My Take on _____ is...

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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    I get to be the first to dirty this thread! :lol:

    Surprisingly I really like the Sinful Delights Gold Label, surprising because I have found I simply DO NOT like strawberry anything!

    I also gave Deej's line a shot, String Theory ... as I suspected, I can't taste a thing :(
    (not Deej's fault, the BMS I have has pretty much ruined my sense of taste and we all know he has a sensitive tongue)

    Think I'm going to like the Espresso Cheesecake too once I get rid of this carto I burned right off the bat :mad: :facepalm:


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    well since ya asked ;) i'll try to update but reviews can be found at
    My Juice Reviews: The Good, The Bad and The WT_ Was That Juice: deejstuff

    now time to flood :D
    and sorry the first few that i had tried from deejstuff came from a box of sight unseen juice from a vapor that was they were old and not so great....plan on buying new ones to give them a second try, but even still they were good enough to make me want to order from deej ;)


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    Butternilla from deej stuff

    I've been vaping this a few days trying to give it a chance...I think this is just me, I can't really taste anything with this one...that being said...I'm getting a sweet cream/custard taste
    the site says it's butterscotch with vanilla....
    it has a nice light to medium throat hit and plenty of plume. It's a nice vape, I just wish I could taste it.
    So if you like sweet I'd say give it a shot and see what you think, maybe you'll have better luck tasting it, as this is one of the juices from my box of goodies, a new bottle might have a stronger taste.


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    ok so I held off on this was one of the first juices I tried in my box of goodies but forgot I had tried it :lol: back when I was having tank issues and stuff....sadly after all the hype I'm let down greatly

    Peanut Butter Cup from deej stuff

    this is a nice smooth sweet vape with a light plume....the flavor however is just not there...which was sadness because I've always heard such great reviews on deej stuff....while I can sometimes get a hint of a silky chocolate and smooth peanut butter that is all that it is, a very acute hint of flavor


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    One Classy Mix from deejstuff

    no throat hit, nice plume and the's indescribable....but in a good way
    it's like a nice glass of champagne or wine
    nice crisp clean vape (assuming it has koolada in it), slightly sweet with a hint of fruits (guessing apple, strawberry, watermelon) maybe a hint of mixed nuts (not sure) and i think a hint of anise....would help if my sinus' weren't all messed up right now with this crazy freakin weather.... is a nice vape even if i can't exactly pinpoint what's in it


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    Pure Sex Cheesecake from deejstuff

    :lol: everyone at work kept walking into the door like, it smells so nice in here...what's that smell, it smells like cherries :lol:
    oh that'd be me and my vape :D

    I've vaped almost the entire bottle...this is truly a great vape and true to its name :) though I donno, it's missing something to make it awesome
    there's no throat hit, lots of thick plume
    mildly sweet strawberries and cherries and rich cheesecake


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    ok, so i've been waiting on this one....

    Hypnotic Myst from deejstuff
    From FlavourArt in Italy

    this is one from deej's indescribable category.....and yep :confused: I have no clue.....

    I keep vaping it.....I can't tell if I like it :unsure:
    I don't, not like it :?:

    it's a complex's a thick and heavy vape on the tongue so you might need to up your water intake ;)
    a medium plume

    it's sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter....i think there's koolada in it because every now and then my brain wants to say it's menthol but there's no taste of menthol
    there's hints of chocolate (coco), strawberry, mixed nuts, java, creamy (sometimes like a cheesecake)'s a full on assault of the taste buds
    really you just need to grab a bottle and give it a's defiantly a break from the normal vapes


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    :( i really really wanted to like this one

    Coconut Cream Pie from deejstuff

    don't get me wrong, it's nice...but it's not very flavorful....then again those are mild flavors
    it makes for a nice relaxing vape
    no throat hit, nice medium plume that lingers a bit in the air :) very smooth on the in-hail and ex-hail
    a notch above flavorless, simi sweet, thick mouth feel with a hint of creaminess.....
    while the flavor is a bit lacking (again these are mild flavors to begin with) it really is a great vape....perfect to unwind with and great to vape and not affect other flavors while drinking or eating :)
    a nice vape to have if you are with friends enjoying drinks, it won't irritate guests :D


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    New York Cheesecake from DeejStuff

    ok all you cheesecake lovers out there go get you some :D

    I'm very impressed by this one...deej hit the nail on the head here...
    *side note*as with all of deej's juice I have to get flavor shots this one is 125% but next time gonna up it to 200%
    a nice hint of crust and thick rich creamy cheesecake
    this is great on its own or awesome for mixing up your own cheesecake flavors


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    Even though it was a bit lacking in flavor for me it was still a good vape and worth reordering when I run out :) might up the % next time....

    And yes....your cheesecake is dreamy.....

    The Forgotten One

    "There's a fine line between happy and crazy; I'm not sure which side of the line I'm on today!" ~ Shadav


    Unregistered Supplier
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    Jun 15, 2013
    Huntsville AL USA
    Even though it was a bit lacking in flavor for me it was still a good vape and worth reordering when I run out :) might up the % next time....

    And yes....your cheesecake is dreamy.....

    The Forgotten One

    "There's a fine line between happy and crazy; I'm not sure which side of the line I'm on today!" ~ Shadav

    It sounds like your taste runs like mine does and I always do 175% unless its max VG and then I do 200%.


    Vaping Master
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    Jun 4, 2013
    Westfield, IN, USA
    :lol: i'm petitioning to take this one off of the retired list :lol:

    Sweet Passion from deejstuff

    all i can say is just WOW deej and witch1 rocked it with this one!
    [side note]for those that have tried deejstuff in the past and like me were left a bit lack luster in flavor....i highly suggest trying them again but at 200% flavoring[/side note]

    no throat hit and cloud up the room plume makes this a great vape but the flavor is extraordinary! Sweet, rich, bold ever change profiles....
    sweet cream meets dark chocolate mixed with cherries, strawberries and a after tone of raspberries with an all over blend of a sweet tart taste (assuming that's the champagne)

    this is a must try for anyone that likes sweet, fruity, candy type vapes
    Last edited:


    Full Member
    May 13, 2014
    San Jose, CA, USA
    My take on Sybil's Obesession is...

    This is a taste of heaven. Before Sybil's Obsession, I was pretty convinced that coffee vapes were not going to happen for me. This is an espresso drink with chocolate, vanilla, peppermint, and cream. This is not that day old, yucky, bitter coffee taste I've come to expect from coffee vapes. This is a solid coffee essence where all the supporting flavors can be discerned and are perfectly balanced. The peppermint doesn't overpower the mix, but finds its place as a refreshing accent. This coffee is not for people who tend toward having it black, but those who love the way chocolate, vanilla, and cream play off of and dulcify the bold pungency of espresso. The touch of vanilla sweetness that lingers on the tongue after the exhale is heavenly. I figured this would be a nice morning vape, but my tongue beckons it to take over the rest of my day.

    I give this my highest recommendation.


    Full Member
    May 13, 2014
    San Jose, CA, USA
    Sybil's Vanilla Custard
    Doesn't exist on the site anymore. Possibly retitled, "Vanilla Done Right!"?
    It tastes quite good. However, it seems like I'm getting a strong cinnamon taste. I personally wouldn't expect that in a custard or a brulee. Maybe I'm wrong and it's nutmeg or maybe it's caramelized sugar and I'm just really off. It's pretty tasty, but I guess it's not exactly what I was hoping for since I like to really taste each nuance of the vanilla, cream, and egginess. Definitely will enjoy finishing though and may try deej's next.
    I'm always on the search for the perfect custard, since my current favorite is $22 for 30mls, which I feel is a ridiculous price, so it makes it an extremely rare treat for this budget minded vaper.

    Sweet Summer Strawberry
    Spot on delicious. Like biting into a perfectly ripe strawberry. Probably the most authentic fruit flavor I've vaped.

    Nectar of the Goddess
    This is a pretty amazing combo. Perfect blend of two types of peaches, strawberries, and the raspberry and cream are in the background. Has a bit more of a throat hit than I might have expected, but I don't see that as a bad thing. Probably re-order.

    Naked Singularity
    This will fascinate your taste buds. Mandarin Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry, and Blueberry. The Mandarin Orange is striking in this combination. It almost feels "fuzzy" like an alcoholic drink. This is one that surprises your taste buds at first, then grows on you big time.

    New York Cheesecake
    It has all the nuances of a good cheesecake, which is a pretty amazing feat. However, there is this artificial butter taste I have trouble dealing with. It makes it feel like in a small part of the draw that I'm vaping fake popcorn. It has aged for a few weeks, but maybe it needs more. I tried adding some Sweet Summer Strawberry and that fixed it. So, I guess I'm saying so far that I like it with a topping, but not naked.

    Red Bursting Stars
    Excellent Cherry Starburst. I've tried a few attempts at this flavor and this is the best, notably kicking Fuzion's Starscream in the hiney. Highly recommend. However, the flavor is a little faint with my setup (Aspire BVC 1.8Ω at 9 Watts).

    Overall, very satisfied. Unlike most stores I've tried, I will happily vape all of these to the bottom of the bottle and make some reorders.
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