Reo Lounge Part V

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ECF Guru
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Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(
very interesting morning....Tukii has only one kitty, i found the other one in my bedroom closet , dead and very large. That explains the blood trail. Poor Tukii...:( A friend came over a while ago with her husband, whom I also like very much thankfully, I got out the flashlight to show them the kitten, which at the time i didn't know there was only one. Tukii meowed at us and came to the edge of the bed to be petted! A neighbor and her 4 yr. old came in and the child laid on the floor to see
Tukii and her kitty and she came right out to him! I just now put a small dish of dry food, a dish of wet food and a dish of water at the edge of the bed on the floor and Tukii came over and started pigging out, thankfully.

At least i don't have to try to find homes for a lot of baby kittens...cuz i'm keeping the one that she has left.:)
Kay Im not a cat person but I believe they can take a while with even breaks in labour so you may not be done as yet :lol:


Interrupted labour:

It should be noted that there can be a significant gap between kitten deliveries.

This is known as interrupted labour. The queen will cease straining and attend to the kittens she has delivered by cleaning and nursing them. She may eat some food, if it is offered, and will appear to have completed labour. After a period of rest (interrupted labour may last as long as 24-36 hours), labour will resume, and the rest of the litter will be delivered. It would be worth speaking to your vet if no kittens have been delivered in four hours and you suspect your queen may have gone into interrupted labour

- See more at: Birth in Cats-Signs of Labour and the Delivery Process | Cat Reproductions


don't need no dang title..I'm queen of the world!
ECF Veteran
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Dec 5, 2009
Lower Mich.
2 sure doesn't seem like a full litter. You probably have more that you aren't aware of yet. You will know before long. Sorry to hear about the loss of one of them. That is sad.

Nope.. there's only the one, i checked n dble checked.
But the one that was so huge would have made up for at least another one...and Tukii's only about 10 mos. old.oh... and there was some sorta " something" that i stepped on going into the bathroom and my friend who's had cats most of her life said it was probably a placenta from an undeveloped kitten. Poor Tukii:(

I'll be making an appt. with a vet Mon. morning to have her n her baby checked out.


ECF Guru
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Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(
Nope.. there's only the one, i checked n dble checked.
But the one that was so huge would have made up for at least another one...and Tukii's only about 10 mos. old.oh... and there was some sorta " something" that i stepped on going into the bathroom and my friend who's had cats most of her life said it was probably a placenta from an undeveloped kitten. Poor Tukii:(

I'll be making an appt. with a vet Mon. morning to have her n her baby checked out.
read that link I posted and pmd you kay I believe each kitten will have a placenta sometimes the cat eats them


ECF Guru
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Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(
does this help Jim ? the little buggers (cutworms) cut down all my young corn last night :(

[/URL] /IMG]
[/URL] /IMG]


Information Tragedy dOOd
ECF Veteran
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May 4, 2009
The State of Confusion
Going to a BBQ at my friend's parents house today. Cold brews and hot brats. I'm bringing Tickle with me. Have a fun day, all. View attachment 463886

There's only one problem with this whole thing.....

You're going to the BBQ and that's not my Reo.....LOL!

It's a beaut! :thumb:


Living sarcasm
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Oct 12, 2012
My horticultural expertise extends only to attempting to grow peppers in a pot on the patio. I consider it a triumph that they have survived so far for a couple of months.

It is typical at this time of year for my mother to email me pictures of her gardening efforts which easily eclipse mine.

Raining and storms here again, so no BBQ for me.

Kay - get the cat spayed! Torey - get well soon.



ECF Guru
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May 12, 2010
Oklahoma City
Hey everyone. Just wanted to thank everyone for being so nice and concerned about me. I am feeling a little better but thinking I might need to go back to the doctor next week. He doesn't really know what has been wrong other than my platelet count is high and by B12 is mildly deficient. Oh and my testosterone is elevated. I probably have more than Caitlyn Jenner. bahahahaha I seem to be catching up on the sleep I've lost for the last several years. That's a good thing though. I have fluffiness to spare so I'm not complaining about the the weight loss. I sure hope that part stays around for a quite a while.
I have been keeping up with the thread on my phone and want to welcome all the new and not so new faces. It is nice to meet you all. Welcome to a little piece of reo heaven.

Kay, congrats on the new additions. I think it is so exciting. I've had cats for 37 years but never seen kitties being born. My first two cats still had their eyes closed and I bottle fed them and they really thought I was there mother. Thank goodness you have the mama there. She'll do all the work. All you have to do is get us some pictures of those sweet babies.

Deb, congrats on your reo addition. I held myself back from the woodvil sale but one that I sort of liked is still on the site. I just keep telling myself that vaping is so great for me that I really don't need anything. Me and Kay were talking about how lucky we really are to have met so many wonderful people through our love for reos.

Well, you will have to forgive me for the long post. Just really wanted to say I have missed you all and you are not rid of me
and little rat hugs to everyone.
really do miss you hon :wub:

Mrs C

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Aug 27, 2013
Kay Def have her checked by the vet Mon to make sure all the kittens and after births are out since she had had some problems. If anything was retained it will cause a life threatening infection. First litters in a cat that young frequently have some complications, but it sounds like she's doing good.


don't need no dang title..I'm queen of the world!
ECF Veteran
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Dec 5, 2009
Lower Mich.
Kay Def have her checked by the vet Mon to make sure all the kittens and after births are out since she had had some problems. If anything was retained it will cause a life threatening infection. First litters in a cat that young frequently have some complications, but it sounds like she's doing good.

i'll do that hun... was planning on it, tho i don't even have a vet yet but my good friend does. i quit the first one and the second one cancelled my appt. an hour before I was to take Tukii in for a check-up.


Ultra Member
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Nov 3, 2014
I believe each kitten will have a placenta sometimes the cat eats them
I sent a pm to Kay about that earlier today. That is natural, and they will eat all of them. I told her one or two is okay, but try to get the others. I still think she had more than two. Two is just unheard of, I think. The one big one, now that is strange. The cat probably needs an ultrasound, if more kittens don't come out. Kay, did you feel her stomach really good? If there is another kitten in there, and it is alive, it could move around. Check it again later. It could be sleeping, and that is why you may not feel anything. Sorry guys, if this grosses you out. I tried to send Kay a pm, but I don't think she got it.

Mrs C

Ultra Member
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Aug 27, 2013
i'll do that hun... was planning on it, tho i don't even have a vet yet but my good friend does. i quit the first one and the second one cancelled my appt. an hour before I was to take Tukii in for a check-up.

Having them so soon after moving in, that vet who originally told you she wasn't preggers needs to go back to school. She would have been halfway along. As skinny as she was there is no reason to have missed that call unless she has no feeling in her fingers. But that was then, what matters is the lil mama is figuring out how to be a proper mama and we know she is in good hands for that.

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