NYC Bans Smoking Outdoors - Parks, Pedestrian Plazas, etc

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ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
Merced, CA
Yeah, cavity prevention is a bad thing. Oh, what am I thinking?

Actually, flouride was piling up all over the place... it's a by-product of aluminum production... until a lone study found that it "fights cavities". That study was funded by ALCOA.

It's only uses before they started making us drink it? Insecticide and rat poison.

On a related note, it's been shown that persons with Alzheimer's disease have elevated levels of aluminum in their brains. Might be a coincidence... but hey, the government would never ever do anything that's not in our best interest, would it?


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Feb 14, 2011
  • Deleted by AngusATAT


CASAA Activist
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New York's Central Park is 843 acres. NYPD can't even keep people from being mugged or raped in the park. How are they going to catch all the smokers?

Well, actually the smokers will be easier to spot than the muggers and rapists. So while the nice police officer is busy writing a ticket for the smoker, the mugger and ...... will be busy elsewhere in the same park.

BTW: What movie was Leary's rant from?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2010
SW Washington State
I've been looking for a clip of Sandra Bullock listing everything that's illegal... I'll upload it if I can't find it. In the mean time...

John Spartan: Get me a malboro.
Aide: Yes of course. Right away. What’s a malboro?
John Spartan: A cigarette. Any cigarette!!
Lenina Huxley: Umm, smoking is not good for you, and it's been deemed that anything not good for you is bad; hence, illegal. Alcohol, caffeine, contact sports, meat...
John Spartan: Are you s*******g me?
Moral Statute Machine: John Spartan, you are fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute.
John Spartan: What the hell is that?
Moral Statute Machine: John Spartan, you are fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute.
Lenina Huxley: Bad language, chocolate, gasoline, uneducational toys and anything spicy. Abortion is also illegal, but then again so is pregnancy if you don't have a licence.

Anyone think we're getting closer?


Full Member
Dec 22, 2010
New Orleans
I have to wonder if Dennis Leary even knows about vaping. He should look into it. But yeah, his schtick is dead on.

Vocalek, I just want to say, you present the most cogent, logical, and excellent arguments I've ever read for this cause. You are articulate and you know exactly what you are talking about and you put it forth just so. I admire you for that. I quote you often when I attempt to convert my analog lovin' friends.


CASAA Activist
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(Thank you very much, Scootypuff).

This just in. On Fox and Friends this morning it was reported that Mayor Bloomberg doesn't have enough police officers to enforce the smoking ban in the great outdoors and wants citizens to do the enforcing. Here is a clip of Peter Johnson stating that he supports this -- for some health reasons based on dubious "facts." Watch the clip. Then take them up on the offer to email what you think to

Bloomberg: NYC Cops Won’t Enforce Smoking Ban « Fox News Insider


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ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2009
Trainer PA
I don't even know what to say to the nanny state wants the general public to be a nanny public now?

(Thank you very much, Scootypuff).

This just in. On Fox and Friends this morning it was reported that Mayor Bloomberg doesn't have enough police officers to enforce the smoking ban in the great outdoors and wants citizens to do the enforcing. Here is a clip of Peter Johnson stating that he supports this -- for some health reasons based on dubious "facts." Watch the clip. Then take them up on the offer to email what you think to

Bloomberg: NYC Cops Won’t Enforce Smoking Ban « Fox News Insider


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2010
You just know that some ..... is going to take this new "duty" to heart and take on a smoker in the park just to feel important. Tragedy will ensue....and he will end up being interviewed from his hospital bed as the smoker is arrested and villainized. An ambulance chasing lawyer will parachute in and persuade this good citizen that since the mayor encouraged him to enforce the law, the city of New York is responisble for his injuries. New York settles for $5 million and raises cigarette taxes again to cover this legal loss.

Oh yeah....this ban isn't a half-baked crusade.... :facepalm:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2011
Albany NY
LMAOOOOO this is probably not far from the truth

You just know that some ..... is going to take this new "duty" to heart and take on a smoker in the park just to feel important. Tragedy will ensue....and he will end up being interviewed from his hospital bed as the smoker is arrested and villainized. An ambulance chasing lawyer will parachute in and persuade this good citizen that since the mayor encouraged him to enforce the law, the city of New York is responisble for his injuries. New York settles for $5 million and raises cigarette taxes again to cover this legal loss.

Oh yeah....this ban isn't a half-baked crusade.... :facepalm:
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