My Credit card was compromised

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Nov 9, 2012
Northern VA
It isn't malware, unless it specifically got installed via a Java exploit , or other exploit from something e-cig related.

I say this because every week there are MANY fraud threads that pop up.....and it is quite obvious to anyone who posts here that that the e-cig community is being TARGETED.

I wouldn't say we're being "targeted". There is a lot of fraud because 90% of e-cig related transactions are done anonymously via the internet. The environment is perfect for someone who wants to scam someone and every community has people who want to rip others off to make a profit. It's just easier for them to pull it off online so it happens more often.

When it comes to the Credit Card fraud, I'm willing to bet that it's two or three hackers hitting multiple different vape supplier websites and stealing credit card information.

Fraud is inevitable when business is conducted anonymously. It's really sad but there will always be people willing to take advantage of the anonymity to make a buck.

PS: Malware, like a keylogger, can be delivered via email attached to a link for some cool vape gear and if you click that link it will download the keylogger and track every keystroke you make. Once you buy something or go check your bank account the person who sent you the keylogger has your info and can do whatever they want with your money. Hackers and Malware are the majority of the problem (they are probably 99% of the CC fraud) and scammers like the guy who made the JBox are the other small percentage of scammers in the vaping community.


ECF Guru
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Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA
I just now received $1100 in charges on my cc. Luckily Chase sent me a text and email alert on one of the charges and I had the card canceled.
The only places I've shopped recently with that card were eBay and Gotvapes.

These thieves trying to steal hardworking peoples money are complete and utter trash but these credit card processors need to step their game up and make it harder for them to steal the numbers in the first place.

doogie im sorry to hear that but we can assure its not from us, we just had some foul posts removed because of claims made that not only do not pertain to us but its not possible on our system, we have been in business for 3 years and not 1 person can testify or make a proven claim that there cc was ever stolen from gotvapes, we have that protected as anyones info is not stored and cant be seen nor is it stored on anyting we can see . There is 2 ways this can happen, one is a vendor is hacked and hasnt blocked off cc numbers which if they dont they should and usually smaller companies dont bother doing so until they get hacked or the credit card processing companies which there are less then a handful who handle all ecig vendors could be hacked which in that case its not any vendors but the merchant(cc company) thats the issue, so i suggest you contact your bank and ask them to investigate.

If you need any help tracking anything down please let us know, also asking other vendors if there cc is blocked might be helpful as well.
We take everyone's private info seriously and thats why your info is bocked form hackers and there hasnt been 1 reported factual case in 3 years at
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Nov 5, 2009
Spring Hill,Tn
I just closed my CC account and am having everything switched to a new account/card. 90% of what I do with the card is "vape" related. I can't prove anything, but I certainly think its vape purchase related as I've never had any other problems. Just one random charge for almost a grand at "stub master" , its a site that deals in sports/concert etc tickets. Hope like hell they enjoyed the show:(

I may have done a transaction with DV but I don't think so, I'm going to dig further. I have done business several times with MBV, GV.

I'm making NO accusations, but it isn't a malware issue and something smells bad somewhere. Seems I'm better off with paypal when possible.....


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Mar 14, 2011
Add me to the list. Noticed last week a charge of 294.xx to a bodybuilding website. Canceled card and currently awaiting my money back. I've learned my lesson, won't be using a debit card online again. I've ordered from a few different sites plus a few non e-cig related sites so no telling where it happened. Live and Learn.


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Oct 11, 2010
My credit card number was hacked and on 6/12/13 and someone tried to charge $519 to Luckily I have a $500 limit on that card so they never got their goods. I only use this card for online transactions, most that are for vaping gear. Guess I'm going to have to use the prepaid route in the future. :(


Super Member
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Sep 11, 2012
Madtown, WI
I ordered from three sites in the past week. I am not accusing any of them of stealing, however for the safety of the members on here I thought I would just state the facts. Mount Baker Vapor, Discount Vapers, Cignot, and varitube. Two days ago someone charges $425 to my credit card. From now on, I am using a prepaid card for all online purchases.

Yep, just too much of these shenanigans going on.....


Just got a new prepaid today....until something better ya know...


ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
After 13 years of shopping online i got hit exactly 1 week after ordering some vape supplies from vendors i never use for vape stuff. first time i been hit ever and im an online shopping maniac, packages from all over the word come here ireland, greece, russia, tailand netherlands to name a few and never a problem, so it is def some of the smaller vape vendors using less secure systems as i cannot believe it was amazon or newegg or some of the other sites i have used for a decade now.

went to netspend and got a prepaid debt card i use that now or paypal for vaping.
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