RBA Users, cotton

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New Member
Nov 16, 2015

I have been using cotton in rba for quite a while and recently I started researching it. Which left me a little awkward.

First, "Japanese" Cotton is actually Mexican cotton. Gossypium hirsutum as explained on a previous post here.

This being said, I think everyone is aware that Cotton is a crop that uses an incredible amount of chemicals for growth, to avoid losses, as well as for processing. And there is no way to tell how it's processed and how well they are being cleaned.

I looked into Muji and there is really no way to tell where their cotton is Manufactured.

Then I started looking into Cotton Farmer in Japan and found that Japan had tested and started using imports GMO seeds. (Gossypium hirsutum L.) "Japan imports cottonseed mainly from Australia and the USA where more than 96% of all cotton varieties grown are genetically modified (GM)...".

So it doesn't need to be sprayed with Insecticide but they can spray more rough herbicide for weeds, like China did for Roundup resistant Soybeans.

So Basically, they could claim it's organic since they don't use Pesticide but you're still using GMO Cotton and go figure what that can do if it's in your system, new dna strands can't be washed away after production. (Hypothetically)

This being said, if this cotton was in Japan, then where?

Apparently, people in Fukushima region can't grow much of anything since the tsunami/Nuclear plant meltdown because the soils are too high in salt and recently changed the type of crop to... *Drumroll* Cotton.

After finding this, I just threw away my left over cotton and started using synthetic. I'm not saying the cotton could be contaminated somehow but still, "Organic" GMO Cotton grown in Fukushima was just too much unknown and I just draw the line.

I was looking to shift to VapJoy JellyFish Cotton which also uses natural cotton and since they provide a little more details on which type of fiber they are using, but still, it's made in China so go figure. I'm not sure they would even have laws out there to hold VapJoy accountable on what they are using for their JellyFish Cotton.

But I do like Jellyfish more than Synthetic. Anyways...

If anyone can provide more details and more info on which and what cotton ot Synthetic pads they are using to vape I'd appreciate it.

Cheers Guys


Vaping Master
Feb 7, 2018
I'll just say this:
Inform yourself about GM and radiation, you seem to have pretty unfounded opinions on them.
Some starting points for thought:
Were you ever on a plane? Did you think about radiation then?
Did you ever eat a cultured plant? Were you thinking about modified genes then?

Next time preferably do that before you write a long rumor-starter like this. The media and other organizations are making up horror stories about vaping all the time, there's really no need for us to join the choir.


Citrus Junkie
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2017
West Frankfort, IL
We all use cotton in some form with no side affects. Maybe broaden your research to include the history of vaping. Honestly what did you think the manufacturers of drop in coils are using?Why do you think cotton hasn't been attacked by the media or vape slanderer's?


Citrus Junkie
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2017
West Frankfort, IL
Funny How Far we have come.

Years, perhaps even Decades, of Smoking Cigarettes inhaling Tar and a Cornucopia of added Chemicals Compounds, and now I'm worried that my wicking might be GMO Cotton.

Thank you for giving me a laugh at a very dull work day.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Look, when someone spouts "GMO" at me, well, I'm sorry, but that ship has sailed. Whatever tragedy occurs (or not like ANY and EVERY dire prediction since the dawn of time) I will deal with it then.

I am no FAN of GMO, but that has more to do with the monopoly of seeds that is occurring of late, that and the fact that GMOs spread wide and FAR, they're everywhere. There is no way to stop cross pollination of seeds, and "authentic" seeds are getting harder and harder to find.

I assume that greater than 50% of "organic" produce sold in the US is old, "unhappy" looking GMO food (and my brother worked in the Produce department at Whole Foods for a fairly long time) that is being sold off at a premium, since "non-fearful" produce eaters tend to not want to eat a wizened looking, deformed apple and etc.

I use rayon NOT because it has anything to do with my "fears" of cotton (I remain unafraid) but because it's a better wicking material.

Tossing this kinid of "censored" around is a waste of time and energy, and you are free to do as you wish. Adding scaremongering techniques to vaping isn't helpful. Cotton is as good a wick as you will find (in terms of safety) than anything else. If you are unhappy with it, fine. You have tons of options.

But to the non-gluten eaters (I exempt anyone with a LEGIT gluten issue), the "organicers' the ":vegetarians." Well, just live your life but do NOT get up in my face about it and the relative safety and merits of the practice.

Life is inherently unsafe. Life is a suicide mission, from the moment you are born to the day you die. Every single human being on this earth was BORN to die. There ARE no safe spaces, and if you want to spend your "limited" amount of time on this planet focusing on this stuff? That is your prerogative, but I prefer spending the limited amount of time *I* spend on earth by having fun, not worrying about "non GMO" cotton.

You do realize that genetic engineering starting with plants, and a Franciscan monk, by cross pollinating a bunch of plants. I'd say genetic modification number ONE, only basically also, each and every person who is born is a "genetic mutation" of sorts-- sperm crossed with egg and etc. Mutation and phenotype expression ALSO begin from the moment we are born. It's ONE reason I didn't circumcise my kiddo. That is a HUGE phenotype expression right there, especially as they were still completing the process without anesthesia at the time.

If you want to start throwing "GMO" around I would highly advise learning about genetics, and biology.. It's not "new" at all, although has certainly created its share of issues, but remember the killer bees and how they were going to wipe out the world? IMO their crossbreeding with local bees has done nothing but good, probably.

We don't know enough about GMO to freak about it, but using basic biological principles well, it all becomes less scary.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
That's not how GMO works. It's not some magical thing that turns everything it touches into a chimera.
I get a GMO human/mouse chimera monoclonal antibody injected into my veins for 2.5 hours every 8 weeks. This will continue until it stops working or I can't afford it. If only the drug would initiate permanent genetic changes it would actually be a cure instead of a hopefully lifelong treatment. I'm not turning into a mouse, I don't crave cheese, I only crave the drug as it starts to wear off about the 6th-7th squeak.

There are attempts to rewrite genetic codes in humans but it's a much more intense process than inhaling vapor that used a GMO product as a wick or eating GMO produce, and it's not working so good yet. There are even some amateur attempts at doing it with CRISPER tech and injected drugs but again, much more intense than just being exposed to a finished GMO product.

Do you realize the ANTZ claim is that smoking tobacco rewrote your genetic code? YOU are GMO according to them.

Now if you wanted to claim the GMO cotton being designed to withstand herbicides means it's likely to have been exposed to herbicides that would be valid, BUT GMO cannot be sold as organic and the use of chemical herbicides such as RoundUp is not organic.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 29, 2017
San Francisco
Not a GMO fan either but I don't think "strands of DNA" are a problem. The only issue could possibly be what chemicals do the DNA strands manufacture and are those chemicals in the cotton itself.

I don't normally use cotton as I use rayon because I like it better for wicking. But I would not waste my money buying over hyped, expensive cotton brands. I have used Drug store organic unbleached cotton pads and cotton balls for wick in the past. Both were dirt cheap and worked great.

Life is full of chemicals and cotton for vape is not worth spending time worrying about. If you buy any processed food at all, you are already eating GMO food.


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 14, 2013

I have been using cotton in RBA for quite a while and recently I started researching it. Which left me a little awkward.

First, "Japanese" Cotton is actually Mexican cotton. Gossypium hirsutum as explained on a previous post here.

This being said, I think everyone is aware that Cotton is a crop that uses an incredible amount of chemicals for growth, to avoid losses, as well as for processing. And there is no way to tell how it's processed and how well they are being cleaned.

I looked into Muji and there is really no way to tell where their cotton is Manufactured.

Then I started looking into Cotton Farmer in Japan and found that Japan had tested and started using imports GMO seeds. (Gossypium hirsutum L.) "Japan imports cottonseed mainly from Australia and the USA where more than 96% of all cotton varieties grown are genetically modified (GM)...".

So it doesn't need to be sprayed with Insecticide but they can spray more rough herbicide for weeds, like China did for Roundup resistant Soybeans.

So Basically, they could claim it's organic since they don't use Pesticide but you're still using GMO Cotton and go figure what that can do if it's in your system, new DNA strands can't be washed away after production. (Hypothetically)

This being said, if this cotton was in Japan, then where?

Apparently, people in Fukushima region can't grow much of anything since the tsunami/Nuclear plant meltdown because the soils are too high in salt and recently changed the type of crop to... *Drumroll* Cotton.

After finding this, I just threw away my left over cotton and started using synthetic. I'm not saying the cotton could be contaminated somehow but still, "Organic" GMO Cotton grown in Fukushima was just too much unknown and I just draw the line.

I was looking to shift to VapJoy JellyFish Cotton which also uses natural cotton and since they provide a little more details on which type of fiber they are using, but still, it's made in China so go figure. I'm not sure they would even have laws out there to hold VapJoy accountable on what they are using for their JellyFish Cotton.

But I do like Jellyfish more than Synthetic. Anyways...

If anyone can provide more details and more info on which and what cotton ot Synthetic pads they are using to vape I'd appreciate it.

Cheers Guys

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