Itaste SVD review

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Jan 9, 2014
How low is it firing? o_O

Actually it fired really well. I have problems with my king mech mod and my current batteries so I wound up using the Itaste instead. It was however a crappy build I put together in a hurry last night with the new dripper and I wound up breaking one of the coils and was only firing on one so the resistance was about 1.4 or so. I figured the bad coil was the reason it was firing so I built 2 new coils that started out at .7 and the Itaste wouldn't fire. After dry firing to get my coils right on my mech and wicking and finishing the build I put it on my tobeco meter which showed .8 again. Put it back on the Itaste and it worked again. Slow at first until I cranked up the wattage but at 15 it was working pretty decent.

Pretty crazy, I'd be interested in seeing if anyone else's will fire at .8 as well. I don't go much below .7 and it didn't fire earlier when I was below 8 so that must be the sweet spot.

MR. Mad

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Dec 16, 2013


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Nov 30, 2013
Flint, Michigan, United States
Don't drop it, don't let it tip over on to any hard surface, and take extra care with the fire button.

I've had two SVDs. Both broke within 6 months of purchase. Both broken fire buttons.

And I'm not alone....

I am on my second one as a replacement. It will be my last. Button problems and like the first turns itself off. Also just don't care for all the buttons for the menu system. I love my Cool Fire I and everyone seems to like MVPs and VTRs. It seems very well built just full of bugs. Innokin blew it on the SVD. Tired of paying return shipping. It is in the closet.
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