Soaking cartos in dishwashing powder???

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Jun 23, 2011
Rolla MO
So I'm thinking......... I soak a lot of things in a solution of dishwashing powder + water to remove the grime/buildup.

It works on hats, hot tub filters, crusted dishes, baked on carbon in pots and pans. Anyone ever try to revive cartos by soaking them to remove the crud on the coils?? Say, soak for a few hours or overnight followed by a long rinse.

Just curious. I keep reading posts saying they use vodka, steam, etc. They can make the filler bright white but still have problems stripping the coils without a dry burn.


PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
Boiling, soaking, and other non-chemical methods are used to clean cartos. I don't clean mine, I toss them and unwrap a new one. They are only about $1.50 and last as long as a week with the right juice mixes.

The best cleaning method I've seen is a large syringe with a short rubber tube installed. You fill the syringe, push the carto into the rubber tube, and press the syringe to push water through the carto.

You might want to pull the filler out of one of your cartos to see the scorching that occurs over time around the coil next to the threads. It made me decide that they aren't designed for reuse after the taste begins to change.


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if cleaning cartos with just tap water can potentially leave residues behind and its recommended to use distilled water, I would find it very difficult to believe that using dishwashing detergent would not only leave behind residue but also may impact on your health depending on the chemicals left behind from it. Not safe don't try!!!

Just also to note I tried isopropyl alcohol as it worked well on atties that also lingers no matter how long you leave to try so would caution on this as well plus it taste awful! LOL
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Just out of curiousity and not to hijack this thread has anyone tried an ultrasonic jewelery cleaner with distailled water to clean cartos? I have seen it done for atties and worked somewhat?? Would these cause the the filler to come out? If I get my hands on one would love to try ii on one!!


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Mar 23, 2012
There's bleach and all kinds of chemicals in dishwashing detergent..:unsure:

Never ever!


John D in CT

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Feb 27, 2012
I HAVE wondered about a solution of water and light baking powder though. I have a chemist friend that I plan on asking about that one first.

I've done that with eGo-T atomizers and it seems to work well. Fill the carto with baking soda and - oops, read your post wrong - pour in not water, but apple cider vinegar, which reacts like crazy with the baking soda (acid meets base) and shoots big jets of scrubbing bubbles through the atty. Keep pouring in vinegar until the chemical reaction stops. Repeat if necessary. Flush with distilled water, let dry for a couple of days. I found no lingering vinegar taste.


Unregistered Supplier
May 27, 2009
I've done that with eGo-T atomizers and it seems to work well. Fill the carto with baking soda and - oops, read your post wrong - pour in not water, but apple cider vinegar, which reacts like crazy with the baking soda (acid meets base) and shoots big jets of scrubbing bubbles through the atty. Keep pouring in vinegar until the chemical reaction stops. Repeat if necessary. Flush with distilled water, let dry for a couple of days. I found no lingering vinegar taste.


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Feb 2, 2011
I've done that with eGo-T atomizers and it seems to work well. Fill the carto with baking soda and - oops, read your post wrong - pour in not water, but apple cider vinegar, which reacts like crazy with the baking soda (acid meets base) and shoots big jets of scrubbing bubbles through the atty. Keep pouring in vinegar until the chemical reaction stops. Repeat if necessary. Flush with distilled water, let dry for a couple of days. I found no lingering vinegar taste.

A carto or an atty?

John D in CT

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Feb 27, 2012
Oops, had a brain cramp when I wrote that. Said "carto" out of habit, when I was only referring to a Joyetech eGo-T (one-piece) atomizer assembly As opposed to the three-piece eGo-C atomizer assembly. I don't think I'd do this with a (poly-filled) cartomizer, since I can definitely see the vinegar taste hanging around in that case. Sorry for the confusion.

I've cleaned cartos in isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, but didn't care for the aftertaste, even after a considerable amount of juice had gone through it. Distilled water would obviously leave no taste, but I can't see it doing much real cleaning. Grain alcohol or vodka would probably be better, but I'm beginning to think that the thing to do is just toss them when they get clogged up, or suffer a bad case of "the scorchies".


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Apr 9, 2012
Arizona, US
Boiling, soaking, and other non-chemical methods are used to clean cartos. I don't clean mine, I toss them and unwrap a new one. They are only about $1.50 and last as long as a week with the right juice mixes.

The best cleaning method I've seen is a large syringe with a short rubber tube installed. You fill the syringe, push the carto into the rubber tube, and press the syringe to push water through the carto.

My "cheap bastid" technique:

Cheap plastic turkey baster with the tip cut down and a carto cap with the end cut out slipped over the end.

Purified water (not tap, the tap here is horrible -- full of chlorine and gods-know-what) heated not quite to boiling in the microwave.

Attach carto to baster/tube, slurp hot water through it, then squirt into sink. Repeat several times.

Leave carto attached to the baster, pump air through it until water stops dribbling out, then leave it sit overnight to dry.

If it's still manky after that, throw it away.


Another thing that may work: Cheap ultrasonic jewelry cleaner from a drug store and vodka/everclear.


No soap/detergent/household cleanrs. Tastes funny and isn't good for you.
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Ultra Member
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Feb 2, 2011
Oops, had a brain cramp when I wrote that. Said "carto" out of habit, when I was only referring to a Joyetech eGo-T (one-piece) atomizer assembly As opposed to the three-piece eGo-C atomizer assembly. I don't think I'd do this with a (poly-filled) cartomizer, since I can definitely see the vinegar taste hanging around in that case. Sorry for the confusion.

I've cleaned cartos in isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, but didn't care for the aftertaste, even after a considerable amount of juice had gone through it. Distilled water would obviously leave no taste, but I can't see it doing much real cleaning. Grain alcohol or vodka would probably be better, but I'm beginning to think that the thing to do is just toss them when they get clogged up, or suffer a bad case of "the scorchies".

It's ok :) Too bad that wouldn't work with a carto! That sounds like a good idea.
My "cheap bastid" technique:

Cheap plastic turkey baster with the tip cut down and a carto cap with the end cut out slipped over the end.

Purified water (not tap, the tap here is horrible -- full of chlorine and gods-know-what) heated not quite to boiling in the microwave.

Attach carto to baster/tube, slurp hot water through it, then squirt into sink. Repeat several times.

Leave carto attached to the baster, pump air through it until water stops dribbling out, then leave it sit overnight to dry.

If it's still manky after that, throw it away.


Another thing that may work: Cheap ultrasonic jewelry cleaner from a drug store and vodka/everclear.


No soap/detergent/household cleanrs. Tastes funny and isn't good for you.

I will stick with this method! I found it works well. An ultrasonic jewelry cleaner is a good idea! Wait what do you mean with the carto cap sticking out? I have a turkey baster but I have no idea how I would cut it down. I usually just stick the carto, cap off, face down into the baster and flush.
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Apr 9, 2012
Arizona, US
I will stick with this method! I found it works well. An ultrasonic jewelry cleaner is a good idea!

The jewelry cleaner is just something I read here at some point, I haven't tried it myself.

Wait what do you mean with the carto cap sticking out?

Carto cap sticking out?

Cut the end out of a carto cap to turn it into a tube.

I put the cap over a junk carto (mouth end) and used that as a guide for an Xacto knife.

I have a turkey baster but I have no idea how I would cut it down.

Only works if it's a cheap plastic one. I just used a razor knife -- just cut enough off so the home-made tube fits half on the carto and half on the syringe.

I'd provide pics, but my cheap flip-phone isn't up to the task and I have no idea where my good camera is.

(This all is my ghetto version of the syringe-with-a-tube cleaning tool.)

I usually just stick the carto, cap off, face down into the baster and flush.

That works too, except on mine the bulb is worn out and leaky, it's held on with zip ties. Which is why it got volunteered for cleaning duty and I had no qualms about chopping it up.
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Ultra Member
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Feb 2, 2011
The jewelry cleaner is just something I read here at some point, I haven't tried it myself.

Carto cap sticking out?

Cut the end out of a carto cap to turn it into a tube.

I put the cap over a junk carto (mouth end) and used that as a guide for an Xacto knife.

Only works if it's a cheap plastic one. I just used a razor knife -- just cut enough off so the home-made tube fits half on the carto and half on the syringe.

I'd provide pics, but my cheap flip-phone isn't up to the task and I have no idea where my good camera is.

(This all is my ghetto version of the syringe-with-a-tube cleaning tool.)

That works too, except on mine the bulb is worn out and leaky, it's held on with zip ties. Which is why it got volunteered for cleaning duty and I had no qualms about chopping it up.

Thank you so much!


Vaping Master
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Jul 20, 2011
Sunnyside, Wa
I've used baking soda and white vinegar and had great results with atty's but I've never tried it on cartos. I flush the atty's with a tiny bit of warm water after the baking soda/vinegar just to make sure I got all the baking soda out. I honestly think this would be a good method to clean cartos too. Vinegar and baking soda do a great job with getting junk off of lots of things. And vinegar should brighten the carto filler back up too.

Strangely enough vinegar doesn't really linger.

I use vinegar everywhere, it's the major ingredient in my homemade fabric softener and it's also in my laundry detergent and my clothes never smell like vinegar, I use it in my dishwasher and the dishes don't smell like vinegar either.

I would never use any dish detergents though, way to many chemicals! You don't want any of that residue in your lungs.
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