Need some advice and help from this confusing new technology

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New Member
Jan 25, 2011
Hello all and thanks for taking the time to read my post as I need some sound advice. Basically I bought my first e cig the fifty-one trio. I got the 11mg capsules and they are good sometimes... basically is there a e cig available that has the same or close to kick that say I would get from a marlboro light? I feel like I have to suck the hell out of these things to get anything from them. when I do it seems good but literally I am working to do so. There has to be a decent brand out there? Can I use my current e cig and buy a different brand capsule?? Any and all advice is welcome and please keep it in layman's terms as I am dumb to this stuff.


p.s. please excuse the bad verbage and punctuation im spewing this out as fast as i can at work


New Member
Jan 25, 2011
Can you try to describe the kick that your missing? Is it the sting in your throat,or the actual nicotine buzz? Both?
If you have having to suck really hard it can be that the cartridge is screwed on too tightly

I guess the sting in my throat which I do occasionally get but less than half the time. I would like to be able to feel like I just inhaled a cigarette not flavored air. I read about these drops you put in them what are they? I assume they are the same as whats already in the capsule. Also are these capsules universal? Can I buy a diff makers?


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Jan 27, 2010
North Carolina
I started w/ a Smoke 51 three piece. I eventually just took off the cartridge and started putting 3 drops of eliquid on the atomizer bridge, put the cartridge back on and vaped about 12 drags. I got much better hits from it that way and was much happier, besides all the pulling off of the cart and dripping...I'm no dripper. But...for that period of time while I was saving for a different e-cig, it helped. They are automatic batteries, but I never flooded one or ruined may, so do that at your own risk. Honestly, I was never truly happy with vaping until I got to cartomizers and 5 volts. I still smoked cigarettes here and there until I got that combo going. I wish you all the best and hope you can get to what works for you and makes you happy. :)


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Jan 2, 2011
Derry NH
My daughter also had the 51 trio and said the same that she had to "try to hard" to get anything. I got her the Riva and she loves it, no trying anymore. I really think its the brand you chose. Liberty flights has riva's for 30 bucks, also if you want a slim cigarette looking one, look into the 510 models. I have both and they really do vape sooo much easier. I know it really sucks to replace a kit you just paid an arm and leg for but it'll be well worth it in the end. If she had stayed with the trio she would have continued analogs, with the Riva kit she stopped them the first day!


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I used to smoke Marlboro lights. I was disappointed in my first e-cig for the same reasons you cite. I switched to a Riva 510 and a Joye ego and got everything I wanted out of an e-cig. I started out with 24mg Tobacco red juice but then moved to fruity flavors as I like those better....keeps me from wanting to pig out on sweets because I don't have smokes. Just my humble opinion. GOOD LUCK! Once you start vaping with a good e-cig, you'll never want to go back to analogs again.


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
11 mg is at the lower end of the nicotine spectrum for someone just coming off cigs. You might really want some 18 mg/ml strength, possibly even 24, but at least 18.

I expect those are carts that you're talking about -- things with foam in them that holds the 11 mg juice? If they are, you can just reuse them, putting fresh 18 mg/ml juice in after you have vaped off some of the 11. Else do as BianacaMontogomery suggested, drirect drip the 18 onto the atomizer part.

Good luck!


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Oct 1, 2010
Athens, GA
I'll second BiancaMontgomery on dripping with these three-piece units. It's really the most cost-effective way to reuse them without paying insane prices for cartridges.

Do the cartridges have a little plastic capsule inset inside the brown "filter" part? If so, pull that out with tweezers once it's empty. Then drip nicotine liquid on the exposed wire mesh part (the bridge) of the center piece (atomizer), replace the "filter," and vape for 10-12 puffs. It's actually the most satisfying way I've found to vape anyway, though I rarely do it anymore because it's so labor-intensive.

I found refilling those little plastic capsules to be nearly impossible. It can be done with a blunt syringe, but if your liquid viscosity is wrong at all, they can fail or leak pretty easily.

I would recommend moving up to a cheaper, better unit (maybe a 510) at the first sign of frustration. For $35 you can have a working kit that will serve you for at least half a year with few cares and very little trouble. You'd think convenience would come with the higher pricetag on these expensive kits, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


ECF Guru
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Oct 31, 2010
Smoke 51 Trio is a weak e-cigarette and the vendor is a rip-off price-wise. They charge $50 for a battery that should cost around $15. Sorry you ran into them first.

I recommend you consider one of the two most popular starter models - Joye 510 or KR808D-1 (the KR8 is also sold in colors by and
Here is a nice article comparing them

Those are both a bit fatter than a cigarette and about as long as a 120 cig in their standard lengths. There are smaller e-cigarettes but the smaller ones usually don't satisfy anyone for more than a month because they are just too much weaker than a cigarette.

And if you are a heavy smoker - either smoke a lot per day or smoke full-strength cigarettes hard, then consider the fat battery versions of each - for the 510 the most popular are Ego or Riva 510, and for the KR8 check out's Elegant Easy. The fat battery models give 5-8 hours battery charge life vs 2-3 for the slim versions, and also allow the optional use of strong-hitting LR (low resistance) parts
The frustration of having to drag so hard to get a good vape can be trying. I agree with the other posts to upgrade. I had the same problem until I got a Riva 510 and haven't had a problem since switching. I'm using a 30mg juice and am getting very good results with it.

I hope you find your balance and happy vaping!


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Jan 25, 2011
Charleston, WV
I spent a lot of time and money trying to find that "hit" and I kept looking for somthing that tasted like a Marlboro light. But I ordered a sample of 3 bottles from a vendor. I liked strawberry, coffee, and i still ordered a tobacco flavor. I loved the coffee, it tasted like that first smoke and that first cup of coffee put together. Im still on a crappy NJOY I need to upgrade but as far as flavors, order a sampler from some where with a few flavors you like. Dont think about what they will taste like as a smoke just try them. Hopefully you'll find something you like
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