Power pack/Cartomizer DIY's

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Hi folks, I've been lurking on the boards for a while.. (I know, creepy). Anywho, I'm made the total switch from analogs to ecigs a month ago now, and I'm happy and healthy for it.

Just wanted to introduce myself and a couple of ideas for those who may find it useful. Cool forum board to have!! Thanks all of you too for supporting our new "better" habit :D

Sorry for the B&W pic, I wasn't trying to be artistic, just left my camera on that setting...

A. is a portable powerpack I made out of 4 1000mah batteries soldered together and uses a female USB connector. I find it useful for charging my PR110 on the go, and not to mention MP3 players. You can see it in the pic hooked up to my PR110 charger and battery, doing it's thing, while I'm puffing on the other batt/cart. (Testing it right now for number of charge cycles) :cool: I charge it using a male usb wired to my R/C charger on Ni-Mh setting.

B. is your on-the-go micro-case. Typical small Altoids can spray-painted with several coats of flat black with Krylon Camo. It's great, locks firmly, chip-resistant in a week, and I layed a thin layer of foam padding inside (bottom) to protect all my goodies. It can carry a 3mg travel bottle of juice, 2 carts, a spare battery, and the cartomizer tool which is C.

C. is a simple cartomizer tool to help refill your carts pretty quickly. You simply bend one into shape, from a thick paper clip. C1 is cut an angle for a sharp end; this helps you center the atomizer (and whatever else poking and prodding you need to do). C2 is a tiny bend made with needle nose pliers, and this helps to pop off the white plastic mouth-end in a jiffy. Fish the bend in, grab the loop, and *pop*, out comes the cap with sealer ring. Yes, this thing fits inside the mini-case too. Personally, I've discovered you get better taste and wicking from filling from the mouth-end vs. the battery hole, just my opinion.

Well, there it is... back to lurking for me, and making other odd crap.. hope this helps someone!


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