LJ's ESmokes - thoughts?

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Feb 18, 2012
Hi Guys - i have been looking at the flavors over at LJ's Esmokes...some appear to be juices by Upstomp and the others i believe say "Flavorz by Joe"

A lot of the flavor descriptions over there seem right up my alley, but I am curious what those of you who have tried some of their juices think.

Any info you can provide on the flavors you have tried would be greatly appreciate! (I'm especially interested in the fruitier flavors, but info on other flavors would be helpful too)

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Jun 15, 2012
So far I've tried LJ's Green Iguana, Coquito and Clearwater. All three are good, with Clearwater being my favorite watermelon vape by far. It's been in my bottom feeder since I first tried it a few months ago. I keep buying more. I find the flavors a little less sweet than other vendors and to me that's a plus. Fast shipping is another plus.


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Feb 18, 2012
So far I've tried LJ's Green Iguana, Coquito and Clearwater. All three are good, with Clearwater being my favorite watermelon vape by far. It's been in my bottom feeder since I first tried it a few months ago. I keep buying more. I find the flavors a little less sweet than other vendors and to me that's a plus. Fast shipping is another plus.

Thank you! Those were actually some of the flavors I was looking at. How would you describe Green Iguana and Coquito?


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Dec 7, 2011
I've tried about 10 different flavors there. Some of them are steeping still. Last time ordered I tried a bunch of upstomp's and a few of Hooligan's. I think you'd like Monster Smash, and that's only because I know you love RAWR's juices :D It is very tropical fruity, with pineapple being the predominant note. I don't care for pineapple vapes and I wish that was in the description because I would have skipped it. I also tried green iguana but I didn't like it at all. Perhaps it will be better after a steep but one thing I couldn't stand was the smell it gave off while vaping. The taste itself was very perfumey to me.

Welcher's is okay, I only wish it had more flavor, it's pretty light. Still searching for a great grape. The one juice I love from there is Crunch Berries. The other one that was pretty good was Sweetwater. Edgewater, fruity rubble, and clearwater all have a certain strawberry flavoring my tastebuds just do NOT like but that's me, a lot of people love clearwater. I hear thai iced tea is really good I may try that one next.


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Feb 18, 2012
I've tried about 10 different flavors there. Some of them are steeping still. Last time ordered I tried a bunch of upstomp's and a few of Hooligan's. I think you'd like Monster Smash, and that's only because I know you love RAWR's juices :D It is very tropical fruity, with pineapple being the predominant note. I don't care for pineapple vapes and I wish that was in the description because I would have skipped it. I also tried green iguana but I didn't like it at all. Perhaps it will be better after a steep but one thing I couldn't stand was the smell it gave off while vaping. The taste itself was very perfumey to me.

Welcher's is okay, I only wish it had more flavor, it's pretty light. Still searching for a great grape. The one juice I love from there is Crunch Berries. The other one that was pretty good was Sweetwater. Edgewater, fruity rubble, and clearwater all have a certain strawberry flavoring my tastebuds just do NOT like but that's me, a lot of people love clearwater. I hear thai iced tea is really good I may try that one next.

Thank you so much, very helpful! I'm really sensitive to that perfumey taste/scent as well, which is definitely something that seems to happen more often with the fruits and fruity blends. I'm obviously the Rawr cheerleader (as you mentioned :)) for that reason mainly, i've been able to find a wide variety of fruity juices that don't give me that perfume taste.

I was wondering about several of the ones you mentioned, Like Sweetwater and edgewater I believe. I think they have another called Heaven's Nectar? I was curious about that one, along with papa smurf (i think?) too.

Thanks again for the info above...very helpful!


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Dec 7, 2011
The sweetwater is simply a melon flavor, I think cantaloupe? Edgewater description reads that is mango but I detected that strawberry I just do not like in it, therefore, I don't like it. lol. Haven't tried Heaven's Nectar nor Papa Smurf but a lot of folks like the Smurf as well. I can't taste mixes well that involve "cream" for some reason so I don't usually try them. It's weird, I used to taste them when I first began vaping but for some reason I can't anymore. :( I stick to mostly straight fruit or fruit mixes now with an occasional vanilla and now Gandalf.

Overall though, the only flavor I'd probably re-order is Crunch berries.


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Jun 15, 2012
Green Iguana has a very light taste depending on device/atomizer. I've tried it in cartos with so-so results. Right now I have it in a Vmod with a Cisco bf atty and it's tasting pretty good. This is my "take with me no matter where I go" setup and this juice suits that purpose well.
While I like Coquito, it's not one I vape often because it has a touch of cinnamon and tires out my tastebuds quickly. I prefer it after a spicy meal or a rich chocolate desert.
Sweetwater is on the list for my next order.
And now that Cynder mentioned it, I do taste that strawberry flavor in some of the juices. I had noticed the flavor before but couldn't place my finger on what I was tasting. Thought it was the sweetener. It doesn't bother me, so I'll keep buying from them.


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Jun 10, 2012
New York City
Huge fan of the following:

- UpStomps's Clearwater: take a watermelon, "squeeze" out the juice, strain it to get rid of the seeds and fibers, add nicotine and a PG/VG base and that's what you get. As real a watermelon vape as you'll ever get

- Flavorz by Joe Coquito - if you've ever had this delicious Puerto Rican holiday drink (think Caribbean eggnog) this is damn close to the real thing. Coconut, rum, cinnamon, evaporated milk and deliciousness.

- Flavorz by Joe Heaven's Nectar: ridiculously good (great out the bottle, steeping makes it amazing; a week an you should be good). Coconut and pear on the inhale and (for some odd reason) banana on the exhale and there's something else there. Don't know what but this thing is easily an all day vape.

So, yeah, I'm a fan of LJ's and shipping is crazy fast (I'm in the east coast do that may have something to do with it). Highly recommended. All of them have great flavor and produce tons of vapor. Not a throat hit guy (I vape 4 to 8mg) so I can't judge the juices on that front.


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May 22, 2012
Henderson, KY
LJ's has been my only juice vendor for a little while now. I've stuck with the signature line juices, and haven't found anything bad yet. I do have to say, though, that the Upstomp juices seem to taste better to me than the Hooligans' or Joe's.

Upstomp juices:

Purple Dream: My personal favorite. It's a black raspberry, white chocolate, and cream flavor. I can't really say that I taste the white chocolate, but it's definitely creamy, which is wonderful with the black raspberry. Reminds me of a black raspberry milkshake.

Clearwater: This watermelon juice, while great quality doesn't really taste much like watermelon to me. It has more a strawberry flavor to me for some reason. It's good, but if you don't like strawberry, avoid it.

Gobstomper: This is a nice fruity vape. It's a combination of fruit flavors which makes it hard to pick out a dominant flavor. However, if you try Clearwater and don't like it, avoid this one, as you can tell they share some of the same flavor.

Crispy Treat: This is as close as I've ever tasted to a rice crispy treat in a vape. It's not overbearingly sweet, but definitely sweet enough. The cereal taste is definitely there, and the butteriness isn't overbearing.

Thai Iced Tea: This is a great tea vape if you like citrus flavor in your tea. It's obvious that it's a tea flavor, but the tea plays second to the citrus flavor.

Sunburst: This has to be one of the cleanest citrus flavors I've had. You can taste all the different citrus flavors in it, not just your typical lemon-lime or orange. Not overly sweet. Just refreshing.

Welchers: Yum! If you like grape flavored sodas or candy, you definitely should try this. Unfortunately not as consistent as I'd like, as one batch will taste just like a good grape soda and the next will taste more like grape pixie stick, but as I like both, it's all good. I saw earlier that someone said this was a light flavor, but that definitely has not been my experience.

Waffle Bomb: This one tastes like a banana and berries covered in maple syrup to me. Definitely not a big hit with me, but it could be the combination of artificial banana flavor and maple flavor combined that just doesn't work for me. It's a big hit though, so worth trying.

I've only tried one of the Flavorz by Joe juices, and that was the Coquito. It tastes exactly like the description says it does. All the flavors mentioned in the description are there. For me, though, the coconut was too light and the cinnamon just a bit too strong for my taste.

Hooligan Vapes:

Beach Smoothie: This is a wonderful tropical smoothie flavor. Banana, berry, and coconut. The flavors blend together well, but unfortunately for me, the banana is just a bit too prevalent.

Voodoo Cola: This is a cherry cola with rum. It's a very refreshing vape. The cherry is surprisingly light and not the cough syrup type cherry that seems to be in most cherry flavors.

Overall LJ's is great in my opinion. Most of my orders are shipped within a few hours, depending on time of day ordered. They also have great customer service if problems arise. They will go out of their way to fix any mistakes they might make.


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Jun 29, 2012
North Carolina
I ordered from lj's and the shipping is lightning fast. I bought Coquito,Green Iguana, Boy Wonder, Heavens Nectar , Papa Smurf and the berry one from upstomp. Out of all of them papa Smurf and coquito and my favorites. The others were too light in flavor even after steeping. Some people go nuts over heavens nectar but is so light of a taste I have to use it in a genisis type atty at 4.6 volts to get a decent amount of flavor. They don't offer extra flavor or the ability to adjust the pg/vg. All of Joes juices are 50/50 so they are a little thick. The Coquito really benefits from steeping and grows on you. The papa smurf is good right away if you like sweet juices. My only gripe with Lj's is I spent 187.00 and didnt get a free sample or drip tip or anything. I did get a happy face on my receipt though.


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Jun 10, 2012
New York City
Yeah - you would think you'd get something - even a 0nic freebie. That's alright - the juices are great.

I wonder- How do the Flavorz by Joe juices compare with the same from Delaware Vapor? I understand that Joe has given select resellers rights to the mixture he uses so that the resellers can then create the juices and label them as "Flavorz by Joe." I'd imagine there would be some difference in how each vendor prepares them, though. Anyone tried DV or other vendors that carry the Flavorz line? Is there a difference (other than price)?


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Jun 29, 2012
North Carolina
I have plans to try Delaware vapor because they sell in 50 ML bottles and Lj's does not. Now that I have a couple I know I like, I'm willing to buy a big bottle. For me the inconvienence of vaping is always ordering stuff. So I will wait and place a 200.00 order and not order anything else for a while. Also seen some really good reviews on Delawares own juices,apparently the owner takes great pride in getting the flavors really good. The green peach tea and red tin mints got very good reviews from Pseuardo and I really like his reviews and we share similar taste in juices. I may have misspelled his name but hopefully you know who I am referring too.


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Aug 30, 2012
LJ's is one of my personal "trusted vendors" who I won't hesitate to order from. They carry my favorite (Upstomp) juices too.

Shipping is fast. They take the time to read the notes if you add one to the order, just great customer service. I ordered the wrong battery and told them in the note I thought I might be ordering the wrong battery, so they removed it when they filled my order. I honestly don't think a lot of online vendors read those notes. LJ's does. Not only that, they wrote me an email telling me they removed it and suggested a better alternative.

Crunch Berries and Fruity Rubble are tied right now for my favorite juices. Both have a sort of cereal flavor in the background and a nice fruit flavor up front. I can't really describe it. I don't know how he did it but they really taste like kid cereal.

Sunburst and Clearwater are close second. I have no disagreement with the descriptions I saw above.

I just received some White Spur, Gobstomper, Purple Dream, and Thai Iced Tea - all by Upstomp too.

I don't know what's the deal with the Upstomp juices but there is something special about them all - they are all really clean, balanced, not too heavy or cloying, and all but Purple Dream offer a good throat hit.

I'm not in position to judge White Spur's merits as a tobacco flavored juice because I haven't tried but 3 tobacco juices including this one in my life, but in the "wow, this stuff tastes really good" category it gets an A+ from me. I could vape it all day.


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Jun 10, 2012
New York City
Flavorz by Joe, mmmmmmmmmm :) all his creations are just good. Partial to the Papa Smurf and Coquito myself, but they're all good. Complex like RAWR, but different - got to try it.

I went with DelawareVapor on my last order since they carry 50ml bottles of the favorz juices. Still, LJ's has Upstomp's juices which are really good, too, so I'll be going back to them on my next juice run.

Crazy quick shipping, too. Gotta love that.
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