Silica Wick and Cotton Combination in an RDA?

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  • Jun 9, 2014
    Michigan, USA
    Hello everyone! So, I just recently built my first dual coil rda, and it works like a charm. I'm loving it. It's a Nimbus RDA clone, with the airholes drilled out much larger, and 32g kanthal with 2mm silica wick. Each wick is about 2 inches long, with each of the ends wrapped around the posts in an odd figure 8 pattern. (It's hard to describe without taking photos, which I don't have time to take.)

    Now, my only issue is this: the well of the Nimbus RDA is pretty deep. I'd estimate there's a 4mm deep juice-well. If I don't use it for a while, some of the juice will begin to seep down into it. This desaturates the wicks, and then I had an idea.

    There's probably 20% of the well that isn't covered by wick. I have tons of organic cotton, I've gotten a lot of it, but I generally prefer silica wick for almost all of my rebuilding. So if I were to place a decent amount of cotton in those bare spots, enough to make the entire well level, I'm thinking that it would not only keep my wick saturated longer, so I wouldn't need to redrip as often. Not only that, but when I'm not using it for a while, the cotton could absorb any liquid that seeps down from the wicks.

    Has anyone ever used both wick and cotton in an RBA/RDA or any other atomizer rebuild? I'm sort of an intermediate rebuilder, so I'm not sure, and I would love any input from anyone else who could give me a bit more info on this. Thanks so much!


    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 22, 2013
    Yeah, it will be fine, your looking to just add cotton as a resivor, no problem, the Nimbus has a large volume of space under the cap and by adding cotton, your also reducing the total chamber volume this creating a little better flavor.

    On another note, if you are good at realizing when you are out of juice and need to drip, give a cotton wick a shot, you'll prolly like it, any cotton balls will do no need to boil just go for it.
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