Valley Vapor, but I need your help.

Thank you,
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