READ - info on the new blu pack - on burnt atomizers - customer service log

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2009
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
i have had nothing but great experiences with blu customer service! they have sent me 3 free batteries - 2 because my intial 2 i didnt understand well enough and they thought they might be non-functional - one because the led on the battery was stuck on, which i ended up fixing after they sent a new one

that was my first free $30 accessory replacement story

ive been having trouble with my first 2 attys which are about a month old, they still produce vapor but they had a burned smell and taste - so i contactedthe blu online chat to ask some questions

i'd like you all to read this log and see how well blu customer service works (i read so many bad things about them but this company has been VERY VERY good to me)

so here is today's chat log:

Please wait for a site operator to respond. While you are waiting, please feel free to begin typing your issue in the box below. Try to be as descriptive as possible. Once an operator responds, click SEND to transmit what you have typed.
You are now chatting with 'Casey'
Your Issue ID for this chat is [edited for personal info]
Casey: Hello. Thank you for contacting Blu Cigs Help Desk. How may I assist you today?
Joe: i have a question about my blu cigs and the blupack recall
Joe: first off - what is so dangerous about the old blu pack?
Casey: The manufacturer has identified a potential issue with the battery in blu packs that could result in overcharging and rupture.
Joe: overcharging and rupture of the pack or the batteries you charge in it?
Casey: The pack itself.
Joe: will the new pack feature a new battery or will it have any other new features altogether?
Casey: It will be a new design and have a new battery.
Joe: do you know if it will have a recharge meter like the new revolver e-cigs i was shown, to tell you how much charge is left in the pack?
Casey: I am sorry, but I do not know this information until we have released the new blu packs.
Joe: ok thanks, next question
Joe: after a good 2 -3 weeks of use the atomizers in my blu pack began to give off a horrible burnt smell and taste
Joe: it stings my nostrils
Joe: do you have any information on what's causing this?
Joe: i ordered 2 new ones, the new one i tried doesnt have this issue initially
Joe: but it does have strange fibers poking out of the atomizer from under the bridge that wicks the liquid
Joe: and makes a wierd sizzle noise
Casey: Did this happen with both atomizer or just one?
Joe: both of the old ones
Joe: i was using them in rotation
Joe: one isnt as bad as the first which was used more
Joe: but it definately is getting there
Joe: i stopped using them since the new ones because the sting in my nostrils is unbearable
Casey: I understand.
Casey: Did this happen everything you took a puff or certain time throughout the day?
Joe: if i have a brand new cartridge on it it's not as strong but about 2-3 puffs in it gets even stronger, and even with a new cartridge the smell/taste is there it's just masked - this is not the case on new atomizers
Casey: I am sorry about this. It seems that you are having issues with your atomizers. What I can do is send an RMA exchange request to our fulfillment department and have new atomizers sent out to you. I think you might have gotten defective atomizers.
Joe: oh...
Joe: well thats scary lol
Joe: so i can exchange them?
Casey: Yes correct.
Joe: ok i'd like to do that
Joe: there isnt some kind of maintenance i'm supposed to do on the atomizers is there?
Casey: No. The atomizers will self clean itself.
Joe: ok good
Joe: i'll just do the exchange then
Casey: What is you email address so I am able to access your account?
Joe: [e-mail edited out to stop e-stalkers]
Casey: Thank you one moment while I access you account and being the exchange process.
Casey: I have sent the request to our fulfillment department.
Joe: so what do i do now?
Casey: They will process this in 24-48 hours.
Casey: You do not have to do anything.
Joe: wow, thanks!
Casey: Is there anything else that I can assist you with today?
Joe: that is more than enough - thank you so much!
Casey: You are welcome
Casey: We appreciate you contacting our Blu Cigs Help Desk. We hope that your issue has been resolved.
Casey: Thank you again for contacting us.
Casey: Phone (Toll Free): 1-888-207-4588

so now im getting 2 new attys for free because the old ones stink a little lol

and i still can try to fix the old ones via cleaning methods

didnt bother to tell them that i'd soaked them in alcohol as well as dish detergent and boiled them

i know im bad

but i think this company is great with standing behind their product


if anyone is interested in a blu

Electronic Cigarette by Blu E-Cigarette

check out the site

post comments/questions if you like -- i thought the forum might like to see this


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2009
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
quite frankly i love it

it feels liek an analog and the case helps me never have a dead battery

the customer service kicks ... and ive never had to wait more than 3 days for a product to appear in my mailbox

(but there is a pack recall right now so they are backed up - could take 2-4 weeks to get a starter kit [egads!])

i read alot of bad reviews about the blu - but i have nothing bad to say about it other than short battery life - but the PCC charges them up to 6 times, so i've never been without a charged one

its a great product

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
you really hate the blus dont you? lol

My 'comment' was on the posters comment about you... at least I thought it was but now I'm not so sure. I thought everyone knew you loved blu's, so I thought his comment was being facetious (to be nice) esp. with the shock smiley. You're in on every mention of them, which is fine. Most need info from someone who survived the struggle ;-)

But you're right, I don't like the 4081 in any flavor. I'd like to see how it would fare if it weren't associated with the scummy sales and service jobs. It likely has driven many back to analogs never to return. I know it's 'saved' a few too.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2009
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
lol yes im always talking about the blu because it's what i own - if i had a prodigy or chuck im sure i would never mention it again

but for it to have taken me off of analogs after 5 years, i like it alot

as of scummy sales - well, obviously my experience was different, perhaps they caught on to where they werent doing in the market?
maybe i'm just lucky?

who knows.

either way i dont want to be a blu advocate - but i know it does the job, at least for me personally

so it's called a 4081? thank you so much for that info! i'd been wondering about that!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2009
Your mom said not to say...
That's the model number of the Blu from the manufacturer. Prior to being badged a Blu model. I think he left out a letter or number though, close enough to recognize what he meant. I wouldn't touch a Blu with a 10 ft pole but that's me, the people that like them love them. If it works for you then grab on and don't let go no matter what anyone else says, as long as it is satisfying to you who gives a rat's patootie if someone from Jackson Hole Montana don't care for it?
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Kent C

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
kno: yes im always talking about the blu because it's what i own - if i had a prodigy or chuck im sure i would never mention it again
but for it to have taken me off of analogs after 5 years, i like it alot

Totally understood.

as of scummy sales - well, obviously my experience was different, perhaps they caught on to where they werent doing in the market?
maybe i'm just lucky?

From many reports here, it appears you were.

so it's called a 4081?

I should have said 'supermini' perhaps. See above...

I think I misintrepretted the 2nd posters comment. Sorry. Still funny though when taken the way I saw it :)
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Kent C

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
That's the model number of the Blu from the manufacturer. Prior to being badged a Blu model. I think he left out a letter or number though, close enough to recognize what he meant. I wouldn't touch a Blu with a 10 ft pole but that's me, the people that like them love them. If it works for you then grab on and don't let go no matter what anyone else says, as long as it is satisfying to you who gives a rat's patootie if someone from Jackson Hole Montana don't care for it?

I totally agree.
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