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Jan 18, 2013
Hi - I'm a 9 month old vaper/newbie or noob (grin) - using eGo variable voltage Twist 650 batteries with EVOD tanks/clearomisers for my juice - find both so easy to use and carry with me along with a bottle of juice and extra battery.

I recently purchased from fast tech some of their T32 'tanks' and really like them for the price and ease of use - can replace or rebuild the atomizer heads, knurled bases, clear mouth pieces, short length, and serviceable quantity of juice they hold, also easy to fill by taking the bottom off - upside down. ($2.50 each +or- if you buy more than 5) I'll have to wait and see how the plastic(?) tanks hold up without a 'metal' outside to protect them as the EVOD bcc clearomisers have... I've learned not to put my ecig in my pants pocket and then sit down - haha (the tank sometimes comes apart or breaks and juice is spilled out in the pocket)...

Also learned some DIY juice making and am loving that (so much cheaper than buying bottles of made up juices! - but you need some VG, PG, concentrated flavors (several brands out there), nicotine in a base, and empty bottles - then perhaps some sweetner, cream, vanilla, and other flavors to mellow out the mixes. There are e-juice calculators online to help in the figuring, too (for free).

May I suggest a spreadsheet to keep track of your purchases - item, store name, total amt, shipping costs, taxes, individual prices...when you find something you like and works for you, you'll want to return for more - and perhaps know if you're saving money 'yet' - haha - I check my spreadsheet and use it to compare similar items at another place to see who has a lower price/same quality too.

AND... I thought when we hit retirement age that it would be smooth sailing - but I'm still learning and having fun doing so! grin
p.s. - give your friends a hug from me for helping you first try out an e-cig and for lending you things as you progress and learn :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 18, 2013
NE Georgia USA
Well been using my svd and mvp non stop since I got them last week. I find I may not stay hydrated well enough thoign because I keep getting headaches.

The mvp is so easy to use and reliable and the 2600mah battery last for ever...

The svd - not huge fan of yet. I'm running a 18650 2000mah battery. The mod works but I find that I turn it off every now and then while uaing it. Ita gets annoying. Hopefully I get uaed to it.

Sent from space on a galaxy S3 using Tapatalk...spelling/grammar will be terrible...

smrceo, Welcome...
hydrate,, hydrate,, hydrate,, and let off the fire button in between............ :blink:
You will get use to the SVD, and then start looking for your next "gizmo". :)
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