Philip Morris reveals details of new THR products, including relying upon FDA, MHRA and other regs to turn PMI's $2B investment into profits

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Personally I would never purchase a tobacco product that contains actual tobacco from any major manufacturer. They have been adding a wide range of flavorings and chemicals for decades, in unknown concentrations and health effects. No way I'm going to go back to a tobacco product that contains an unknown chemical cocktail.

My current 'bad habit' only contains nicotine as any chemical to associate it with tobacco in any sense. :2c:

I think they are mistaking where their market wants to go.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2014
Please note that Altria and PMI (which split off of Altria several years ago and moved to Switzerland to avoid the US Justice Dept and taxes) have been actively and publicly lobbying for FDA and MHRA regulation of e-cigs (just as PM/Altria negotiated and agreed to the FSPTCA in 2004 with CTFK's Matt Myers, GSK's Mitch Zeller (now at FDA), Henry Waxman and Ted Kennedy to regulate cigarettes, RYO and smokeless tobacco). The two key reasons why Altria lobbied for the FSPTCA was to protect cigarettes from harm reduction competition by smokeless tobacco (until Altria bought UST in 2007) and to protect its Marlboro cigarette empire from smaller cigarette competitors (that can't afford to comply with FDA regulations).

Before Congress enacted the FSPTCA in 2009, Altria was the only cigarette company that supported the FSPTCA (although UST and Swedish Match endorsed it in 2007, just before Altria bought UST). Meanwhile, ALL other cigarette companies (except PMI, which spun off of Altria around 2007) vehemently opposed FDA regulation of tobacco, and were very upset at Altria for lobbying for its enactment.

In recent years, British American Tobacco, Swedish Match, and (to a lesser degree) Reynolds American joined with Altria and PMI to support FDA's MRTP guidance (costing about $10 million to file each MRTP application), while all tobacco companies now publicly endorse FDA regulation (because its the law of the land and for goo PR).

Although Lorillard, Imperial and Japan Tobacco (the other large cigarette companies) have not publicly endorsed any FDA or MHRA regulations (for tobacco or e-cigs), those companies are not actively opposing the FDA or MHRA deeming regulation, and appear to have been warming up to the Deeming regs (because they realize that it could earn them profits at the expense of >99% of smaller e-cig companies), but will likely urge FDA (and MHRA) to lower their extremely high bar for New Tobacco (or Medicines) Product approvals.

This is where you'd think the ANTZ would be all over the fact BT aren't 'screaming' about the deeming. It smacks of the enemy of my enemy is my friend when it comes to killing ecigs.

The loudest voices are the public.

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