PIF'ed off - New user needs help

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Well, OK, not ECF PIF...

My mom quit smoking, and so far (3 weeks?) has quit vaping too! This after a 60 year habit. Anyway, she PIF'ed (gave) her eGo stuff to a friend. That friend has been using disposable e-cigs on and off for a while to reduce costs and to vape where she can't smoke.

We gave her some 18 mg, 75/25 mix with TPA RY4 added for flavor. Also mixed up some 25/75 18 mg RY4 ish.

She said that her tongue is "hot". She also said that she can't use the NRT's ... gum, lozenges... even the patch gives her a rash (thinks it is the adhesive). She had little if any issue with the disposable, but it didn't have any nicotine. She wants nic. Catch-22.

All I can think of is trying unflavored, lowest possible nic in maybe 100% VG? Anyone else have issues with:

1) nic in general being much harsher than with cigs?
2) RY4??
3) e-cigs just being too harsh (new atty, on eGo, 3.0 ohm joye 510 atty)?

I know to the most obvious stuff to try. I guess I'm hoping that someone that has gone through a similar set of issues will say "The only thing that worked for me was _____________". Thoughts?

Maybe she is over reacting to e-cigs and being too sensitive? Or, maybe she is particularly sensitive to nic? Anyone else?
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Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
I would try low nic and a high percentage of vg, probably start with 6-12mg and go from there.

My mom relates many of the same issues. I've been trying to get her off cigs since I started. Everything I've tried with her, even pure VG with no nic or flavoring...which has absolutely no TH to me she starts choking and coughing up a lung milliseconds into the draw. She can't be getting much of anything that quick, especially on a Riva with a high ohm atty. I've taken 5 second or longer draws right after her using the same setup and get nothing but it floors her immediately. However she can and does down 3 packs of regular Salem a day with no issues. I wrote it of as a mental hang up but their may be something to it.
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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Atty...try another flavor for her...something dessert or mintish....

the harsh....(and coughing too) ...could be learning...I coughed like crazy till I "learned" how to vape...it feels different in the back of the throat....(my highest is 10 now).

My mom coughs when she first starts......I cough still sometimes and keep water with me....

I smoked 2 PAD...and couldn't do 18 !! Stay with her Atty....you can get her there !


Ultra Member
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Apr 11, 2011
Twin Cities, MN
Its probably more of an issue with her mouth healing from not smoking as much. You could go lower than 18 mg, but that might not help with quitting completely. If she like the juice flavor, I wouldn't change it.

I would suggest that she use Biotene, it's a gel and it replaces moisture in your mouth for several hours. It has a very soothing feeling. Biotene is available at all pharmacies and Walmart, etc. They also carry a mouthwash and toothpaste, but the gel is the best.


Vaping Master
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Feb 22, 2011
Champlain Valley, NY
starts choking and coughing up a lung milliseconds into the draw. She can't be getting much of anything that quick, especially on a Riva with a high ohm atty. I've taken 5 second or longer draws right after her using the same setup and get nothing but it floors her immediately. However she can and does down 3 packs of regular Salem a day with no issues. I wrote it of as a mental hang up but their may be something to it.

This sounds like my husband. Occasionally I talk him into trying my PV with a juice I think he'll like. To him, vaping is unpleasant - he would rather have all those analogs.


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
Its probably more of an issue with her mouth healing from not smoking as much. You could go lower than 18 mg, but that might not help with quitting completely. If she like the juice flavor, I wouldn't change it.

I would suggest that she use Biotene, it's a gel and it replaces moisture in your mouth for several hours. It has a very soothing feeling. Biotene is available at all pharmacies and Walmart, etc. They also carry a mouthwash and toothpaste, but the gel is the best.

My mom had issues with her tongue when she started vaping as well. I think it's from quitting the analogs. That's what I was told when I asked here and it seemed to be true. It cleared up after a couple weeks.


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
My sister also did the coughing thing until i told her to hold the vapor in her mouth and then inhale to the lungs....it worked but i still have not converted her...good luck

I tried telling my sister that too. I don't know a good way to explain it to her. I don't know what's she's doing wrong but she coughs too. A lot. She's away on a business trip and took her kit with her. I'm curious to hear if she's vaping or how she's doing with it.


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Mar 24, 2011
Its the nicotine. It burns my tongue if I vape anything over 12mg. I DIY and have mixed all different nic levels with the same pg/vg ratio, same flavoring, same nicotine. Higher nic burns my mouth. Patches also made me itch like crazy and turn red.

Premixed higher nic does the same thing.

Cigarettes also burn my mouth now though.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Being one of those few who had a bad reaction to PG starting on day one, the best advice I could give would be to eliminate it as any possible source of complaint and start her on 100% VG juice. She can always try PG or PG/VG blends later on. I never had any issue with nicotine being an irritant but in her case less may be a better starting point.

Check the vaping technique too. If she is inhaling the same as she did with a cigarette that can be a source of irritation. Simply overwhelming the lungs with something they aren't used to on top of whatever condition they are in from smoking. Show her a good video - just about any juice review - that shows a proper vaping technique.





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Apr 11, 2011
Twin Cities, MN
On the coughing, if people notice a shallow persistent irritating cough that doesn't really have a reason, and it happens a lot when they go to bed or are reclining, that is often stomach acid irritating the esophagus and can be treated with a 7 to 14 day course of Prilosec or generic.

You don't have to have stomach issues or pain or heartburn to have acid reflux problems. It can cause esophageal spasms and people think they are having heart issues or a reaction to nicotine overload; some people think they have lung problems; some people have bad back pain.
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