Out of stock woes and questions about the iClear 16

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Feb 26, 2012
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
I just recently ordered. It's been a while since I ordered... Last time was when I was still using cartos. When I switched to clearos SI didn't offer them, so I ordered from elsewhere and stocked up. Now my stock is almost out and my clearos has been discontinued. So I was excited to see that SI had clearos for their original Volt batteries (I have 2 78mm).

I've wanted one of the new X2 batts and I put a cart together to buy everything at once (Thank you, SI, for the points). But the black manuals were out of stock, then all the decent X2 carto colors were out of stock, then with the Black Friday sale all the mini clearos that I wanted in the first place were wiped out. Argh, the longer I waited for everything to be in stock, the more things in my cart disappeared!

So I finally ordered a upgraded black manual X2, an iClear 16 in place of the X2 clearo and some accessories instead of the mini clearos ( I still have one change of my old clearos that hopefully will last until the minis are back in stock).

It sounds like the iClear 16 is superior to the X2 clearos from what I've read, but there weren't very many reviews. Also I noticed I could buy replacement heads. What is everyone's opionions so far on the iClear 16 and can I extend the life of it by learning how to replace the head rather than toss it out immediately like i do the old clearos?

( I just received an email that my package has arrived, so I can finally try it out tonight when I can get down to the post office.)

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Springfield, IL
I'm waiting for the Mini Clearomizers to come in too. Love those little buggers.

I got two iClear 16's with my MVP and I think they are just OK. The draw is rather tight and they are total juice hogs because of the dual coils. Aside from that they are pretty good clearos. Flavor and vapor are fantastic and I haven't had any fitment issues with any of my SI batteries. No leaking issues either.

Personally, I prefer my Aro Pyrex clearos with an adapter over the iClears but that's just me. A lot of folks are big fans of the iClears.

If you like the iClears then definitely plan on using the replacement heads.


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Feb 26, 2012
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
Thanks... I hope the minis are as good as they seem. When i went to reorder mine and saw they were discontinued i didn't know what to do. Most clearos and tanks are not meant for 808s. I found a brick and mortar out here selling juice and ego setups, but I like my Volt too much to switch.

Being a juice hog won't be too bad. I was sick earlier this year and couldn't use my Volt for 2 weeks 'cause I felt so bad. Since then I just don't use it as often as I used to. Usually my clearos go bad from disuse rather than use (if the liquid sits in those old CE2s for too long it starts getting nasty and leaky). But less use gives me a bit more milage, so vaping a bit more juice I think is less of a waste in the long run.

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Feb 26, 2012
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
Well, I love my X2. It outsmarted me for a while, but I finally figured it out. Apparently I just needed to screw the clearo i've been using in tighter than I do on my 78mm. I'm just using it with my old CE2 I already had filled on my 78mm right now.

Tomorrow I'll look up instructions on how to open and fill the iClear. I think that is the only complaint I really have for SI (other than they are far too popular and stuff sells out way to quickly)... Nothing came with instructions or documentation. The batt is pretty straight forward and it even has a couple videos... But I hold that little iClear in my big, awkward, clumsy hands and imagine crushing it trying to get it open to fill it.

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Dec 28, 2012
Hamilton, MS
The iClear 16 is a top fill clearo. Just unscrew the mouthpiece and slowly fill your juice down the inside side of the clearo between the wicks till it's up to the bottom of the lower set of wicks (don't get any liquid in the center tube). Then just screw the mouthpiece back on and give it about 2 minutes to soak up the juice into the wicking/coil head. You will be ready to vape! But be aware that being a dual coil top coil design, the vape will be much warmer than you may be used to.


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Remember,that they aren't "bullet proof" with strong juice,citric acid fruits,cinnamon,ect! I've since switched to glass clearo's and never looked back. 004.jpg


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Feb 26, 2012
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
Ahh... I'm used to mouthpieces that pop off, didn't realize it was a screwtop. When it didn't come off with gentle pressure I worried about breaking it.

I've never used a glass clearo, but it's never been a problem. I mostly vape menthol, mint, and rarely something a little sweet.

Thanks, guys!

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Feb 26, 2012
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
No problems... Your products are just too popular. If I can afford it, i'll pick up some minis at the Christmas sale. An AFTER Christmas sale would be better. I like the size on the 900 X2. Still adjusting, but not too big. The lanyard is nice... The only 808 fitting one I've seen. And the x2 carry case is a lot bigger than I expected. Very pleased with what I did get.

I might pick up a sampler of the tobacco flavor cartos for my aunt. I'm really enjoying my new battery so I may get some carts that I know she'll like and let her try out my 78mms. She still smokes and just uses a cheap gas station ecig when she can't smoke. She's expressed interest in a good kit, but she doesn't do online ordering.

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Nov 27, 2013
Hicktown, OH
I personally haven't found the perfect clearomizer (or I'm just rather dense and can't grasp how to use them?) The bottom coils were too cool and I either burnt them all or they puked juice everywhere...

The top coils are a better warm vape, which I prefer, but I am always afraid to store them sideways in case they leak, and I am continuously burning the wicks on them as well. I got the Iclear and liked it a lot at first, but I'm on day 3 here, I've refilled it once, and it's all burnt again. I guess it's the Johnson Creek juice? Idk I'm just frustrated.


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Jul 12, 2012
I guess it's the Johnson Creek juice? Idk I'm just frustrated.

While on my adventures to bring my spinner back to life with a new tank I did notice that a thread basically stated that juice (edit) can have problems. I think its a high PG juice, like the ones I have now and they seem to burn easy.


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Feb 26, 2012
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
The iclear is okay... Not too warm, but it doesn't seem consistent. It sputters and fusses and every once in a while has almost a plastic-y taste. As the Minis are not back in stock, I noticed the X2 clearos were. How do you all like them? I'm on the fence on whether to catch them at the sale, or wait for the minis. I really don't need the bigger tank as I have yet to need to refill the iclear. The Mimi's wick seems a little short though. Does that effect performance?

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Mar 15, 2013
In the Mist
The iclear is okay... Not too warm, but it doesn't seem consistent. It sputters and fusses and every once in a while has almost a plastic-y taste. As the Minis are not back in stock, I noticed the X2 clearos were. How do you all like them? I'm on the fence on whether to catch them at the sale, or wait for the minis. I really don't need the bigger tank as I have yet to need to refill the iclear. The Mimi's wick seems a little short though. Does that effect performance?

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I personally did not like the X2 clearos. Flavor was muted. Vapor was very inconsistent. And I actually popped a coil when I cranked my spinner just a hair above 3.8v. The other one did not have a very long life span.


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Springfield, IL
Christmas has come & gone...anyone heard any news on restock of the minis? ?

Trying to be patient....:2cool:

I haven't heard any news but I have been watching for the minis to appear. Just the other day (Tuesday maybe) I checked early in the morning and only the blue ones were in stock. Then later that same day the blue ones were gone and only black and clear were in stock. Either that was some kind of error or these are being snatched up as soon as SI puts them on the shelves.

I'll keep watching.


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Feb 26, 2012
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
I must be just missing them, as every time I look there are none. I was really wanting to give them a try to decide which would be best between the minis and the iclear to stock up on for con at the end of January. Getting them on sale would be better.

Another iClear question... I mentioned in another thread that iClear 16 leaks a bit. I take it off my battery several times a day to check and clean the tiny puddle off my batt, but then my CE2s did the same. That's why I use manual batts. No big deal. As long as it doesn't flood the battery or start leaking all over my hands I consider it within tolerable levels. Still, no leaking at all would be best.

However, you were supposed to blow out the center of the center of the CE2s to prevent excess or accidental juice in the center leaking after filling. But I have seen other clearo types that warn against blowing out the center. Will this work on the iClear or will it get damaged?

Also the head seems to sit crooked in the tank area, but the bottom is screwed on tight. Should I empty it and take it apart, or will that not make a difference? The center silicon piece still fits up into the center of the mouthpiece when I screw it on.

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Oct 3, 2012
I ordered a bunch of the iclears.. and I love them - yep.. juice hogs to be sure but I love the warm vape. I haven't had a leaker yet.. no ...... on my batteries *knocks wood* I guess if I had to whine about something it would be that changing coils in mid tank is not an option.. not like the T3's where I could just invert.. unscrew and put on a new one - these have to be emptied first or juice gets wasted. I found that out the hard way.

so.. are these puppies in the *remove the flavor wicks.. dry burn.. replace and keep on truckin* realm? I have a few soaking right now but I use some really dark juices and the wicks just look like they're toast. I don't recoil but will change a wick if it's a viable option.
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