Madvapes Weekly Contest - March 7 through March 11

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ECF Guru
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May 18, 2012
Texas, near Fort Hood
Thanks so much Crowdude! Love your generosity and commitment to get folks to stop smoking!!

If I win, it will go to my daughter in law's mother. She's tried vaping, but just can't seem to switch. Maybe a different mod will get her interested in it again. One of her sons tried vaping and quit smoking immediately. He loves vaping. Good luck to everyone.


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Aug 25, 2015
Thank you MadVapes for the great weekly contest, especially these ones that really help people making the transition.

I would PIF to my wife. She's been an on again off again smoker for years now. I've tried to set her up for vaping but simply put I think my devices are to advanced or large for her and they become more of a pain for her to carry around then "a pack of smokes".


Ultra Member
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Jun 5, 2014
Springville, Utah, United States
I would really love to win this for my sister. She just can't give up the cigarettes and has tried everything. I gave her my old starter kit but it has broken. She is a single mom due to the fact that her husband was killed. (not trying to give you a sob story honestly). I can only do so much to help and this would be a god send.


Vaping Master
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May 3, 2015
iStick Basic
Innokin Cortex
Joyetech VTC mini
Joyetech EGo ONE
Innokin CoolFire IV
Kanger Nano
The Groove
Joyetech EGrip
Innokin Endura 22
Kanger Neebox
Kanger Subox
MadVapes Brilliance Tumbler ....
DAMN! ...These are your STARTER KITS??! :shock:
(And this is only a partial list!!!)
Dang...I don't see that crappy cigalike that was MY Starter Kit on there...:rolleyes:
What a lucky dog my best bud work friend will be to win one of these!
I am SO envious of newbies these days!!
Thanks for the Contest, @Crowedude654


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2010
I would love to PIF a starter kit to my son. He's getting out of the hospital today after having open heart surgery to replace a leaky valve. He acknowledges that he needs to quit smoking and is very open to switching to an ecig. His wife plans to join him in the process of switching so it would be a family affair.

Thanks for a great contest!

I'd like to pif the kit to Thayamax :)
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Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2013
Starbase 12 near Risa
Hi Mike, MadVapes, and MadFans,

Thanks for another PIFmas for two deserving people. There are two friends that I have vape gear out to, so I would give this Win to Marcel Fulton. He is still smoking and needs something very nice to get him off the stinkies. I'm out of things to hand out, and he is a very deserving fellow and friend.

Good Luck to him, and everyone! :toast:
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