Need help with a Rev 3A Billet Box


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Dec 23, 2023
Hope this is in the correct forum. I have a Rev3a Billet Box I have had since I bought it in 2015. I would like to get it going again if it doesn’t sell (have it on EBay). I was never able to score the boro for it back in the day and I used to run the atmistique bridge in it. I have since lost the bridge and was wondering if there is any thing out there that will work in it specifically or if anyone on here has anything they would offer for sale? I don’t do FB btw….


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Jun 28, 2016
the Universe
I have a Rev3a Billet Box I have had since I bought it in 2015. I would like to get it going again if it doesn’t sell (have it on EBay). I was never able to score the boro for it back in the day and I used to run the atmistique bridge in it. I have since lost the bridge and was wondering if there is any thing out there that will work in it specifically

You might consider posting your question, regarding getting it going again, to the BB folks here:

Several members keep that thread fairly active.

Also, consider placing a Wanted listing in the Classifieds for what you are looking for.

Good luck!!!


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Hope this is in the correct forum. I have a Rev3a Billet Box I have had since I bought it in 2015. I would like to get it going again if it doesn’t sell (have it on EBay). I was never able to score the boro for it back in the day and I used to run the atmistique bridge in it. I have since lost the bridge and was wondering if there is any thing out there that will work in it specifically or if anyone on here has anything they would offer for sale? I don’t do FB btw….

Is that the only issue, that you don't have a bridge for the delrin or a Rev3 boro? I MIGHT know of a boro out there in the wild (not sure if the owner wants to keep it). Do you have something that could run in a boro if it's made available?

I only use Atmistique bridges (for ALL my boro/BB stuff), so I guard mine like gold now that they've (sadly) gone out of business.
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"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Yeah, the only thing I have is the delron tank that came with it, never did get the boro for rev3 and I don’t have a bridge. :(

So, you'd also need to find a bridge compatible with the Rev3, which all bridges are not (it's offset from center). Ouch.

See if anyone in the thread that @ShowMeTwice recommended has anything for you, or knows which ones are Rev3 compatible. I stopped being an expert once I discovered that the Atmistiques & BVC coils fit my taste buds perfectly. They still do and run daily.

The other stuff (millions of things) left me way in the dust many years ago. The folks in that thread know a TON more than I do about all that.
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"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Unfortunately that thread is closed, hopefully someone will see our posts here that may be able to help….

The old BB one is closed, yes. I knew that which is why I was hoping the boro folks were up on stuff. I haven't frequented much in recent years.

I know the Nautilus Bridge will fit, but I have NO idea if anyone even has any of those. It's also an Atmistique product. I think they called it Racing Bridge (or something like that). I like the delrin tanks so I just use those with my Rev3s. Glass breaks.

Yours is the TMNBB one (on eBay), yes?
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"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Yes it is, I love that thing…paperweight now lol. Was hoping it would sell so I could partially fund a new one….

Copy that. I'll check with one person I know, whose wife beat his TMN into oblivion.

I'll send you a Private if he wants to talk turkey. I've got the link but will keep convos here on ECF (for reasons that are probably obvious ;) ).
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"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
I appreciate it…. :thumbs:

My pleasure. This USED to be a prized possession until SHE got her hands on it. He's a rabid Green Bay Packers fan, and even had a gold tip for it.

She drops sheet like a four-year old. This finally stopped working (smh). Killing a Rev3 is close to impossible, but she managed to do so, TWICE.

I sent him a text to see if he would be interested in yours. He might shy away for fear that she'll steal and kill THAT one too. Because she might. I know her TOO well. She's my stepdaughter and keeping her with working vape gear is a constrant struggle (to this day).

I might not hear from him tonight (his work schedule). I'll let you know though, for sure.

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