*REVIEWS* - HHV Tobaccos

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Oct 11, 2012
Welcome to the HHV tobacco reviews thread!

Here you will be able to find reviews for all the HHV Tobacco line of e-juice. The purpose of this thread is for reference only. It is not a discussion area. We want people to be able to quickly scan the posts and find the information they are looking for without having to wade through hundreds of comments.

Anyone (that's you) may post in this thread as long as it meets two criteria:

1) Your post must be in the form of a review for one or more of the juice flavors listed here.
2) You must put the juice name, PG/VG ratio, and nic level at the top of each reviewed post.

Please do not leave any comments to the reviews you find in this thread. Any posts found not to follow the above guidelines may be deleted by a moderator.

The flavors eligible for review in this thread are:

Caramel Apple Tobacco
Dark Horse (P)
Dragon's Fire (P)
Gaia (P)
Georgia Peach Tobacco
Heavenly Army (P)
Heavenly Tobacco
Huntsman (P)
Jiggy (P)
Legend (P)
Oompa (P)
Pirate's Booty (P)
Serendipity (P)
Shadow (P)
Sludge (P)
Sweet Swish
Temptation (P)
Vapin' Chimp

(P) represents the Purity line of liquids whose flavorings are made without the use of PG. In the case of the tobacco line, it also indicates that the juice is a Naturally Extracted Tobacco (NET) which are extracted in-house by Adam and Heather.

So what are you waiting for? Get reviewin'!
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Aug 19, 2012
Dragon's Fire, 70/30, 18mg

For anyone new to the HHV tobacco line, there is something you must know. Few, if any, of the tobacco smoke juices reveal their magic until after you have vaped approximately 2 - 5 mLs of it. Dragon's Fire is no exception. This is another exotic HHV flavor from extract made in-house without a single hint of perfume, chemical, or floral. Yes, it is a NET (Naturally Extracted Tobacco). If you have previously experienced Legend (formerly Gandalf), Pirate's Booty, Serendipity, Shadow, or Heavenly Army you will find Dragon's Fire to be a perfect fit in this category and a must try.

As for the throat hit...very typical of an HHV extract...more than adequate. Your throat will know something is passing. Vapor? Again, typical of an HHV NET. There is plenty to look at and be proud of upon exhale. As for flavor, Dragon's Fire, like many of the exotic HHV NETs, is very difficult to describe. There is no other smoke juice on the market that DF comes close to. Nor does it have flavors that are easily recognizable. Perhaps the best way I can describe it is a subtle chocolate chip flavor with a little brown sugar/light honey note. I can also think of some white wines this flavor reminds me of...perhaps a Riesling or similar white wine. It is a dull sweetness that takes the harshness off the tobacco and leaves you craving for the next pull. It is the craving characteristic of this juice that makes it EASILY an every-day-vape. This is a five star smoke juice and a must-try for anyone new to HHV.

And if you want to know what vaping bliss is, keep your DF on your night stand and when you wake up in the middle of the night, take a few pulls. You will never experience vape rapture like this. Enjoy and...Vape it till you like it.
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Nov 28, 2012
Sweet Swish, 0/100 12mg

Sweet swish is not a NET (Naturally extracted tobacco) so doest not require quite as long of a steep as a lot of HHV juices do, IMO. I ordered this juice in 100% VG but as stated on Heathers site, some of the flavorings in this juice contain PG so it is not part of Heathers Purity line. This juice is unlike any other I have ever vaped. I let my bottle of sweet swish sit for about a week before I broke into it. I have to say that this juice tastes EXACTLY like a swisher sweet cigar to me. The inhale is a very nice/dry cigar tobacco flavor. Throat hit is very good for a 100% VG juice, probably more intense than most VG juices I have had. The exhale is where you really get the cherry flavor that swisher sweet cigars are known for. It is not a candy cherry flavor but a surprisingly realistic cigar cherry just like the swisher sweet cigar.

So in summary, if you like swisher sweet cigars then this is a must try juice. You will not believe the authenticity until you actually try it for yourself. If you do not like swisher sweet cigars then more than likely you will not like this juice.


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Dec 3, 2012
70/30 12mg

This is a naturally extracted tobacco, thus steeping is a must in order to bring out it's full complexity. This isn't to say you can't vape it right out of the mailbox -- I couldn't resist the first time I tried it and was not disappointed. It simply gets much much better given a week or so. The tobacco used in extraction is the same as Legend, but with a longer extraction time. However, if you don't like Legend, Serendipity is still worth a try. I would never have guessed the connection without it being in the main description of the juice.

A lot of debate has ensued over what it tastes like. To me, the most prevalent is a coffee/cocoa note. I don't get any fruitiness from it, but a slight hint of vanilla perhaps. It has a light to medium sweetness that presents itself well during exhale; not as sweet as say, Caramel Cappuccino.

This is a juice I would recommend to anyone starting up and looking for a potential all day vape. I usually go between Serendipity and Dragon's Fire (another recommendation as a starter tobacco liquid).

I've yet to see anyone say the don't like Serendipity.

One of the few 10/10 juices in the world, imo.


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Aug 19, 2012
Heavenly Army, 70/30 (PG/VG), 18mg

If you enjoy Shadow, you will enjoy Heavenly Army. They have the same exact creamy base to them. The only difference is the top note. Whereas Shadow has a vanilla-like top note, Heavenly Army is a little darker...perhaps a graham flavor. For those who have not tried either, Heavenly Army is a NET (Naturally Extracted Tobacco) but is heavier on the infused flavor and lighter on the tobacco flavor. That's not to say the tobacco doesn't play a role. This is a tobacco flavored smoke juice to be sure. But prominent is the creamy base note that defines this juice. It's inescapable. It is a bit of a dessert feel that some describe as powdered donuts. It must be noted, this cream base subsides a bit as it ages...like after two months. But it still plays a dominant role in the flavor. The graham-like top note is always present too. Call it a honey graham if you wish. I'm not saying this is the same flavor as Boba's Bounty, but I will put it in that family of flavors. Whereas Boba's has that peppery note, it is replaced with the creamy base in Heavenly Army. Where they are alike is with the graham-like flavor. It might be a good entry juice for those Boba fans new to HHV. As for those familiar with HHV, if you enjoy Shadow or even Dragon's Fire, Serendipity, Legend (Gandalf), or Pirate's Booty, there will be a very good chance you will enjoy Heavenly Army. Expect excellent throat hit and vapor as you can with all the HHV tobacco offerings. This is yet another five star smoke juice but it must be said it is a little bit on the rich side so YMMV with regard to the durability of this vape. I personally enjoy it for a couple hours most days of the week. Give Heavenly Army a shot. There are good odds it will make it into your rotation.


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Nov 28, 2012
Legend (Gandalf) 0/100 12mg

This has become one of my all time favorite vapes. In my opinion it is a pretty simple flavor. When first received (un-steeped) Legend tastes like a tootsie roll to me. Scared me to death the first time I had it because I do not care much for chocolate anything. Good news is, after about a 3-4 week steep the chocolate taste completely diminishes to me. It transforms into a very smooth pipe tobacco flavor. Smooth, mild tobacco on the inhale with hints of cherry on the exhale. That is about all I can say about this juice...like I said it is very simple in my opinion.


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Dec 3, 2012
Heavenly Tobacco
70/30 12mg

In short, caramel, vanilla, pralines, almonds and tobacco. I find this to be the sweetest of the tobacco juices offered by HHV.

A little background:

It is based on the traditional RY4 blend, which is named after the company that originally invented it. RY4 stands for Ruyan blend #4, Ruyan being Chang Ning Dekang Biological Technology Co. for Ruyan Group Limited, the modern inventor of the e-cig.

Since RY4's creation, almost all e-juice sellers have attempted to mimic and/or expand on it due to it's popularity. HHV not only expanded it, but made it their own.

This is not a naturally extracted tobacco, unlike the many other HHV tobaccos like Legend, Dragon's Fire, Pirate's Booty, Shadow, Serendipity, Heavenly Army, and others. Thus, it does not require as long a steep. Three or four days is really all you need on Heavenly Tobacco. It doesn't change much after that. Many people just vape it right out of the mailbox and report back that steeping isn't needed at all. I say vape away! I steep it, but don't notice much change from a direct mailbox vapin'.

That said, if you don't have any liquids, and want a larger-than-sample-size tobacco ASAP, grab some Heavenly Tobacco. It may not get a lot of buzz these days because HHV offers so many very unique and complex naturally extracted tobacco blends that people get excited about sharing with the PV world. Heavenly Tobacco really is no different than this, though (besides the NET category).

If you're checking out various HHV tobacco blends for the first time, I highly recommend tacking on a bottle of Heavenly Tobacco. It's an absolutely wonderful juice. It's like tobacco candy! Ever smell a cigarette before you smoke it? It's a lot like that; and sweet! Toss in some vanilla, caramel, and pralines... WAHLAH!

Heavenly Tobacco.


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Aug 5, 2012
40/60 18mg

The flavor profile gets much better with steeping but can be vaped right away with good results. It's got a great chocolate flavor pouring though the nice naturally extracted tobacco flavor especially through a rebuildable. In a clearomizer it has a milky type flavor, I've heard some say. I think it's more like if you opened a box of frosted flakes and inhaled the air from the freshly opened bag with a little chocolate and the NET. And just like HHV description it's what a oompa would vape. I always include a bottle of this on each order.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2012
Bangkok, Thailand
Contemporary Gandalf/Legend

50/50 VG/PG 12 mg/ml nicotine


Kanger T3
CE3 Clearomizer
Mini ViVi Nova

Ok, so I've been cranking up Gandalf (Hey that's what the label says.) I've finally gone through all my juices for preliminary tasting and some secondary tasting as well. Now that my next order has been shipped, I think it's safe to go back and finish off previous orders and start writing some reviews. (Need to make room for the incoming, as well.)

My first two HHV NETs are long gone, PB & Didpity, so now I'm on to the late LOTR trio. I still have around 10 ml of each and when my CE3s came in yesterday I decided to check out Gandalf in one. Today, it reached the 2 month mark and I had to look twice to make sure I poured from the right bottle. After the first hit or three, the flavor still hasn't coming through. I kept vaping as I figured the new Clearo needed to be broken in. While waiting for that to happen, I decided to clean out a T3 and compare the two. With the T3 cleaned I filled it up with Gandy I again had to double check the label. This is not the same creature I met back in Dec.! It seemed quite a bit harsher than what I remembered. Those fruity sweet tunes had mellowed to undertones and a rich deep slightly spicy tobacco flavor has made it's way to the fore-ground.

In all fairness to the juice, I decided to test it once more in a Nova. Same thing. However, I found going back to the Nova was quite a pleasure. The harshness I was getting from both the T3 and the CE3 were gone, leaving sweet undertones & deep tobacco flavors to unfold & mingle upon the palate. Yes, I do believe ViVi Novas are my favorite delivery device!

So in conclusion, contemporary Gandalf/Legend is quite good right out of the mail pouch - a delightful complex tobacco with nice fruity tones. But if you can resist the temptation to vape it all down the first week and let it set up for a month or two, you'll find a mature complex juice that anyone would be glad to have in their regular rotation, or to share to fellow vapers. Did I just say share? If you go this route, you'd best have a couple of 30ml bottles well steeped!!!

White Rabbit

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Huntsman, 50/50, 12 mg nic.

I found this review of Huntsman somewhere on another post, but I cannot expand on it further except to say that if you want something that "tastes" more like a cigarette "flavor" not the nasty smell, Huntsman is it. Grand amount of vapor, throat hit (medium) and taste.
I vape it at 50/50 PG/VG @ 12 mg nic in a carto using a VAMO at 3.5 Volts.

HUNTSMAN: Huntsman is a no B.S. extracted pipe tobacco. No special fruit notes, no caramel or maple. I unlike most vapers can appreciate a simple tobacco vape that ACTUALLY is simply tobacco. It is dry and earthy, has a great throat hit that feels like a pipe tobacco throat hit and has a suttle bitterness to it. Almost like a slightly sweeter tea leaf. I presume the bitterness to be a result of the tobacco extraction. Definitely an all day vape for tobacco lovers.
Posted by SethGrimm 11/27/2012 on ECF forum
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Oct 24, 2009
Various HHV Juice, 50/50, 18mg

Well it's been about a month since I got my first order with HHV and still haven't tried them all other than a drip or 2 but the one's I've tried are all very good,here's my quick take on them.

Dragon's Fire-About didn't order this one because more of a straight up tobacco vaper but am dang glad i did this one so far is my favorite.I'm tasting a great complex juice with tobacco notes with like a hint of cinnamon or spice luv it.

Dark Horse-Second favorite mild clean and smooth tobacco taste analog like.

Original Legend-Another smooth vape with pipe or cigar notes awesome.

Serendipity-cocoa tobacco great after dinner vape.

HA-I taste a little caramel and vanilla tobacco good vape.

Shadow-Might get bashed by saying this but this one to me a little light on flavor I taste the vanilla and mild tobacco but not alot not bad vape maybe more steeping.

I still have Huntsman to try from what I've heard this one needs extensive steeping so that's what I'm trying to do...really hard though because this is the one I wanted to try the most.All and all as most of u know these are some great juices IMO.Very clean juices work well in all setups I have and glad I finally gave them a try.Since I like DF so much gotta try PB next since description says some spice kick to it.Thanks for reading,Dale

All juices at 18mg 50/50....Just saw this thread so thought would move to here.
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ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
Caramel Apple Tobacco (CAT), 70/30, 18mg

To begin, CAT is NOT a NET (Naturally Extracted Tobacco). But I don't let this deter me. I love this flavor. It is exactly as it is named. I get all three flavors that blend to make one of the more penetrating flavors in the HHV tobacco lineup. When your taster isn't working so well, fire up some CAT and you will find it can bring your taster back to life. If CAT doesn't, give up.

Throat hit and vapor are as good as any. An interesting aspect of CAT is that it gets sharper with age (6 weeks and older). It has a similar affect that cinnamon has with its penetrating affects. But there is no cinnamon. The apple turns tart while the tobacco and caramel keep it in check. Another benefit of CAT over a straight up fruit vape is the tobacco element makes CAT a durable vape. How many times do you find yourself tiring of straight up fruit vapes? CAT allows you to enjoy the fruit without getting bored with it. This is a frequent vape for me (4 - 5 times a week for a few hours). The nice part about CAT is its consistency. Because it is not a NET, it is not subject to the seasonal and processing variations we find all too often with NETS. It's the same flavorful smoke juice from bottle to bottle, month to month. CAT is a worthy smoke juice and deserves a try.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2012
Bangkok, Thailand
Dragon's Fire (DF), 50/50, 12mg/ml

Dragon's Fire is a NET (Naturally Extracted Tobacco) so I'm pretty sure it hasn't been mixed with any other flavor, just a natural exotic tobacco. When I first got my 30ml sample, I tried a tankful after the initial 48 hour caps off steep and all I wrote in my juice spreadsheet under Favorite - Rating was, YES and under "First Impression" I put, "Only thing I remember is that it was good. Lightly sweet tobacco."

My second impression after a month of steeping was that it has transformed into a very complex blend - a dark cocoa tobacco with undertones of creamy (IDK) honey or vanilla and slightly fruity spice. DC on the HHV site said, "...(It) seemed like 3 different tobaccos blended together...perique, American and pipe. I haven't personally tasted any of these tobaccos, but I can see his/her point.

Still have about 15ml steeping at the 2 month mark and since I just got fresh supply of HHV's NETs in Wed. I'll be getting back to this one real soon!!! ;)


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Aug 19, 2012
Sludge (formerly Gollum), 70/30, 18mg

This is a love or hate smoke juice. You wont fall anywhere in the middle. I suggest sampling before you commit to larger quantities. I personally love Sludge. In fact, I'm certain I received the first production bottle of Sludge after it was released. Sludge is described as a raisin/plum tobacco. Quite honestly, the predominant flavor is raisin or, as some describe...prune.. I'm sure the plum is shaping the flavor but there is really no plum note to be had in this smoke juice. The raisin combines with the tobacco base note to make a very dark flavor. It is also a strong flavor so when your taster isn't working particularly well, give Sludge a go and see if that doesn't wake you up. Like many NETs (Naturally Extracted Tobacco), Sludge benefits from a good steeping. Give it at least a week but several weeks is better. It will continue to improve with age. I vape Sludge several times per week for a few hours and very much enjoy it. Don't give up on it too quickly, though. It is an acquired taste.


Vaping Master
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Oct 11, 2012
Vapin' Chimp 30/70 (PG/VG), 12mg

Device: Vamo
Delivery: HH.357 2.0ohm long barrel @ 4.3v

I've been delving into the arena of banana-baccos ever since I mixed some AiV bandersnatch (banana/butterscotch flavor) with HHV Dragon's Fire and loved the outcome. I immediately bought AVE Gorilla Juice and although I liked the flavors, It was a tad too sweet for my taste. In comes Vapin' Chimp. This is what I expect from a non-NET banana-bacco. The tobacco base seems to be the same found in the other non-NETs and is evenly complimented with the flavor of authentic banana. It is sweet but not cloying. The banana flavor is unique in that it imparts the taste of a slightly under-ripe banana. You can actually perceive the bright yellow color of the banana peel along with perhaps the slightest amount of green at the stem. This quality gives the juice a certain lightness as opposed to some banana juices which come off as "syrupy". It is not a complex profile, similar to what you would find in the other blended HHV non-NETs; You get a creamy tobacco base and the fruit riding along side it...holding hands...in a banana tree.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Heavenly Army 70/30 (PG/VG), 12mg

Device: ProVari
Delivery: 3.5 Vision Vivi Nova 2.2ohm @ 3.4

Heavenly Army........ I like! There is a sweetness to it that hits the center of my tongue on the intake and continues on the inhale. All tobacco on the exhale. It is 4 weeks and 2 days old. I should have tried this before placing my order yesterday.

It is most definitely a re-order in 2 - 30ml bottles next order. :D


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Dec 3, 2012
Caramel Apple Tobacco 70/30, 12mg

Bronze already did a review on this that explained the juice perfectly. I just wanted to add my personal insights on it since it's become my 2nd, and on many days, #1 favorite juice! Dragon's Fire and CAT fight an eternal war for the top spot.

If you've had Heavenly Tobacco, then CAT will be easy to explain. All the praline and almondy notes you get in Heavenly Tobacco are replaced with caramel and, more prominently, apple. The flavors marry so well, I feel it improves upon HT.

If you like Dragon's Fire, I highly, highly recommend giving CAT a shot. It's kind of like "apple" as Dragon's Fire is "dark honey". The apple isn't going to bull doze your senses. It's a prominent note, but not a knock you down; it simply accents the RY4 tobacco flavor. Even if you aren't a fan of "caramel", CAT is still a must try. I feel the "caramel" is in the description to elegantly explain the sweetness; which is not overwhelming. It's perhaps slightly less sweet than Heavenly Tobacco (imo, the sweetest HHV tobacco liquid).

I've had friends try it with my input simply being, "this is Caramel Apple Tobacco". The response is always, "This is good. This is really good. I wouldn't have guessed. It sounds like a generic kind of fruit/tobacco blend, but this is like a whole 'nother thing." That was my reaction as well when I first vaped it.

I can't stress enough how if you like Dragon's Fire, this is worth a shot. Not that the juices are necessarily similar, just that they seem to hit the same kind of "spot". Also, I'm not the only one who loves DF, and puts CAT right up there next to it. There might be something to that.

Give it a try. Even if you aren't a Dragon's Fire groupie, like myself.


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Aug 25, 2012
Georgia Peach Tobacco 50/50, 24mg
I initially purchased this owing to my chew of choice(peach skoal), I was not a smoker I was a dipper, The flavor is exactly what I have been looking for since I started vaping. It is a perfect(for me) balance of peach(not too candy but not completely natural peach) and tobacco. Vapor production is solid(cobra atomizer 4/5 wrap of 30g kanthal). Throat hit is solid without being overpowering. This has quickly become my all day everyday vape.

A beyond perfect 20 out of 10


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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
Legend (formaly Gandalf)- 70/30 VG/PG @ 12mg nic
I'm sure this has been reviewed by several people on several threads, just my two cents here
I did NOT like it fresh, so much so that I set it on the back of the rack for almost six weeks.
After a LONG steep, Legend IS cherry cavendish tobacco in an italian briarwood pipe. Period. I should know.
In my brief experience vaping, a well steeped Legend is the most authentic pipe tobacco vape out there. No one comes close.


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Dec 28, 2012
Piedmont Triad, NC
Legend/Gandalf 50/50 PG/VG ratio - 24 mg nicotine:

One of my favorites - has a sweet taste and it makes decent smoke (vape?) but doesn't taste smoky or woodsy. It reminds me more of pipe tobacco than a cigarette. I would recommend this if a hint of sweetness is something you like combined with a medium strong tobacco taste.
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