My advice to the noobs.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2010
From time to time I will hear someone giving a review of a less than high quality device, and say, "I recommend this for a beginner, or as a good starter e cig." That's crazy.

I don't care if you've been vaping for years, or just thinking about getting started, this advice holds true.

Like many others, I fell for the hype of the Blu Cig. 3 days later I was buying a pack of Marlboro Lights. Like others, I guess I thought I would want to feel like I was still using an actual cigarette. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When choosing an e cig, go for performance, period. I highly recommend a bigger battery mod, be it 3.7 Volt (with LR atty for sure), or a 6 Volt vaping beast. The performance and reliability far, far outweighs having something smaller by a few millimeters.

Now I can say this because I own both. I have a Janty Dura C XL, and a PureSmoker Icon. Both of these devices are 3.7 Volt, but since getting the Icon, I have lost pretty much all interest in the smaller, cigarette shaped Janty. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few really great smaller devices, and the Janty Dura C XL is certainly one of them, but first spend 100 bucks and get an awesome performer, and then if you decide it is too much (which you won't), switch to a smaller one. For this you just have to overcome the feeling that you will be carrying around a device the size of a pipe bomb in your pocket. That's what I thought, and its not like that.

There is a reason everyone who starts with a small device opts for a larger, better performing one in only a short time. I actually work with a guy who bought an e cig from a gas station. Guess what. The next day he was smoking cigs, which is understandable, because e cigs from a gas station or mall kiosk will certainly suck, and be a waist of money.

I'd like to post more, but don't wanna be one of those guys who has a 10 page post. If you guys have any questions, just post or PM me. I'd be more than happy to help.

Kinda funny, wile I'm typing this post, there is an ad for Blu Cig. Total crap.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 31, 2010
Well, it seems it's all about personal preference as well as performance. I know the big mods are popular among people, but I for one could never be happy with a screwdriver because they look ridiculous to me. That's just my personal preference. Yours may be different.

I think one of the key things before doing a review is to wait. I know how tempting it can be when you are amazed by your new toy to shout it from the rooftops, but give it 30 days... at least.

When I got my Blu, I thought it was so awesome. After my KR808D-1 arrived, I used my Blu a handful of times waiting for batteries to charge and ever since my 3rd battery came, I haven't touched Blu. I use my Vapor Kings and vape all day long. I doubt I would ever switch to something else. Everyone is different. Luckily, we have a variety of products to choose from. From the tiny Blu all the way to the mods that are as big as Schwarzenegger's forearm.

But always give it time before you start recommeding your new PV to others. What you love today, you may hate a few days later. :vapor:


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Dec 15, 2009
good topic. another thing to keep in mind with many of the reviews... they are done by seasoned vapers that know how to juice it up, blow it out, troubleshoot it, etc. and most use VG juice to get that mega vapor. If you use PG juice only, expect nowhere near that amount of vapor ;)

i got burned on my first POS e-cig by following a hype review. then I started reading particular e-cig model subforums to see what the real deal was with different models. one thing about kits versus a big battery mod, there is little investment to see if you like it if you buy right. Use coupons, shop prices, shipping, once you decide which kit you want.

a kit and a couple 30ml bottles of higher nic juice and you should be good to go for a month... long enough to see if that ecig is for you or not. then you can invest in extra atomizers and try out different juice flavors, once you settle in to your perfect vape.

also many of the chargers work for other batteries. like 901 batteries & kr808 batteries. I use the same charger, so i can invest in different atties and single batteries and not have to go the kit route again.


Full Member
Jul 30, 2010
In my opinion, i think that personal preference is a big deal. While there is most definitely a brand or 2 or more that would the stepping stone for a beginner there are others that could become the only stone as well. By this i mean that i've started off (more or less) with a 510. I absolutely love this device! I've had it for a week and it's just been a great vaping experience. While my experience may be different from yours it is still working best for me at the moment. Truth be told, i have been looking around for another device with a high mAh (looking at the Ego mostly) i don't think i'd go any bigger than that simply because i enjoy the 510 and those in its class.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
I didnt get my Buzz until just recently (a 510 version of course, my fave atty) - thats 7 months after I started using a PV - the little ones (like the eGo) are still nice to take out; I think people are all different, not everyone wants or needs a big battery mod and there is no 'one size fits all ' advice.
I also didnt want anything that resembled a cig either lol No LED 'cherry' for me and no white PV (black is so much nicer lol).


ECF Guru
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Feb 6, 2010
Silicon Valley, California
Interesting topic. I started like most with the simple ecig (in my case a 510 dura) to see if vaping was for me. Since I have bought 6 different PVs ranging from the above to big battery HV to selfjuicers before finding what was a perfect fit. In the process spent a ton of money. The other day I read post from a member with just 15 posts on the forum who ordered my current favorite PV the REO and, huge investment for a noob to vaping. Then thought maybe this member got it right to buy a highend model to start the vaping experience (be it the REO or anyother top model). Had I done the same I would have saved a TON of cash. So the road we all take moving from smoking cigarettes to vaping has us taking different avenues and no matter which one we take hopefully they lead to same happy place.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2010
I think some of you guys misunderstood my post. I wasn't trying to endorse either of my devices (even though they ate both great). I also wasn't endorsing huge 8 pound pv. When I say bigger battery mod, I am talking about anything with a mah rating over 240. To me the ego is a larger model in comparison to the ones that look like an actual cig. I am saying if you are just starting out get one that performs well to truly know whether you will like vaping. Sorry for. The spelling but doing this on a crackberry
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2009
Kona, Hawai'i
I totally agree, good performance, and especially consistency, is so key to staying with vaping, especially at the beginning, as there will always be a learning curve with something new like this. It almost has to become a hobby at first, which can keep your mind off analogues as well, while you find some sort of consistant, easy sweet spot to keep vaping without it becoming a full time job. You have to be satisfied with the vape, the flavor, and the ritual that eventiually replaces analogues for most.

I have been vaping for over 16 months, totally dropping analogues the first week, and not had one since. I started and stayed with the DSE 901, because, even though the battery life is pretty short, the original atomizers were excellent, and I could keep the batteries charged and pack along a bunch when going out. I immediately got into making my own juice, which saves so much money, and found "my" flavor, much as I did when I smoked (sticking to one brand), and really haven't changed that much since. I just want simple consistant vaping satisfaction.

I graduated to a Little Chuck with the bigger batteries, which was great to custom design, and great for home vaping, but not too convenient for taking on the road. It is not a pocket device. And truthfully, I was still getting a bit more vapor on a fresh 901 battery and atty combo, though the Chuck did bring out a "cleaner" flavor.

Then the 901 atomizers changed, using a new washer like plate, and I have not liked them at all, so I am still using the last of the original attys and ones that I have cleaned. That's when I started looking for a compromise between the 901 and the Chuck.

I found it with the Riva! So for Brucy (and in total agreement with Bahnzo), though others may not be looking for device recommendations, I will state that, today, if I was to suggest a device/system for a new vapor that is consistant, easy, and produces great vapor satisfaction, it would be the Riva, which is selling for about 49 bucks for a kit. Throw in some juice, do a little flavor experimenting, and you are on your way. Sleek, classy, portable, long lasting battery life, and fantastic performance with both 510 and LR 510 atty's...

Just my long-winded two cents...

Kona :cool:


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
When choosing an e cig, go for performance, period. I highly recommend a bigger battery mod, be it 3.7 Volt (with LR atty for sure), or a 6 Volt vaping beast.
Not necessarily, though probably for many.

But count me among those who does not like anything higher than 3.7 volts.
And not really liking the LR atomizers at 3.7 volts either.

But then I take big, long 8 second drags, because THAT is what I like.
So yeah, there is a lot of room for personal preference.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2010
I will state that, today, if I was to suggest a device/system for a new vapor that is consistant, easy, and produces great vapor satisfaction, it would be the Riva, which is selling for about 49 bucks for a kit. Throw in some juice, do a little flavor experimenting, and you are on your way. Sleek, classy, portable, long lasting battery life, and fantastic performance with both 510 and LR 510 atty's...

When you consider price, performance, battery life, 510 atty (which is very popular), and even style....the Riva really is a great start for someone new. I feel so bad for the people who get screwed by the slick advertising or mall kiosks and buy more expensive, lesser performing units.

I'd also recommend against getting a 5v mod or higher. I don't think most people new to vaping would enjoy something that strong...and besides you could always get a LR atty to see it it would be something you'd enjoy.


Senior Member
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Jul 31, 2010
This thread really applies to me I picked up a kit from a smoke shop dint really like it but knew it was something that would work if i found one i could enjoy.Found some hype on the net payed 100 bucks for a 401 and some prefilled carts and enjoyed it for awhile probably 2 weeks. Than found this site and videos on youtube and within a months time have purchased a buzz and a GGTS. More money than i would probably spend on analogs, but I really do enjoy it. I just think every single person has a learning curve of there own when it comes to vaping. Just have except the fact it is going to cost money to find what you like, but in my mind its better than spending it 30 years from now at the hospital


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
I can only say had I found the Buzz with it's adjustable voltage and 5 way protection I would have saved tons of money not picking up all the devices now collecting dust. It will let you vape at the 3volt any where up to 6 volt. The only other one I use is the adjustable voltage passthrough with digital readout I made.
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