Smokeless Image question???

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New Member
Aug 18, 2013
Hi everyone! I'm new and have only been vaping since last August. Right now I have an automatic 78mm Volt from Smokeless Image with their mini clearos. I was wondering which battery in the Smokeless Image catalog I should choose for 1. longer battery life, 2. more vapor without changing the 50/50 formula of my e-juices and 3. not a drastic change in battery price. Also, what tanks or clearos are best and cheapest for said battery. Thank you everyone for the help. And I would really prefer to stay with smokeless image because I really like their product quality and prices so please keep suggestions for the battery to that brand.
The X2 line is compatible with everything you already have, and features battery life from 650 to 1,300 mAh--call it more than twice to well over four times what you currently have. The more mAh, the larger the battery, though.

That gets you #1. Since the X2 is moderated the same as the Volt, #2 won't happen. You'd need to change to a lower resistance option (which will also reduce battery life before requiring a recharge).

#3 is in the ballpark. The largest run close to $30, but the Volt is $13 to $14 to begin with.

You can continue to use everything you have (as I said) or anything else with an 808 thread. Any 510 thread or eGo thread can be used with an adapter, although I find those inconvenient.

I have a personal preference for the T3 clearo (T3 - X2 Clearomizer 808D). It fits nicely on the X2, provides a nice clean look, and has a decent liquid capacity at around 2.4 ml. Vapor production is pretty good, and if you get into it you can rebuild the heads yourself pretty easily (I rebuild the 2.2Ω heads into 2.0Ω ones).


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Jun 29, 2012
s. florida
sticking with that brand you would be pretty much settling with these without having a drastic price jump. Smokeless Image | The Best Electronic Cigarette
they should last a moderate vapor most of the day if not all day with the smaller 650 battery. they offer variable voltage, the higher the voltage the hotter the liquid heats= more vapor. However not everything will taste better hotter.

the tanks on this page would be optimal and going with something like a 1.5ohm head will give better results. Volt Aspire BDC Clearomizer

however you are buying a off brand ego getting those batteries and the longevity of those are often questioned. for the same price or close you can get genuine joytech variable voltage batteries, twist or spinner. Also for tanks you may be better going with iclears or protanks, again a little more money but with the moderate to advanced gear you get what you pay for.
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