So I bought a pack of Cigarettes........

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Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
I just want to say that I've come back to this post throughout the day & I've probably spent a good 5 hours coming back and forth, to write this all out. In no way is this an ORGANIZED post lol. I wanted to thoroughly document my experience with SMOKING tobacco cigarettes after having vaped for so long and I wanted to thoroughly EXPLAIN what they taste + feel like the best I could WHILE LETTING ANY NEW VAPERS AND ANY LONG TIME VAPERS THINKING OF HAVING A CIGARETTE KNOW- That its just NOT worth that one or two or three cigarettes. Its not. Its - just NOT. So, with that said, heres my post:

So I bought a pack of cigarettes and a pint of cheap Puerto Rican rum...
Almost puked. Literally guys... I am NOT over exaggerating or making this up.
I hadn't even started to drink at this point. I had just poured myself a glass...
I lit up a cigarette, one of my preferred brands from back in my smoking days.

I don't normally smoke cigarettes. I don't normally smoke cigarettes when I drink!
ONLY when I am outside of my comfort zone. (Outside of my house, or at a bar)
If I'm at a bar and I only have a Mod and some weak 12mg juice on me... I'll have 1.

But tonight was a special occassion. I was reunited with someone I really care about.
She smokes, so I decided to buy myself a pack to go with the cheap rum I purchased.
Can I be Frank right now? Yes? Please? Please allow me to be Frank?

Hello!! (My name is Frank now) Anyways, I literally almost puked onto my bedroom floor.
This was a few hours ago now. Lit the cigarette- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, you know, the usual..
(tasted HORRIBLE @ 1st... As they *always* do after having been vaping for 1+ month)

So I literally almost puked. I literally GAGGED on my own breath with every inhale of air.
It actually wasn't the act of inhaling from the cigarette (although that made me gag later on)
It was actually the terrible STENCH the smoke gave off as it filled my room. GROSS.
At 1st it seems fine, so your happy.. You continue to smoke, until it fills the room with nastiness.
lol. It literally FEELS thick. If you've been vaping from 1 month to 8 years, you know what i'm saying.
(well, you do if you've tried a cig or been in a smoke filled room since starting)
It literally FEELS thick and SMELLS like death. Lets see if I can pull up an analogy or description? hm..
Next Paragraph! lol

Ok.. "What does a cigarette taste like after a year of vaping?" will be the question. Here is my answer:
Its almost like a very light... a very light... roast beef? Yes. A very very light roast beef flavor.
But there is a lot more to it than roast beef. Its a very smokey roast beef, like burning leaves..
Or burnt paper? The smokey flavor is obviously a bit more pronounced than the roast beef in my opinion.
Its like inhaling the fumes from a burning paper bag, with roast beef, maybe a slight caramel, and pepper?
That may be my mind trying to grab things that I've heard people say about the taste of a cigarette, yknow?
But I can agree with what I've heard. Let me try to organize exactly what it tastes like by most flavorful?
1. Burnt Paper. This is what you taste immediately upon inhale, and then this flavor kind of lingers.
2. Cardboard, or a paper bag. This is a big one as well, it comes after the inhale and lingers. It really does! haha.
If you smoked a cigarette right now I'm sure you'd agree w/me... At least... I'm pretty sure you would?
It literally tastes like what sucking on a small piece of paper bag would taste like. Not burnt, just the pulp of it.
3. Nuances of sweet and peppery are VERY light. You can feel the "bite" of the smoke more than anything.
It does almost have a caramel smell that melds into the paper bag taste... and it does "bite" your tongue/mouth.
Almost like what a couple pieces of pepper and the very tip of a corner of a block of caramel would taste like.
All of the flavors are VERY light when compared to the BAD taste of the smokey, burnt leave/paper taste....
But they are there... and they add to the experience slightly. They aren't HORRIBLE additions.. But WHY? lol
WHY would anyone want to subject themselves to this flavor? Its NOT fun. lmao. Its NOT good. (Honestly)

New Paragraph!! :D (for all of you who have yelled at me for the 1 time I didn't write in paragraph form. lol :rolleyes:
So yeah, you've heard what a cig tastes like to me when you haven't smoked one in months. Its GROSS! Haha.
But that might not stop a lot of you from trying it one day.... and that is your RIGHT to do. Thats your problem.
But hear me out.... It made me gag. I literally came close to bending over and puking all over my hardwood floor.
lol. Its NOT fun. Especially at first. YES, after the first cigarette, your tongue gets coated in the flavors...
and then your brain is wired (from years of smoking) to "forgeeeeet abouuuuut eeeeeeeeit" (NY accent)
But WHY? You don't NEED to try it. Take it from some1 who has relapsed at least 3 times now over the years...
Trying just 1 cigarette after having had abstained from smoking them for 4-5+ months? Thats how you go back.
Thats exactly how you wind up smoking a pack a day and putting your e-cig stuff in a drawer. TRUST me. TRUST
I kid you not, 1 ciggy turns into 4 ciggy turns into a pack of ciggy. DON'T underestimate your addiction.
The sheer magnitude of your subconscious addiction to tobacco is unimaginable. And I KNOW this for a FACT!!!
Yes, you can have a cigarette... But it won't be enjoyable. It won't. It'll make you GAG if you've vaped 1mo. + ...
But that 2nd cigarette, after the 1st one... THAT is where you wind up wanting a whole pack.

ME? I know I have an addiction. I've had many addictions over the course of my lifetime. < Addictive persona.
I get addicted to my girlfriends. I get addicted to alcohol. I get addicted to hobby. I get addicted to anything.
YOU have been conditioned by cigarettes to at least have a small piece of you be prone to addictive behavior.
You can deny that... But it'd only prove what I've just stated. lol. The 1st thing an addict does is deny.

Heres what I'm getting at: Buy a pack of cigarettes. Smoke one. Smoke 2. Smoke 3. Smoke 20.
After having smoked 20 cigarettes without a vape or with very few vapes in between... Hmmm...
What do YOU think you'll want to stick with and want to quit? Stick with vaping or stick with tobacco? Hmm?
I don't know you personally, but I PROMISE you, that no matter WHO u are...
If you were a smoker, and youve been vaping for 1+ month, and then you buy a pack of cigarettes for the bar?
Guess what? I'm willing to bet that the chances of you continuing to smoke are 50% or MORE. Yup.
So all I can say is... Don't do it. Don't do it.

I am an addict. I am an addict and my drug of addiction is what? Its nicotine. Nicotine Nicotine Nicotine.
I'm so addicted to it that I pump it into my body. I literally PUMP nicotine into my body every 10-20 minutes.
Sound like someone you know? lol. Do you still deny that your an addict?
Guess what? Your as much as a conventional, model addict, AS . THEY . COME! YOUR AN ADDICT.
Your not JUST an addict to nicotine though. Oh no. Your addicted to cigarettes buddy, pal, guy, gal....
U MIGHT be thinking "But Plumes.91, no way am I still addicted to tobacco LOL! I been vapin for 4 years!!"

Guess what? Guesss WHAT? If a dr ug addict gets a free bag of their D of Choice after 4 years sober..
If you place a bag of their DOC in their hand, smile, wink, and walk into another room...
Guess what? They have a conflict ion with what they have been trying to cast out of their life for 4 years.
K? They have a PROBLEM. ESPECIALLY if they are emotionally compromised at that moment in life.
If you hand a D addict a bag the day after their girlfriend or boyfriend left them? Oh boy.
You've got a brand new addict.

SAME thing with tobacco. SAME with a vaper thats vaped 4 years who receives a pack of cigs.
The sooner you come to terms with the fact that your an addict the better off you'll be consistently.
1, 2, 3, cigarettes could be fine. But ONE, TWO, or THREE cigarettes.... Well that could be your demise..
See what I did there? lol. You cannot trust yourself. Tobacco and WTA are VERY addictive DRUGS.
YOU, my friend, are a VERY *addicted* Drug ADDICT. OK? Come to terms with that. You need to.
Your a drug ADDICT and 1 or 2 cigarettes could send you right back to where you came from.

With all of that said, I want to return to the ORIGINAL reason I started this thread.
I don't drink very much. Once every 2-3, 4 months, if that. I do enjoy drinking.
But I enjoy SMOKING when I drink. And if I don't have a strong, 24, or 18mg juice when I drink?
BOY do I crave a menthol cigarette, a newport 100 just about makes me salivate when I drink! lol.

But after having been vaping for so long? These cigarettes are disgusting me.
I would be cleaning up puke instead of writing my little thread rant right now if I continued to smoke that.
Now? My room is full of gross smoke, but the fan is on. (addicts evolve and adapt QUICKLY) loll!
I'm going to continue to smoke from this pack. But I'm also going to tell you all that I am.
I'm going to tell you all, and I'm going to tell my mother and my brother and my family...
And they are all going to support me, as far as not getting back into regularly smoking cigarettes.
An addict needs a support system more than anything else. An alone recovering addict = User.

So in closing.... DON'T pick up a cigarette if you DON'T want to start smoking again.
If you pick one up, your chances of going BACK to cigarettes WILL SKYROCKET. TRUST ME!
And if you MUST have that "ONE" cigarette and plan to NOT smoke any more...
Or if you MUST have a pack of cigarette while at the casino but plan to NOT smoke any more afterward...
You NEED a support system. You need a friend, a relative, to KEEP YOU ON TRACK. (more than 1 is best)
You NEED to SUBMIT YOURSELF to someone else that has ur interests in mind.

Smoking is NO JOKE. You WILL die of cancer. 50% of smokers die of cancer. FIFTY PERCENT.
That means HALF of your smoking friends will die of lung cancer in your lifetime. HALF.
Hell, it might even be you. Hopefully not. "God" forbid it, if there is a God... right?
I hope you don't have to go through the same loss that I went through when my dad died of cancer.
I hope you don't have to go through the same loss that i did when my grampa died of lung cancer.
Lung cancer. Lung cancer. Lung cancer. Lung cancer. Breast cancer. Lung cancer.
I have had too many cancer deaths in my family to list here. Its NOT funny. Its horrible.

So in closing, tobacco... AKA BURNT tobacco... Tastes like doo doo poop.
And it also made me almost puke, gag on my own breath, and it smells terrible and KILLS YOU.
Your an addict. Don't go back to smoking.

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Senior Member
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Sep 18, 2012
I won't buy another pack of smokes, but I do still have friends who smoke. I have "bummed" a smoke a couple of times, and can't get past 3 drags without wanting to gag. Usually there is a tad bit of booze involved too, funny how that works, lol.
For me, it didn't taste like burnt beef or leaves. It tasted like burnt plastic/paint.
I'm glad you found out you don't want the smokes anymore:)
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Super Member
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Nov 11, 2012
ME? I know I have an addiction. I've had many addictions over the course of my lifetime. < Addictive persona. I get addicted to my girlfriends. I get addicted to alcohol. I get addicted to hobby. I get addicted to anything.
YOU have been conditioned by cigarettes to at least have a small piece of you be prone to addictive behavior.
You can deny that...

Thankfully I know myself well enough to know how easily I can become addicted to things (I guess smoking taught me that early in life - as I write this... maybe that's the only good to come from smoking.) :blink:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 30, 2012
United States
wow. thats one big longgg wall of text ;)
please pencil in a day or two to read the whole thing when you get a chance Starik. lol.

I think my general idea was to write about how cigarettes are nasty.
They just are. They are nasty nasty things... But, we're addicted to them.
Doesn't matter if you've been vaping for a month or 4 years, your addicted to cigarettes..
And if you have a smoke, its gonna be nasty.. But if you power through that nastiness..
You're going to end up enjoying them, and your addiction will kick right back into gear.

So be careful and try NOT to smoke. lol.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
All up in your grill..


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
I read it and agree that no one has any business going back to smoking once they quit, especially if they are vapers. It nasty and addictive and way too easy to recreate a dependency.

What you are describing is what led me to lay down the last few a day. I started vaping and smoking my after meal cigarette alternately. A hit of one and a hit of the other. That's when the realization hit that cigs tasted nasty ... more nasty than I thought when compared side by side with my vape. I made a decision to put them down and have kept it ... easily, in fact.

I don't plan to smoke again and haven't had the urge in almost a year. To keep that status I always take a spare battery, a spare carto, and a little bottle of juice just in case I get waylaid and don't make it back home in time.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
There's actually no problem getting off cigarettes once you vape. It's the mental part of THINKING you need a cigarette that keeps you from just throwing them away. ;) Going back to smoking is playing with fire, but many of us hung on to a few a day before we decided to toss them and vape exclusively.

Tobacco provides a calming effect through the introduction of MAOI. This article is a good explanation of why we used to get that calm feeling when we went to the break area and smoke after a morning of stress. Cigarette manufacturers processed the mix to augment MAOI, IMO. Nicotine from vaping also provides the stress relievers in the same way. The article also explains why some need juice made from WTA (whole tobacco alkaloids) to quit cigarettes.

This is your brain on nicotine
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