My first month of Smilin...

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 23, 2009
St. louis, MO
My father, mother, and I started using vapor4life about a month ago. We ordered V4L products as our first PVs. Needless to say, everyday has been bliss. We got into vaping to curb analog smoking. Well it worked. None of us have gone back since.
My father quit for over 30 years, but recently took it back up when we lost our family business. He is in great physical shape, but at 53 years old he has had 2 heart attacks, and a triple bypass. He was smoking 1.5 packs a day, not good.
My mother is a very small woman, who has smoked for most of her life. She has a very stressful job and smoked almost 2 packs a day.
I'm 24 years old male, and was a 2 pack a day person. I couldn't run up stairs without getting winded. I am in decent shape, but heart disease runs rampant in my family. My cholesterol is 289 overall. REALLY not good. My family has been in restaurants all our life, my father is a chef, and to me, cooking is my life. My tastebuds are essential to me, but from 2 packs a day I can't taste a THING!

My family is selling our home as well, but it smells of analog smoke, from our constant use, so that can't help the resell value. Ashes are everywhere, and my clothes and furniture smell of smoke.

That was before V4L.....
Now my chest feels 100x better! I can up and down stairs all day! Before I couldn't lay on my back because my chest would hurt. I have much more energy, and my head is MUCH clearer. I used to get headaches from smoking, not anymore! Oh and my favorite part. I can TASTE! I used to not be able taste individual seasonings and spices, now I can pick out everything! My tongue is supercharged!
I tried a honey mustard sauce the other day, and I could taste cumin, mustard powder (not seed), cayenne, pepper, garlic, and basil! I literally could count off all the ingredients, before I could NEVER of done that! All this in one month, so what happens at a year?

Yes these side affects are attributed to analog use, but I could never have quit without a PV. With a PV I only get water vapor (and great flavors to boot). Not to mention my wallet thanks me as well!

I know V4L is not the cheapest brand out there, But they are far far cheaper then many other brands out there. I do know I get quality, and Steve actually cares, and I can't put a price on that.
The KR-808D1 model is perfect for my family. My mother would never of figured out how to drip/top off. Honestly she burns every single carto up, but you know what, I don't care. She's not smoking, and that's what counts. This two piece design is the most beginner friendly. I have only tried one other 3 piece brand, but with current technology I just don't see how you can get much more performance out of a 3.7v PV. I really don't want to carry a large mod around when I'm out and about. I just use the PT in the car.
Yeah sure I could get a 5v mod, and drip some VG and make a cloud, but why when I have a $15 5V PT?
For me I enjoy pulling out my little XL and blowing a cloud that make analog users envious!

The reason I made this thread, was because I was sitting at my computer browsing the forums, and vaping away. Right after I exhaled a large drag, I realized I had this ear to ear smile on my face. I am truly happy to be analog free. I want to share this experience with everyone out there! VAPE ON!

With V4L I enjoy vaping, and I feel zero GUILT about it!

You know what I do feel?
Myself always smilin.......

Thank you, everyone at V4L, and especially you Steve.:D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 23, 2009
St. louis, MO
That is a fantastic post!! You need to put a copy up in that sticky my story thread so it can keep inspiring new people!

I didn't even see that sticky! (there's only a few

I will post this in there right away. Thank you all for your support, and I'm glad to be a part of the V4L family!
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