This weeks contest 8/23/2010

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
Rules for the contest are now posted here Smokestik contest! Here's the rules and terms:

We have 100 pieces of a new product to give away. There are 3 ways to win one.
#1 Post a photo of either yourself using a SmokeStik OR your Smoke Stik that you have decorated,made something special for like a lanyard or case .
#2 If don't currently use a SmokeStik post in this thread what you like about SS's and why you might like to buy one. ( don't need to actually buy anything)
#3 If your a current user and plan on placing an order soon just enter in the Special Shipping Notes of the shopping cart "Send me a prize!"

There will also be a few randomly selected "big winners" from the posts left in this thread. If your post number is picked I will announce it in this thread. There will be one complete Starter Kit in your choice of batteries and 2 5x5packs of cartomizers.(you may substitute atomizer and cartridges)
I will use a random generator to pick the posts a one week intervals.

Have fun! :toast:
That was last weeks original contest which I managed to make a complete mess of because...well...I'm a's in my nature. Especially when I think I know what I'm doing and refuse to follow directions. So...I talked to Bill about this weeks contest and somehow...I'm not sure how he does it but he does manage to follow a conversation with me, which is pretty impressive...and he very kindly agreed to allow me to give away another kit. So.....same rules as last time BUT...this cross talk...that means one post per person,period.oh entry means new entry...a new picture or new comment not a cut/paste from last week :) Otherwise I can't keep track of it all....AND this time....when you make your post also send me a the subject line put your ECF user name and also your real name. Like this:
squirrelnutcase/Mistress Lorraine. Got it? Then all I want in the message is your address. This is where it gets complicated so pay attention...also because he is actually a pretty nice guy....Bill said even if you have entered the last weeks can enter this weeks contest as long as you post a new entry here. So when you PM me if you entered last week please say "Second entry" just so I don't add you twice to the address list for the skinz...okay? I have no clue if this makes any sense so feel free to PM me with questions...just DO NOT POST ANYTHING HERE other than your contest entry. Thank you.....:toast: Random drawing will be held Saturday night, Aug 28th 6pm PST. for the kit.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 2, 2010
I am a GUY from L.A. not girl. lol
The Smoke Stick Hendu Elite is an Awesome thing of beauty. I love my eGo, but it lacks the class and sleek lines of the Hendu. I have passed through the site several times, and the look, and the ease of use just captured my attention. There are times I just want something similar to a cigarette, but BETTER. And that is what I see when I look at the Hendu. A wonderfull, classy, HEALTHIER way to enjoy a good smoke...Err, VAPE!
Finally figured out how to get a picture posted on this site. But I have been vaping since July 10th full time with the Smokestik Royale. Never thought about getting anything else. Customer Service is outstanding and now I have ordered the Jet and can't wait for it to get here.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2010
St Joe, MI
being a new vaper (Got my first pv last tuesday), i'm looking for new products to try. i'm really really liking the look of ya'll's batterys, and if my laptop wasn't screwed up leaving me just my cell phone to surf with, it's highly likely that i'd pick up your jet starter kit, cuz that's a sexy ...... so in the immortal words of Donkey from the Shrek DVD menu, pick me!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2010
S.E. Michigan
I have never tried your product. I was introduced to the 401 and for a long time that was all I used. I would LOVE to try something as pretty as THAT! WOW. Very nice. I have bought 'jewels' for my friends to put on the pv's as decorations or ashcaps but it appears as if you already have done part of the job for us.

I haven't yet managed to convert many smokers around here and I think something that looks like this, just may do it! Thanks for the opportunity to try to win one of these.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2009
San Diego, CA
#2 If don't currently use a SmokeStik post in this thread what you like about SS's and why you might like to buy one. ( don't need to actually buy anything)

I like that they put their own batteries and switches inside the battery shell, and it's not just a rebranded e-cig. I want one because Lori and Katya recommend them. That seems plenty of incentive to me!

PS. Please pick me!
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