Looking for a good e-cigar. Recommendations?

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New Member
May 21, 2012

I am a casual cigar smoker, but keeping my humidor going and stocked is expensive and time consuming. Is there a good e-cigar out there that would act as a replacement?

Which models are recommended? So far I've looked at Cohita, Pavarotti and Veppo.

I'd really like one that looks like/feels like a real cigar too. I'm not after the nicotine, but flavour is important. It wouldn't have to be tobacco flavor, necessarily.

Also, has there been any proven harmful side effects with the non-nicotine vapors?\



Fear the Beard...
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 17, 2012
Louisville, Ky
Hello and welcome Ryguy! I haven't personally tried any e-cigar yet. There was a contest recently which awarded e-cigars to a large number of people and asked for them to review them. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...giveaway-blaze-deluxe-kit-cigar-100-free.html The reviews are starting around page mid-30's or so. I've been reading a lot of good things about them and probably going to order one myself soon. They're disposable but everyone is loving them. There is a coupon code in that thread too for 40% off so may be worth checking out.
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