Reoville, I think it's time I revealed a dark secret...

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2013
Miami, FL
Hey there, my dear fellow Reonauts. There's something I have not shared with you, and I did share it on the New Members forum back when I joined but really didn't want the thread out there. If you went to the Vaper Profile thread by SXD you might have seen this:

1. Previous Smoker? No
a. If yes, how long? -
b. If yes, what brand? -
c. If yes, how many? -
d. If yes, Quit Date? -

It's true, I am a non smoker. vaping to me is a hobby that I became passionate about. When I became involved in the local B&M stores, I realized I loved getting people off analogs, explaining them the wonderful world of vaping and my favorite, cleaning their brains of what the T.V tells them about e-cigs being as bad as analogs and recently someone mentioned that one eGo blew up in a person's face. (Those kind of people are like brainwashed zombies that won't listen to reason, it's annoying as hell).

Before going any further, I know that vaping long-term effects are not known yet. By common sense vaping should be a hell of a lot healthier than analogs, but still nothing concrete except recent studies posted in CASAA with quite extensive references and detail content that suggest they are pretty harmless. Now I didn't start vaping because I thought it was cool, or because I wanted to get hooked to nicotine. I've mentioned this a thousand times, I'm a flavor nut. Vaping is relaxing and delicious, and a hobby and a way to save millions of lives. With that being said, and this is very important, when it comes to any surveys, call to actions or anything related to help prevent a ban or defend vaping, I'll sometimes say I was a smoker. Why? Well, we all know the FDA, we all know what's going on, why the tobacco companies are moving earth and heaven to get these things regulated and banned. Telling them that I was a non smoker, regardless of saying for example "Vaping saved me from ever touching an analog", I know for a fact they'll twist my words and use it against vaping. So in order to protect this industry most of the time I declare myself as an ex-smoker.

Right now I'm vaping nearly 6 mL a day, and also highly due to vaping at 28 watts juice consumption is through the roof. However, over 50% of the time (and I'm working on getting this to 75% of the time) I do nose hits without inhaling. I take a hit, and slowly exhale it through the nose without ever inhaling it. Depending on flavor % and the flavor itself, it gives me a wonderful taste and the slower I exhale it through the nose the smoother and richer the flavor. About nicotine, there has been a couple of times I've vaped 4mg, and in the beginning where I was limited by whatever the local B&M stores had, 6mg. I did not enjoy the throat hit, at all. I'm almost exclusively a 0 nic vaper. When I had both 0 and 4mg I found myself vaping the 0 nic a lot more than the 4mg nic juice. On the stands at the B&M where all the samples are, usually they are 12/18mg. I couldn't stand it even on a cheap clearo/eGo. To me, flavor is completely hindered, throat/nose hit is terrible. That of course is because I'm a non smoker, so I don't have that fondness for throat hit or a nic fix. I also like to do a lot of nose hits without inhaling because, since it's still fairly new (and this only applies to non smokers since to us this isn't a healthier alternative but something we really don't need to do. Vaping will most likely in the future be proven to be 100 times healthier than smoking, but to non smokers it's a different angle.) I don't want to be pulling 6 ml/day to my lungs. Also I never ever do a lung hit nor do I take the vapor to the mouth and then inhale it. When I don't do a nose hit, I take the vapor to the back of my throat and immediately out. So minimal vapor is taken to my lungs. I haven't felt bad, sick, cough, anything at all in the 2 months since I started vaping. I'm also looking to vape mostly organic flavors.

Sometimes people like me are seen as a danger to the industry. I won't disagree with that, given that these guys will take anything to twist it in their favor. However, when I'm helping people at the local B&M, the fact that I'm a non smoker vaping, gives them confidence about its safety. They see me with that bad ayuss REO blowing clouds, I tell them everything about vaping and they feel confident and I like that, I like being able to get people off analogs unto a much healthier alternative. If I ever had the chance to work for this industry I'd take it in a heartbeat (and I'm working towards that).

So there you have it. Sorry for the long post and thank you for reading it (if you were crazy enough to do so :D)

Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
The way I see it is you are presumably over the age of 18 and your choices are your own. I'm probably one of the rare ones who will say good for you! Yes, I've seen the ugly debates over this topic. We could go round and round about the whys and the rationales..., but it all comes down to personal freedoms. As far as we know, you aren't harming yourself or anyone else around you. There isn't a smoker, druggie or drunk out there who can same the same (I say this having been all three at some point in my life). I know there's a chance that I get flamed for this, but I think it's worth being said. I don't tell you what to wear, how to do your hair and what kind of soda to long as inhaling smoke remains legal then who the hell is anyone to tell you that you should or shouldn't vape, regardless of whether you are truly inhaling or not?

The only downside is if you were to start smoking and frankly, I just don't see that happening.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2013
Miami, FL
Your good in my book buddy :) Your an adult who understands the risks and isnt hurting anyone so more power to you:)
Thank you :D

The way I see it is you are presumably over the age of 18 and your choices are your own. I'm probably one of the rare ones who will say good for you! Yes, I've seen the ugly debates over this topic. We could go round and round about the whys and the rationales..., but it all comes down to personal freedoms. As far as we know, you aren't harming yourself or anyone else around you. There isn't a smoker, druggie or drunk out there who can same the same (I say this having been all three at some point in my life). I know there's a chance that I get flamed for this, but I think it's worth being said. I don't tell you what to wear, how to do your hair and what kind of soda to long as inhaling smoke remains legal then who the hell is anyone to tell you that you should or shouldn't vape, regardless of whether you are truly inhaling or not?

The only downside is if you were to start smoking and frankly, I just don't see that happening.
I would imagine going from vaping to analogs being rare. I have tried analogs at a point in my life, and well, to me at least, they were disgusting. Probably the same feeling people have gotten when they stop smoking and start vaping, and after a while they try an analog or smell one and say it's disgusting. I have tried a grand total of 1 analog, three hits and to the trash can. A lot of my friends smoked when going out and hanging around and whatnot, and they kept pushing analogs in my face. I'm crazy about flavors, they are just not of any interest to me.

Thanks for sharing your view! :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2013
Miami, FL
Do what you want, when you want, as long as you don't hurt another human being(You may need to pay more to the insurance company. :) )

(assuming you are 18+)

Who am i to judge. John Lennon and Bill Hicks are a couple of my personal heroes.

Haha thanks! Yes, I'm 18+ but still get called a kid by my parents that don't want to move on :D. Well, I'm 19 years old :p.
I'm totally with Rhapsodies Fire on this one. I only wish vaping was an alternative back when I started smoking. I would have started vaping instead.
My thought exactly, completely agreed :D.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2013
Miami, FL
Your ok any younger and I'd say ya need a spanking :lol: dont worry on it my children see me vape and I'd rather they vaped than smoked I have done much worse things in life so know all about it this isnt so bad :)

You guys never fail to turn any thread into a humorous and caring conversation. Gotta love Reoville :D


ECF Guru
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Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(

You guys never fail to turn any thread into a humorous and caring conversation. Gotta love Reoville :D

I just went to google to look it up your name is spelled different but every time I saw it I thought of the commercials for ...... :lol: and then I figured a feller at your age shouldnt need that stuff although when I first sobered up I did need some help for a time as I'd never performed sober before :lol:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2013
Miami, FL
I just went to google to look it up your name is spelled different but every time I saw it I thought of the commercials for ...... :lol: and then I figured a feller at your age shouldnt need that stuff although when I first sobered up I did need some help for a time as I'd never performed sober before :lol:
Hahaha hold up I gotta go wipe the tears, cracking up so hard right now :D.

That's definitely not the kind of nose hit I'm talking about, DAMN that's some hardcore stuff :p.
THANKS, monkey see monkey do. my eyeballs are watering.
I saw that video a bit ago, and I was so smart I used Halo's Subzero to try it. :p


ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(
Hahaha hold up I gotta go wipe the tears, cracking up so hard right now :D.

That's definitely not the kind of nose hit I'm talking about, DAMN that's some hardcore stuff :p.

I saw that video a bit ago, and I was so smart I used Halo's Subzero to try it. :p

someone needs to do a video of them doing it with Cinnabomb :lol:


Super Member
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Feb 26, 2012
jcalis, I'm with the others here - as long as you're an adult, it's your choice, and it is a whole lot better than smoking. Of all the things that a person could choose to do, this is probably the least harmful - not only to self, but to family and friends as well. (Though I am glad that you choose to mainly do 0 nic). :) I also think it's great that you felt you could share this here, with this crazy bunch ^^^ :D


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2013
Miami, FL
someone needs to do a video of them doing it with Cinnabomb :lol:
That...that is...err...I that even possible?! :D

While we're at it, have them do it on a .3 ohm coil at 40 watts. That oughta seal the deal :p.
jcalis, I'm with the others here - as long as you're an adult, it's your choice, and it is a whole lot better than smoking. Of all the things that a person could choose to do, this is probably the least harmful - not only to self, but to family and friends as well. (Though I am glad that you choose to mainly do 0 nic). :) I also think it's great that you felt you could share this here, with this crazy bunch ^^^ :D
I'm very cautious around nicotine. I know on its own poses little risks (arguable depending on how much you consume) and I've even read "studies" before stating that it helps prevent things like Alzheimer, and even helps people suffering from it by slowing it down, because of the interaction of nicotine with the brain's nerve receptors/synapses. From my point of view I look at nicotine and think "Bah, addicted? ME? It won't happen" Reality is, don't we all think like that? :p There are certain flavors that nicotine spices up but then again I'm talking about me adding about 1-2mg. Very likely if I vaped 6mg only the throat hit would diminish and become that pleasant hit that you guys describe, but vaping mostly 0 nic (and very low nic rarely) I never get used to it. Regardless of much strong willed I may think I am, I have to realize playing with nic is playing with fire. I'm just glad I can't tolerate the throat hit, means I don't have that drive to vape juices with nic. :p

And yep! I love sharing with you guys, I bet if I had posted something similar in the general discussion I'd have gotten several negative responses. Hell I did post I was a non smoker on the New Members forum, and while I did get some good replies, I got quite a bit of negative ones. But here, you guys don't judge, you say things as they are and make it fun to have a conversation. :)
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