Make VG Viscocity Match PG Using DW

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Vape Magoo

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ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2017
Is it correct that you can make VG viscosity match PG viscosity using a 78% to 22% ratio of VG and distilled water?

I find 50/50 a little more PG than I want, but a better viscosity.

I find 40/60 just the right amount of PG, but the viscosity a little thicker than I want.

For ease of mixing I wanted to make up a batch of VG/DW that matched the viscosity of PG.

That way calculating a recipe would be easier.

PG/VG/VGDW = 40/50/10 = 50/50 (VG/PG) viscosity.
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ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
You really can't use more than 10% DW in a mix effectively, I was always told. After about 10% the vape gets weak, hard to vape, and kind of watery-ish. I personally wouldn't go above 10% on the DW thing.

I mean, you could give it a shot if you want, but I'd probably recommend giving it a 10 ml tester sort of "shot." It's too much DW.

It will be gross is what I'm saying.


Vape Magoo

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2017
It wouldn't be 10% pure DW. It would be a 10% mixture of VG/DW with the approximate viscosity of PG.

What I'm trying to do is have a mix of VG/DW premade that matches the approximate viscosity of PG.

Simple example:
E juice with a "matching" viscosity of 50/50 PG/VG
10% PG based flavor
03% PG based nicotine
27% PG pure
10% VG/DW premix with the viscosity of PG.
50% VG pure

I'm trying to find out the correct percentage of VG to water to reach the viscosity of PG.

If it is 22%/78% the amount of water in the above example would be 0.22 * 10 = 2.2% water.

Just wondering if someone knew the best ratio to use.


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ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
So you re saying you want 10% of your VG to have the viscosity of PG? So you're going to add whatever amount of DW to 10% of your VG to try and turn it into the same viscosity as PG.

I have NO idea, dude sorry. I'm going to try to summon a few master mixers and like folks who are somewhat scientific and etc. to your aid but holy goodness, I have no clue.

@IDJoel your aid is needed! @mikepetro , I know this may not be your area of expertise and I haven't seen you in a while, but like, you like fish and I know you can do math!

IDK anyone else I can think of is like, more of an electronics geek. Wait, does @untar perhaps have skills in this arena? He knows a lot of stuff.

Hmm... the rest of the math folks I'm considering are like more into batteries and whatnot.

Good luck, but you'll be well under your target 10% total DW, I do know that much

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
When I signed on here no one said there was going to be math!

When I signed on here, no one told me I was going to have to learn how to build coils and make e-liquid and yet here I am.

LOL "ECF, helpful in a deceptively stretch your skills kinda way."

I certainly was never gonna learn ohm's law let alone argue feverishly about it, either. LOL.



Vaping Master
Feb 7, 2018
It's should be near 80%VG and 20% distilled water at room temp (based on Refutas method, assuming VG, water and PG have a similar density which is not entirely true). No clue how the viscosity will change as the temperature rises but it's very unlikely it will stay close to that of PG at that higher temperature.

Also, it will taste like dogs:censored:t, the water will mute the flavor.

The best you can do is experiment and try to substitute part of the water with ethanol (high alcohol percent booze will do) to keep the flavor, if it was me I'd try 10% water 5% booze and 85% VG as a starting point and adjust from there. Use only very pure high percent alcohol, no bourbon, rum etc that have oils and sugars and other unvapable crud in them! If you use eg 80% alcohol content booze don't forget it has 20% water in it ;)
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