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Oct 6, 2014
Baton Rouge, LA. USA
after doing a lot of reading there's still a question i have. i'm using a nautilus mini on a vamo v3. everything i've read says the coils in the mini are 1.8 Ohm. upon using my rig for the first time yesterday the vamo said it was 2.0. I just replaced my battery with a fully charged 18350 and now the resistance reads 1.9. my question is "do the coils resistance decrease with use?, and at what value should i replace it?
my replacement coil is labeled 1.8 Ohm. i'm not freaking out over a couple tenths - but i'm curious why my vamo read 2.0. does aspire make a 2.0 coil for the mini?


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Aug 27, 2014
Center of Texas
I'm on the same set up witn my mini and I use a 18650. New it reads 1.8 by the evening it's at 1.9 and the last bvc I replaced read 2.2 on the third week. I start out around 6w and increase as I go when the readings get in the 2 ohm range I'm usually at 11w. The week before I replaced the bvc I was running 14w and it was still fine I just didn't want to be out and the bvc die. Don't rely on the vamo for accurate readings because it is off compared to an ohm meter. I use it to track bvc performance only.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2014
there is always a bit of variance in factory made coils.

some devices ohm meters are more accurate than others, plus there is the rounding up factor.

Sometimes too, a bit of juice (dried or wet) in the base of the atty (where the coil screws in) or on the 510 pin can give you a tiny bit more resistance.

Also how well seated the 510 connectors are makes a difference some times too.

All of these factors contribute, but honestly with what you have told us I see no big reason for concern. If you really want to track your ohms, better to get one of the decent $20-ish ohm meters with a built in 510 connection that tracks resistance to the hundredths place.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2013
Give or take upto 10% is normal for mass-produced coils. Add slight variances in temperaure, variances in gunky deposit on the coil - all that already changes resistance slightly at such low levels..

There is lab-grade super-high precision ohmmeters about which cost a king's ransom.

Inbuilt resistance checks on the APV's or them 15 dollar gadgets usually do the trick for our purposes.

Sub-ohming is another kettle of fish - have no experience with it so I leave it to the pros to recommend reliable gear for measuring something close to shorting out...
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