Is clove flavored ejuice unhealty?

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I read a comment from someone stating that clove flavored ejuice in unhealthy. When I was smoking I loved Sampoerna cloves, but I only smoked them occasionally as I knew they would crystallize and burn tiny holes in your lungs. I have been off regular cigs since last July, but I am still in search of a daily vape flavor. I was considering ordering 4 ounces of clove flavor from tastyvapor. I asked them before if they used natural ingredients in their products as my son is allergic to tree nuts. They replied that other than their cinnamon and a few other flavors that need the essential oils, all their flavors are artificial. I was going to order the clove flavor, after hearing their reply, but now after reading that comment here, I am a bit confused.


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Jan 28, 2011
When I had a trip to Singapore few years back, I tried some Sampoerna Milds b/c Djarum Blacks were hard to find for some reason. Sampoerna Milds were good. Not as good as the Blacks IMO. Before the FDA Banned all flavored cigs, I always had a pack of marlboros and a pack of djarum black on hand. At one point I was just doing Blacks. PAD of blacks not good for you financially and health. But it was sooooo good.
I tried Tasty Vapor Kretek. For me its too harsh. I now use american e liquid store Djarum Black Clove. That is my only vape until I can find some ry4 concentrate to switch back and forth with. I do not know what is in the amer e liq DBC, but it is awesome.
Cloves contain eugenol, which is a cytotoxin - meaning that it kills cells, in the case of vaping, cells in the respiratory tract. According studies that I've attempted to read and then glazed over on, the effect is not instantaneous.

My preferred all-day-vapes are various clove flavors, but I try to vary it up with other flavors.


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Feb 18, 2011
Flint, MI
I can't say there is any more or less health ramafacasions than general vaping with clove, but I can comment on a couple of clove flavors to help in your search. Value vapor's clove is good, but the flavor is lacking in a cart. Driping is near the only way to go with it. And freedom smoke's taste like hazelnut. Mind you I did get extra flavoring because of my experience with vv, but I fail to see how more clove flavor =hazelnut. I'd stay away from that considering the possible alleric reaction. If you do end up getting the tasty vapor one shoot me a pm about it. I'm thinking about trying it next, but can't find any reviews on it.
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I can't say there is any more or less health ramafacasions than general vaping with clove, but I can comment on a couple of clove flavors to help in your search. Value vapor's clove is good, but the flavor is lacking in a cart. Driping is near the only way to go with it. And freedom smoke's taste like hazelnut. Mind you I did get extra flavoring because of my experience with vv, but I fail to see how more clove flavor =hazelnut. I'd stay away from that considering the possible alleric reaction. If you do end up getting the tasty vapor one shoot me a pm about it. I'm thinking about trying it next, but can't find any reviews on it.

Will do, I'm still on the fence about ordering some considering. Like I said though, with the nut flavorings these are all artificial so it shouldn't impact my son at all... but I don't care much for the nut flavors anyway. I was wondering if the clove flavoring TV uses is artificial as well. TV is good about responding to questions, so I'm just going to ask them. So far though out of all the flavors I have tried, I am really enjoying TV's cherry cola. When I first got it, it seemed to be a bit strong, but after I let it steep for a few days it seems about perfect. I also have some of their atomic cinicide, and that stuff was really strong. I like it, but I can't vape on it for more than a few minutes at a go, just because it is so rich. I'm going to let it steep for a week and come back to it. So far though I am really impressed with TV, as there stuff seems to taste like what they say it is, and is so full of flavor.

Thanks for the replies, thanks Codex that's what I was wondering about.


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We used to DIY clove juice with eugenol. My bf smoked 1-2 PAD of Djarum Specials for 15 years. Unfortunately, when we switched to e-cigs, the eugenol was numbing his throat and mouth so much that he couldn't tell when his cartridges were dry and ended up vaping them burnt. We realized it when he started having throat issues. After that, he switched to another flavor and we haven't used any clove since.

Just our experience with it. I smoked cloves quite a bit as well, but learned early on that I didn't like vaping clove. The experience just wasn't the same.

Good luck with your search.
There are studies on the effects of eugenol, but I don't know enough basic chemistry terminology to be able to make any guesses about the [amount of / percentage of in a solution] that it takes for cells to start dying as a result of exposure to it, but the stuff that I read seemed to imply that duration makes a difference - like 12 hours of exposure before toxic effects are likely to occur. What I don't know about is things like the amount of residue left in a person's lungs from vaping (similarly to tar, have to assume that there is some sort of residue) and the length of time that it remains.

I like to hope that not vaping cloves all the time minimizes the risks, but as n2xe alludes to, it is said that the toxicity of cloves is radically higher when inhaled versus being eaten. Considering the difference between the machine that is your stomach (lead-lined bowl) and the machine that is your lungs (plastic bags), it kind of makes sense.

I was really bummed to learn this stuff, because I've always loved the smell of cloves but was too paranoid to ever try them as a kid, and had kind of forgotten that they existed at all until I ran into the e-liquid version.

I am in no way trying to be an alarmist, I wouldn't want to scare anyone away from something that might not actually be any worse than any other flavors, but we're all lab rats with our e-cigs, so we should definitely be comparing notes and compiling information so that we can make the best choices and advise new converts in an informed way.

I'm no chemistry or anatomy expert, but I'm hoping that I've said exactly enough here for someone else to either come through later and correct me or fill in the blanks in what I've said above - I believe that what I am saying is accurate, but it isn't at all precise: the eugenol in our e-liquid may be too diluted to have the same effects that are mentioned in the studies that have been done, and I don't have the chemistry or math knowledge to be willing to make any guesses.

That said, I'm about to vape some Djarem Black, LOL.


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Jan 28, 2011
Here is what I found. It is about Clove cigs and eugenol

"Dr. Tee Guidotti, a professor of occupational medicine at the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine in Edmonton, speculates in an FDA fact sheet released in May that it is possible that the burned eugenol or some byproducts created when other clove cigarette additives are burned may immobilize infection-fighting cells, allowing viruses and bacteria already present in the lungs to spread. There's also the possibility, he said, that the eugenol or other ingredients have a toxic effect or can trigger an acute allergic reaction."

Here is my question. When you vape, is it still burning the liquid? If not, it should be safer than when burned right?
Here is what I found. It is about Clove cigs and eugenol

"Dr. Tee Guidotti, a professor of occupational medicine at the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine in Edmonton, speculates in an FDA fact sheet released in May that it is possible that the burned eugenol or some byproducts created when other clove cigarette additives are burned may immobilize infection-fighting cells, allowing viruses and bacteria already present in the lungs to spread. There's also the possibility, he said, that the eugenol or other ingredients have a toxic effect or can trigger an acute allergic reaction."

Here is my question. When you vape, is it still burning the liquid? If not, it should be safer than when burned right?

That's a good question, but I'm inclined to think of it the same way that I think of nicotine - both are safer when vaped than when burned, but nicotine still has some sort of interaction with your body, that's why you smoke or vape in the first place. Eugenol has a different effect on your body, but it still has an effect.

I've always thought of cloves as being "different" from normal cigarettes - but I think that the benefits of switching to vaping are roughly the same for both.


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Jan 28, 2011
That's kinda what I figured. I can't let go of my cloves. I probably don't care anymore lol If the FDA didnt ban flavored cigs, there would have been a great chance that I never would even try e-cigs. So I guess I can give a lil thanks to the FDA. BUT if they take away e-cigs I don't know....I can't even begin to imagine. I got 60 ml of Djarum Black concentrate somewhere in sanston va.....hurry up usps. IF I can find RY4 concentrate I can buy in 60 ml bottles, I can rotate.


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Jan 29, 2011
Orlando, FL
I can't say there is any more or less health ramafacasions than general vaping with clove, but I can comment on a couple of clove flavors to help in your search. Value vapor's clove is good, but the flavor is lacking in a cart. Driping is near the only way to go with it. And freedom smoke's taste like hazelnut. Mind you I did get extra flavoring because of my experience with vv, but I fail to see how more clove flavor =hazelnut. I'd stay away from that considering the possible alleric reaction. If you do end up getting the tasty vapor one shoot me a pm about it. I'm thinking about trying it next, but can't find any reviews on it.

I am using bluemist clove tobacco...nice strong clove flavor...i got the extra flavor in it with 80/20 pg/vg. I would recommend trying to mix it with a tobacco flavor to get more of the tobacco that was in sampoerna. i had my wife (a non-vpaer but a djarum special lover) try it and she had a look on her face that said "i almost want to vape this!" lol

good stuff...and it better be b/c i got the 180ml bottle lol


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Nov 20, 2010
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Here is what I found. It is about Clove cigs and eugenol

"Dr. Tee Guidotti, a professor of occupational medicine at the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine in Edmonton, speculates in an FDA fact sheet released in May that it is possible that the burned eugenol or some byproducts created when other clove cigarette additives are burned may immobilize infection-fighting cells, allowing viruses and bacteria already present in the lungs to spread. There's also the possibility, he said, that the eugenol or other ingredients have a toxic effect or can trigger an acute allergic reaction."

Here is my question. When you vape, is it still burning the liquid? If not, it should be safer than when burned right?

I don't have an answer to your question about it burning but the study I linked to I put in specifically because of Dr. Guidotti's statements;
"The conduct of a single study is suggestive but in no case convincing evidence one way or the other unless the study is so designed as to be essentially foolproof and these studies are so
complicated that they rarely can be made foolproof," said Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, professor of occupational medicine at the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine in Edmonton, Canada, who has done research on clove cigarette toxicity.

"We can't say anything about long-term health effects from a
single short-term study," Guidotti said. "We do know that the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is the international authority on such matters, has concluded that eugenol
is a possible human carcinogen. The addition of a possibly harmful substance (eugenol) to an already hazardous product (cigarettes) can only increase the risk that much further."

For more information please reference the study I linked above.
Good luck Animeguy! :)


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I hate to sound like the FDA but... We know a lot about PG and nicotine, VG not so much and flavorings... well, we know some like diacetyl will kill you. All others except menthol are suspect. Just because something is safe to eat doesn't mean it's not lethal when inhaled.

Yeah, I got really confused to the safety of using VG after reading all the posts about people getting sick from VG from their pharmacy. Unfortunately for me though, straight PG juice doesn't cut it for me. I need those massive amounts of vapor that VG provides to get my fix for some reason. I have been using VG from an ecig vendor that I like and have no adverse reactions to it at all. Unfortunately this vendor seems to run out stock from time to time. So after some reading here I bought some VG from CVS and was going to try it, but after further reading and the reports of people getting sick using the pharmacy brand Glycerines, I decided to stick with what I know doesn't make me sick. Fortunately TV sells VG really cheap and I don't get sick from their 30% VG stuff either. After much head scratching, confusion and worry about buying VG from pharmacies, cake shops, health food stores ect...I have decided just to buy it from reputable ecig vendors. I think after all the replies in this thread I am going to stay away from cloves as well. I had TV mix me up some cinnamon and peppermint 36mg PG juice which I then mixed 50/50 with some VG I had on hand that was diluted with water 15%. It tastes just like big red gum, is a light colored juice, has a great consistency for vaping, makes tons of vapor, doesn't mess up my ego T atties, and doesn't make me sick. What else could I want from and ejuice? I think I have found what works for me, and I would like to thank you all for your replies and feedback!
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