Mixed review (Liberty flights & Vaporkings)

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Full Member
Jun 17, 2011
Clarksville, TN
So this is a bit of a mixed review because I placed seperate ordered w/ both companies and both came in the mail today.

I placed an order Saturday night. eGo from Liberty Flights and a pkg of 5 18mg Kamel cartomizers from vaporkings. Both arrived today, yay! Awesome ship times, very happy....

my eGo is currently charging but i of course was impatient so took a puff from it, full mouth of juice... hence me charging it to rule out all possibilities other than user error haha... yes i pushed the button, unsure if i did that right so researching now... but i love the way it looks and it's a lot slimmer than i imagined. Can't wait to use it- thank you Liberty flights.

the cartomizers from vaporkings though is another issue. I pull out the cartomizers and check to make sure they are correct. They ARE the kamel, they are only 6mg though. I think "must be wrong sticker on the box" so pull out a carto... they have the 6mg imprinted on it... "wonder if i ordered the wrong one?", check the packing slip, no the slip says 18mg. Well then. Predicament.... do i leave it and see if 6mg is enough for me, do i keep it and call them just to inform them of the mistake? I'm unsure of what i should do because really, i don't know if the cartridge and attomizers are gonna work for me (i started on cartos and really like them) and i don't want to be stuck another week with the menthol ones for my 510. Any input of what I should do about the strength mixup?

Other than that, like I said, wonderful shipping times, placing the orders were quick, and vaporkings gave me 10% discount codes to use on some future orders... so happy with everything other than the cartos.


Full Member
Jun 17, 2011
Clarksville, TN
I did end up messaging vaporkings about the cartomizers, the wrong stregnth didn't become so much of an issue once I tasted the Kamel and gagged on the black licorice taste... I contacted them and requested an exchange for a different flavor that I was very sure I was likely to enjoy. I just heard back from them and they did offer to go ahead and do the exchange. I appreciate it very much and look forward to continuing to do business with them and purchase some more e-liquids :)
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