SSL Certificate

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 11, 2010
Left Side of Florida
Just wanted to let everyone know that Stormy had a problem with the company that renews her SSL Certificate and it expired through no fault of her own. The company that does the processing goofed up and as a result, when you go to log on you will get a page saying the site is "not secure". She is dealing with this problem now and has documentation that she has indeed paid to renew the Certificate in a timely manner, but the company, of course, is dragging their feet rectifying the situation.
I needed to place an order and when I got the message, I simply told my browser to make an exception for the site and logged on. There is no risk, her site is secure. Your information is safe.
Hopefully in the next 24 - 36 hours, things will be back to normal, but again, wanted to let anyone know who needs to put in an order that it is safe to do so.
I'm sure Stormy will post when this mess is fixed. I know she is steaming mad about it and I do not blame her one bit.
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