The PEP e-cig: A pretty GreenCig

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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
A couple weeks ago, Ardo at in the U.K. asked me to review their “PEP Cigarette” here on ECF. Initially, I demurred. I’ve been pretty busy of late working on CyberWolf’s and my new website … and I’m much more into mods and fat batts these days than minis.

Also I expressed concern about how the ECF crowd would react to his pricing. But he persisted (encouraging me to review it as I see it) and I agreed. And I don’t regret doing so.

I knew it would take some time getting to me from Europe; and it did, but it was shipped from China: from “KEJIAN Technologies” in Beijing to be precise. This may not be standard practice. If you order it (especially if you are in the U.K.), it may very well be sent from PEP’s base in Hullbridge, Essex.

I know some vapers care about packaging, so here it is (after plowing through masses of tape and an outer box):


Quite attractive … but much larger than it needs to be. In addition to the assembled e-cig shown in the photo, the only other contents are an extra cartomizer, a USB charger, and a USB/AC adapter.

The e-cig itself looks like this:


As I said in the title: pretty. Not exactly masculine, but I’m enjoying vaping it in the privacy of my own home. [I wonder if it was designed to temp Katherine Heigl away from SmokeStik.;)]


So What Is It?

The PEP is a GreenCig G220 cartomizer on a Kr8-length battery, both with a proprietary cosmetic design. Since the GreenCig cartomizer is slightly longer than the Kr8, the total length of the assembled e-cig is approximately 125 mm. [I don’t have a metric ruler.]

I know that the cartomizer is GreenCig G220 (not to be confused with Green Smoke) because: the boxes of extra cartos he sent me (thanks, Ardo!) say so … it is the same length … and it vapes just like the few GreenCig cartomizers I’ve tried in the past. I can’t swear that the battery is a Kr8, just that it is the same length … and Kr8 cartomizers (including the new E2s) work on it just fine.

The starter kit comes with one battery, two cartomizers and charger/adapter; and sells for £40 – which an online currency converter tells me is about 65 bucks. That’s more than I’m used to paying for a one-battery Kr8 kit, but GreenCig is always more expensive, e.g., NHaler’s two-battery G220 kit sells for $75. And the PEP battery (and charger) comes with a 6 month guarantee: not too shabby!


The cartomizers are “High” nicotine strength “Tobacco” flavor. To me they taste rather bland (not unpleasant like some prefilled E2 cartos I got recently, just bland) with less TH than I get from my usual 12mg e-liquid (but GreenCig cartos are not known for their throat hit). I prefer the taste of the “Mint” cartos (more like menthol really), which can be purchased separately. [FYI: I normally vape tobacco flavors, rather than mint or menthol.]

The vapor is excellent: rivaling those E2s, the new-style premium Kr8 cartos, and even the 510 (although not the Cisco LR 306 attys, which are blowing me away).

Unfortunately, I see no provision on the website for ordering extra batteries. That is a real negative: without at least one other battery, you can only vape for a couple hours, then go into nicotine withdrawal while that battery recharges.

Perhaps this will be addressed in the future. In the meantime, you could order a white Kr8 battery from elsewhere. [NOTE: Make sure it is an automatic battery. As you may or may not know, GreenCig cartos do not work on manual batteries ... unless you buy an $8 "901/808>Greencig Cartomizer" adapter from NHaler.] Most of the pretty design is on the cartomizers. All you’d miss is the


imprint on the battery.

You can order cartomizers. A five-pack (Tobacco or Mint, High or Medium nicotine) sells for £10 (~$16), slightly more than NHaler’s price. The cartomizers refill very nicely using Doggsbody’s Carto Cap technique – which is a real plus in my book; those E2s are a pain to fill.


And, with the e-liquid of my choice, vaping this thing is a very enjoyable experience.

I think Katherine would like the PEP … and (if the price doesn't put you off) you might too.
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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
Another smashing review, Don! While I've never been a Kr808 fan, or a long-term cartomizer fan, this does look like it would be a classy unit to gift to the smoker in your life! :vapor:
Thank you, Basil! That is very nice of you, especially after I made a derogatory remark about your avatar a few months back. [Not my finest hour. :(]

BTW, since then, I have actually watched, and enjoyed, some of your review videos, which I now list among our community's valuable resources.
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