so far, so good!

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Mar 26, 2010
it's been 31 hours since my last analog! :thumbs:

this is the first time i've been without one for this long by choice, and i'm finding that i'm adapting pretty well. i still get this knee-jerk reaction that i want an analog at times, but then i take a moment to mentally think of how it will taste and feel, i don't want it. especially when i get a whiff of my boyfriends analogs, i just think it doesn't smell nearly as nice as my RY4, Forbidden or English Toffee vape. :D

i've been noticing that my pattern is that i use higher nic in the morning and after meals. the mid-strengths (12mg and 18mg) and 0mg i use intermittently throughout the day, so i'm constantly changing carts. i'm not sure if my taste are already changing, or if the e-juice had a chance to settle, but i feel like they're all starting to taste a lot better to me. for instance, i didn't really taste a difference between Forbidden and Litchi, or RY4 and English Toffee yesterday, but i can totally tell now.

i also just tried the PTB mod on a couple of carts, and wow! i'm definitely liking it much more than the stock wool-like poly filler. i especially like how i don't get random strands poking out or stuck inside the atty. i had a few other carts that still had a lot of juice left, so i used a straw mod on those, and it really did make a difference in the air flow. i haven't tried combining the two mods together in one, but i'm not sure if it's necessary to do so.

i placed my 2nd order at cignot for a PCC, a USB car adapter and some StarPuffs and Jimmy Puffit e-juice yesterday, and i also got some Apple, French Toast, Cheesecake, Aunt T's Mint and Blueberry Muffin from Ms. T's and i'm so looking forward to tasting those!

anyway, keeping my fingers crossed that i'll still be analog free tomorrow! ;)

Col. Gaunt

Vaping Master
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Aug 6, 2009
Chicago, IL
Congratulations! Keep up the good work! Don't ever go back to smoking!

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Full Member
Mar 31, 2010
I remember little things that would trigger cravings. Like on time I put my slippers on to go in the garage and my body said "ok grab a smoke". I think that the habit is the hard part to break. I vape in the car constantly, I can not seem to put it down. I think having a something to keep you busy like messing with you new e-cig help out too. Also, from time to time I would read about others stuggles which would help and keep me in the right direction. It has been a little over two week and I think yesterday was the first day I could say that I did not want to smoke all day.
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