My New GG Display Case

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ECF Veteran
Just ordered a very nice looking display case at a great price to show my GG collection to friends/family ect.... I had them on my table for now resting on velvet bags not doing them justice or keeping them safe. This case looks to hold up to 10 PV mods and also has a glass top. At the price its at i couldn't resist and just wanted to share this with you all. The measurements looks perfect and i feel after looking for a while that this is the best i have came upon. Enjoy!:)

Here is the link to the case - Fountain Pen Display Case Company

Also if you take a look down the page in the link that there are many other stands and cases to display you GG's as well that look dam good if you have the funds ;)
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
niiiiiice Keon, I came across these whilst looking for Vapn's birthday present this year, but had to be a little more conservative. :shock:
Thanks Lisa!, I was more talking about the one at the top of the page becouse its a good value for $27. The other cases are great if you have some spare change if you know what i mean ~:2cool:
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