KBV and the Holidays

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Hello all 1st we take this opportunity to both thank you for your support this past year and to wish you all the Happiest of Holiday Seasons!

The reason for this thread is to inform everyone that we will need some time at the end of the year for the Holiday and many other things. We are in the process of adding additional merchant account and we will obtain this one. At this point in time it doesn't make sense to activate that account prior to the 1st of the year from an accounting standpoint.

Speaking of accounting, due to KBV being such a success from day one we are behind and we need time to work on that with the appropriate people. We also need some time for the Holidays ourselves. This all leads up to the fact that we figure it best to open the store for the last time in 2011 Friday 12/16 and take all the orders we can possibly take, work that weekend, and hopefully finish them all out around 12/21. This would allow us 10 days for tasks I mentioned and reopen the 1st of the year. We hope by giving this advance notice it will allow people enough time to order accordingly, and enough to last them until we reopen in 2012.

We thank you for your understanding, due to all you fellow vapers/friends KBV has been an unbelievable fun "business" venture and we look forward to coming back better after the 1st of the year! We believe we have resolved the flavoring issues that caused us to lose our RY4, "Phillip More or Less", and the soon to be lost 555. We plan, if all goes well to reopen with those 3 available again, and we will be running "Bait A" samples of other various tobacco flavors in attempt to build a much stronger lineup in that area as well as a few other things we have had in the works with flavors ;-)

Again, we appreciate each and every customer/friend that has made KBV what it is and make decisions based on what we feel is in the best interest of not just KBV, but, the customers as well. That is the sole reason we feel that stopping ordering once we take what we can process by the 21st/22nd, close, and focus on the tasks we need to accomplish all at one time is better than taking minimal orders while trying to focus on those other things.

Thank you, and again we will open Friday the 9th, Tuesday the 12th, and Friday the 16th for the final time in 2011. We are processing orders at the best pace yet and will process as many as we possibly can during those openings and extend the last one to the limit, even if it means we use the full 4 business day shipping period in order to allow people to prepare. This thread will be closed and updated if needed.

The KBV Team
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