Temperature Control: Poll

Temperature Control (or Temperature Limiting). Describe your usage:

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Ultra Member
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Oct 20, 2013
Greenville, NC, USA
I now only use TC mods and have four of them. A ipv4 (first, but not using it now), hcigar VT200, Relo DNA200 and a Yihi J board dual battery box mod I built. I am getting ready to build a small wood, two battery, DNA200 box mod. Going forward I will only buy a TC mod if it lets you enter a TCR value for your wire. To me this is a must have feature.
Have settled in on only using 430 stainless steel wire now and it is working great. This wire is easy to work with and can be dry burned to clean when it is time to rewick.
All my other mods, both mechanicals and regulated mods are in retirement. All 21 of them...... it took me awhile to find what I wanted and it turns out to be TC.


mere Pawn in Game of Life
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Jun 9, 2015
Ft. Vape-WKY
5 Devices, 3 are TC, 1 is non-TC (a VW), 1 a Mech Box Mod (for RDA's).
The VW is my Bedside/Nightstand Rig and when mowing or bush-hogging (increased possibilities of damage or "oopsies".
My ADV preference is a TC Device.
Mech for the occasions when I feel like getting my Drip on :thumb:

Given that, I TC Vape approx. 75-80% of the time.


Senior Member
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Aug 29, 2010
Detroit, MI
I have two mods. A retired iStick 50w with a jacked firing button, and my XCube 2. I use the XCube exclusively in TC mode, dual 316L SS coils on a Doge V2s. Love it, nice clean taste (I can taste Ti and Ni), smooth even hit. I won't lie and say a new set of coils don't take a little tweaking, but five minutes of playing with the TCR and it is dialed in and working like a champ. I won't diss VW/VV, but I much prefer TC. There's a lot of issues since it's early days and every manufacturer seems to be trying to find their own system for the devices, but if you can find a good machine it's well worth the learning curve.

Edit: Thinking of picking up a Cuboid while I still can, too. Waiting for a few detailed reviews that cover SS performance.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I vaped TC mode for about a month when I got my first couple of TC mods. It was pretty neat learning what temperature my wires were hitting with different setups. I found I preferred to be power limited instead of temp limited unless something went wrong and switched to just using TC as temperature protection. Works very well for that, but I still really like using Kanthal :)

I sometimes use TC in a RTA, but mostly I vape Kanthal in RDAs.
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Aug 27, 2014
Center of Texas
Nothing posted in a bit here. My TC experience has been, 2 DNA 40's I built they were o.k. but I hated working with nickel and could taste it. Sold because I didn't want to be stuck with 2 builds that might be obsolete in weeks. Spent a month with a Sig. 150 TC it was more mod than I needed. Worked great fired everything I threw at it. Spent a month with a DNA 200 the tech side of me loved it because of the adjustability and the linear power delivery of the lipo's. My favorite was a SX mini m class. Used it for 2 months before I gave it back to it's owner. Over all I don't need the TC bandaid. I haven't had a dry hit since the ce4 days. I can see inside my tanks so I don't run the tank dry, I keep within the tanks capability. Don't get dry hits on my drippers either. When the flavor tapers redrip problem solved. TC wasn't a game changer the flavor wasn't any better and the vape was cooler which I didn't like at all. I'll prolly buy a SX mini m class and I'm waiting on the q class to get in the average users hands for a month or two. My non TC Sig. 150 has been my workhorse for over a year now. Gear has come leaps and bounds ahead of what it was a couple of years or even months ago. Glad I came through the carto days into mechs and drippers I learned to build and wick properly which carried over well to my regulated toys. I bet a real game changer is coming and it's going to be in coil/wick. There are some interesting coils out there that I'm hearing good things about so time will tell.
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Shenaniganery Jedi! Too naughty for Sin Bin
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2013
I'm TOTALLY for the IDEA of TC. I am spending a LOT of time playing with it.

First, Why even bother anymore with Ti or Ni? They can't be dry burned, and are possibly harmful if overheated. Done. Stainless is the ONLY real, current option, only because Kanthal isn't. Stainless is ALSO the HARDEST it seems for the mfrs to get right. And not even an option on so many TC mods.

Throw in a DUAL coil? Even reliable SS TC mods can get unreliable. Hrm...

Bottom line, TC DOES carry the promise to do it all. Tootle, clouds, cold, warm, dry burn, never burn a wick or juice or get a dry hit. But they aren't there yet, and if we don't support the CONCEPT by buying and trying and working on it, they won't invest in it. Just like EVERY other idea that has come along and grown and improved.

They WILL get it right. When they do, I'll have done the blue foam, paper clip equivalent towards TC, and will have full understanding of how they got there. 2 years later, everyone will take it for granted, knowing how it came to be will be as irrelevant as knowing how to use a slide rule or read an analog clock, and I'll be frustrating myself over the NEXT development. :)


Senior Member
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Feb 21, 2016
I've been trying TC for a month now and the fad is wearing out fast. I like the airflow beeter with those, don't know if it's psycological or if it is indeed because they are slightly wider (ego one coils).

Also, my mod is having problems and won't let me go under 270C, and it's pretty warm, warmer than basic VW.

I don't know, I'm going back to canthal for a while amd see if I miss TC.


Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
I've tried to get on with TC, and tried I have, months of experimenting and no less than 5 TC mods. I've worked my way around the difficulties working with the wire, the resistance sensitivity especially with dual coils, anemic vapor and flavor, struggling to get the chipset to do what I want not what it wants.
I'm not trying disrespect the tech, but it's just not for me as yet.

I've found I get the best results from my own hardware/software combination, my mouth and my brain.
The hardware 200,000 years in development, the software on version 8000.


Shenaniganery Jedi! Too naughty for Sin Bin
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2013
@LouisLeBeau aka Gambit

I vape dual coil SS430 all day everyday with temperature control without issues. I never have to adjust my TCR or change the temperature.

I think it really comes down to the atomizer you use, with the right one you dial it in and stays that way.

What mod are you using for dual coil SS430? Does it have the SC and DC option? You DO set the TCR for SS430, yes?

I was wondering that about the atomizer. There are just far too many variables at play without taking a scientific approach, to figure out WHY I keep having problems with duals. 6 different TC mods, and twice that many tanks/rda's just keeps making for a moving target.

Currently, the problem I am having is dual Ti, (I know, gotta recoil that with 316L) on a Petri, using an Evic VTC. When it works, it seems correct temp and all, but the mod frequently asks me if I have put a new coil on it, showing only a slight difference between the current ohm read, and the "history" one.

May I ask where you are getting your SS430?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
Emerald Coast
I have 28g SS430 from unkamen.

The device I use the most for TC is an Apollo Reliant, I did set the TCR to 13.

The atomizers are a UD Zephyrus and an authentic Atomic RDA (single twisted coil on it but duals work great).

The Zephyrus dual coil build is I believe two 7 wrap 2.4mm coils which come out to 0.4 ohm.

I have the device set to 30 watts @ 420°F, wicked with rayon.

I have vaped about 150ml or so through it without so much as a rewick, just a simple menthol and mint DIY so it's really clean. About 85/15 VG|PG.


Ultra Member
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Apr 16, 2015
Sydney, Australia
Took my Lemo 2 apart for a breakdown and clean the other day, its been a month since i even looked inside it.
Not a mark on the wick, nor the ss coil. I literally could have closed it up again and kept going, but i like making coils and rewicking, so i rebuilt it. I'll have a peek again in another month.

I dont get why anyone doesnt tc vape

Oh wait, cloud people...theyre still convinced tc means less clouds, and its somehow less than "proper" vaping...

Tell that to the guy at our local b&m the other month who was the first entrant in their history to use a tc mod, and he came second...well actually he came first but the traditionalists and the jokers voted him down...

Get a decent tc mod and you'll have no issues, get a cheap one and you'll hate it like a Star Wars prequel....
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