Love/hate relationship...28g kanthal. Pros post your tips!

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Dec 2, 2012
Richmond, VA
So I've recently gotten into 28g kanthal...I love it and I friggen HATE it!

It may just be because of using it on my Igo-S and L, because these screws used to attach to the neg/pos posts are so small they have a hard time gripping the wire. Or maybe it's because .6 ohm coils are just THAT sensitive to hot spots.

It takes me a good 30 minutes (the past 3 successful times) to get the coil glowing right. I'll wrap it, FINALLY get it secured under these stupid screws, meter it out (usually .6-.8 ohms), and start to adjust hot spots. Even half a second too much and the damned thing pops!

After 2-3 tries of popping a coil, I usually get it. When I do get a successful one built, amazing. Built one last night....6-.7 ohms on my Igo-L, glows perfectly, and it's by far the BEST setup I've ever wrapped for myself. Instant gratification vape! Huge vapor, perfect TH, great flavor...I'm in vape heaven!

Anyways, rant over...if YOU are having trouble with your 28g coils, KEEP TRYING. You'll eventually get it and will love it when you do!

To anyone who has mastered up some tips or tricks you have found that help you!



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2012
I noticed two things yesterday, on a tenacious little build. One was that a SUPER short pulse is where you see the symptoms. The first thing that glows shows you. If I held the button for a full second, a lot more coil was glowing than what I needed to see what was what. The other, which I'd noticed before, but not noted; was that if you set it down (let it cool) for 20-30 seconds after a few pulses, it might just resolve itself! Pulse once or twice, oh look, there's a short. Set it down. Pick it up after 30 sec., and it's perfect. Go figure?!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
South San Diego, CA United States
i really love the 28awg, i currently use it twisted on my genny and get better results than with 26awg wrapped with the same res. on my igo-l it is kinda a struggle to get the wires to wrap, i use 26awg on mine doing a single wire dual coil it comes out to .3 and surprisingly working very well. i only use pure cotton yarn for wicks so i can never dry burn but with either wire the only place i would get a hotter spot would be any spot that the coil wasn't really snug onto the wick. but since cotton expands a lil once it's saturated and seasoned it all goes away. 20130328_113856.jpg 20130328_111953.jpg 20130328_112456.jpg 20130328_113638.jpg

Euphonious Nonsense

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Apr 6, 2013
Anaheim, CA
It took me about 20 minutes to set this one up but granted I was moving slow in an effort to get it right the first time, working AMAZINGLY @ .21 Ohms. (REAALLLLYYY low but the vapor production is insane.)


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