Introduction and review the For the Ovale eMini Duo (eRoll replacement)

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I went straight over to the review thread but was asked to introduce myself.

I have been vaping since 2012 and stopped my 20 a day habit within 2 days.
Never smoked since and the smell of real cigarettes is fowl! Hard to imagine I used to enjoy that stuff.

That said, I could not have given up my 20 silk cut (Lights) without e-cigs.

I purchased a disposable e-cig from a garage (service station) and tried it sat in the car. Compared to what I use now it was pretty bad but it was convincing enough (throat hit) for me to realise I had a chance to replace the £8.70 a day habit for an e-cig and so started researching the net immediately.

My first e-cigs were those mini types with the pre filled foam cartridges. Very weak throat hit but my real cigs were the weakest going so I was not really fussed.
I continued with them for about 6 months.

Then I purchased the same thing but with the option for me to fill my own cartridges and my first go to e liquid was Johnson Creek "British Bulldog" which was made by JC for UK e-liquid stores and websites.

It was a tobacco flavour with a hint of sweetness/caramel and I loved it.
I have never been one to reach for fruity or food flavours. I like a full bodied tobacco with a sweet after taste. I do not switch or change flavours either, once I have a brand I like, I stick with it.

So you can imagine my horror when I could no longer buy British Bulldog juice because JC had stopped producing it. :(

I spoke to the owner of one of the UK website who used to stock it and he explained who created it and advised me of the closest thing to it which turned out to be Johnson Creek Domestic.
It was indeed essentially the same e liquid and so I have been vaping that since 2013.

I moved to the eRoll in 2013 also and found my perfect combination of device and juice.

I have tried bigger devices like the Kanger Tech Pro Tank and Mini Pro Tank but I simply cannot handle the weight or size because I vape as I am working from my PC and those huge great big screwdriver type devices are just not practical!
I feel like I am smoking a peace pipe.

Some of you may know, Joyetech have stopped making the eRoll and even the eRoll C (Which I did not like) seems to have become hard to find so I stocked up on what was left of the spare parts for the original eRoll and managed to buy 200 genuine Joyetech C1 atomisers from a bulk website and my plan was to use all I had and hope something came along to replace it.

It seems there is a shift in the type of devices and the "breathalyser" type boxes really do not appeal to me. I like the feel of a cig in my hand to be as close to the actual real thing as possible.

How can a real cigarette smoker adapt to a box or huge peace pipe?
Its too much of a leap.
The micro or mini look alike e-cigs are the gateway device because they replicate the real thing in size as much as is possible. But it seems thee-cig market no longer supports that theory.

So, the reason I am here is as follows:

Ovale eMini Duo Review

I found Ovale eMini Duo (Update and upgrade from the eRoll/eMini original) but could not find one single review of the product. (March 2016)


Ovale (company) sold the eRoll device way before Joyetech ever did but it was and is named "eMini" But the original eRoll and eMini are exactly the same device. eMini and indeed all items sold from Ovale are more expensive than Joyetech.

It seems neither company own the patent to the eRoll (and parts) but rather buy them from Chinese manufacturers and brand them adding a huge mark up.

I liked the look of the Ovale eMini Duo and took a gamble and purchased the kit for £49.99
I was ...... when it arrived as you only get one e- cigarette and no spare parts at all. Most of the promotion images display the PCC with 2 e-cigarettes plus
the PCC is created to hold and charge two devices.

To me at least, it made sense to assume there would be two e-cigs in the kit,
after all, eRoll and eMini kits contained two complete e-cigs plus 2 atomisers.

I wrote to Ovale and complained. I was fobbed off with a default reply and offered a free e liquid from their range which I am not interested in, I had hoped a free spare part for the eMini Duo would be more applicable.

So I had to spend a further £45 for a packet of atomisers, a spare battery and some mouth pieces (Cartomisers)
That's almost £100 for the Ovale eMini Duo kit plus a spare device!!

I can only hope this device is sold by other websites such as Joyetech soon so the price comes down on the parts. It's never good when a company monopolises a product.

The positive news is my review on the Ovale eMini Duo. It IS fantastic!
I have tried all kinds of mini and micro vaping devices and they all leak or bubble or give a dry burn (My juice is 100% VG so quite thick) or worse, give zero throat hit at all.

The Ovale eMini Duo is without doubt better than the eRoll. It is for all intents a purposes a totally different device.
It gives much more vape production, cleaner taste of your e-juice, good throat hit, no leaks, no bubbling so far I would give it 10/10

I would resent going back to the eRoll now. But I cannot seem to work out what atomisers they are using in the eMini Duo. I am always looking for better deals and really do not like being forced to buying from one supplier at a price they won't budge on because they have no reason to (No competitors)

The cartridges are solid plastic with a metal cap. Not the disposable plastic type that you get with eRoll. They can be cleaned and used over and over until they break or the seal cracks for what ever reason, so that's a financial plus.

The atomisers are new to me. I would love to know if they are unique to the eMini Duo or can be purchased from other stores.
As much as I loved the eRoll the atomisers died on me within 1 to 2 weeks always.
I use 100% VG and i know that will play a part in that but I like the e-liquid and wish to continue using it.

So in a bid to reduce the cost of buying atomisers at £15 for 5 I managed to find a certified Joyetech manufacturer in China and purchased 200 of them in bulk. (And yes, they are genuine)

Sadly, I don't think I will be using them (Wasted £200!) Because the eMini Duo is simply 100% better than the eRoll/eMini.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 27, 2016
Long Island, New York
Welcome Rose! Looking at the picture of the eRoll Mini's reminds me of a setup I tried but wound up returning to the Vape Shop. I saw a Buck Naked Slim Kit with 2 mini tanks on cig-a-like sized batteries and thought that was perfect for me. Aside from mechanical problems the atomizers clogged and the battery power was like a birthday candle. Good thing the guy at the Vape Shop took it back with no questions asked. Now I have an iStick TC40W topped with a Nautilus Mini. I have the same concern as you with not feeling comfortable with a mega-sized MOD. This is perfect size in my opinion and does not look like a Nebulizer.

Vape on!:evil:
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
Nice review. I too, have the Istick TC40W topped with a deep well Magma dripper. I vape for flavor primarily.
Might like to checkout:
I purchase a pink Istick and a Smoktech EGO MEGA Dual Coil Cartomizer topper for my granddaughter. Cartos are easier to maintain for her. No leaking in purse.
re: Smoktech EGO MEGA Dual Coil Cartomizers
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Welcome @roseenglish

I enjoyed you post; the good and the bad points of your experience.

Funny you should mention
The micro or mini look alike e-cigs are the gateway device because they replicate the real thing in size as much as is possible. But it seems the e-cig market no longer supports that theory.

The e-cig 'market' i.m.o. is actually desperately keen for people to use cig-a-likes. Brands like Blu and E-Lites stalk their potential prey like the evil wolves they are.
Some of these brands are even encouraging the destruction of the refillable systems for their own financial ends.
The non-newbie market, where the most exciting products are (Kanger, Joyetech, Aspire) is moving away faster than you can say 'rip-off plastic stick'.

The reasons for this are many, and for the majority, it has been good.

You are stuck in the middle. I don't know what to say, really.

By the way... you are entitled to more consumer protection that 'a free bottle of e-liquid' and I think you should seriously make your case about it.

Good luck with it. :)
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Thanks for the replies.

Yes, I forgot about the brands of e-cigs you see at service station counters and supermarkets
They DO look tempting! And perfect positioning for someone about to spend £8.00 on some analogs. You just can't find many online.

I tried one off called Cigma (Slim)

Beautiful looking device, looked and felt well made but all I got was dry burns 8 times out of 10.
When it worked it was very good but not worth the sore dry throat I got from trying. I wrote to them and they advised me to change me liquid. But why should I change my liquid to suit their device? I like my liquid and I like it for a reason. But again, I know 100% VG is thick and can cause issues.
I don't like PG although I do mix some 70/30 VG/PG in with my 100% VG to add more flavour.

My past experiences with PG ranged from a chemical aftertaste to headaches. VG seems to me to be more organic and less chemical, or is that a myth?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
It's tough at times @roseenglish

The trouble with brands like the one you mention is 8/10 they simply don't work properly. The websites look convincing and the marketing is beleivable enough; but the technology is already tried, tested and failed.

They (cig**) claim they developed the products in Germany (Berlin) and England (Oxford). Of course, that is simply untrue, they just ask a Chinese manufacturer of already available equipment to sell them re-branded products. It happens the world over.
In fact, the most arrogant and expensive brand in America charges $119 for an e-cig the US public can buy for $29 and says it's developed in the USA. All they had to do to say that (and not get pulled up in court) was change 1 or 2 tiny aspects of the design.

It is these sorts of practices that have keep me going on the forums for 3 years.

I bought a slim e-cig last year for £6. They were part of a 'discontinued' line of e-cigs sold at £2.60 a pack (18,000 packs) to a large UK discount store.
I know exactly what it is and who made it. Ordered from China it would be about £3 wholesale. The UK brand that previously sold it charged £44.99. It doesn't work.
Palming users off with comments about 'the wrong e-liquid' would not pass any test of consumer rights. They are just charlatans.
It's tough at times @roseenglish

The trouble with brands like the one you mention is 8/10 they simply don't work properly. The websites look convincing and the marketing is beleivable enough; but the technology is already tried, tested and failed.

They (cig**) claim they developed the products in Germany (Berlin) and England (Oxford). Of course, that is simply untrue, they just ask a Chinese manufacturer of already available equipment to sell them re-branded products. It happens the world over.
In fact, the most arrogant and expensive brand in America charges $119 for an e-cig the US public can buy for $29 and says it's developed in the USA. All they had to do to say that (and not get pulled up in court) was change 1 or 2 tiny aspects of the design.

It is these sorts of practices that have keep me going on the forums for 3 years.

I bought a slim e-cig last year for £6. They were part of a 'discontinued' line of e-cigs sold at £2.60 a pack (18,000 packs) to a large UK discount store.
I know exactly what it is and who made it. Ordered from China it would be about £3 wholesale. The UK brand that previously sold it charged £44.99. It doesn't work.
Palming users off with comments about 'the wrong e-liquid' would not pass any test of consumer rights. They are just charlatans.

But it had great reviews by and large on Amazon.
I know, everyone is trying to grab a slice of the "vape pie" because it's still a new and niche industry so its a good time to get in on the action. But people cut corners like you say. They think its all about a website.

I am well aware everything is made in China and branded by a company Joyetech do that with the eRoll and they got VERY territorial about that model claiming they had them made in the UK.
I emailed their offices/store (its in my town) and spoke to a girl. I can't recall how it cropped up but I explained that I had successfully purchased 100 eRoll C1 atomisers from China and she replied:
"What you have purchased will be replicas and not the official "Joyetech" atomisers because no one is allowed to sell "Joyetech" products apart from Joyetech"

So I sent her the certificate from the wholesale company in China that displayed they were official distributers of Joyetech products and she backed off saying that she cannot confirm whether the certificate was genuine or not but that 99% of products purchased in China are copies and replicas and as such wont work as well.

Once my bulk batch had ran out I contacted the same supplier in China and they would not sell to me claiming they had an agreement with Joyetech to only supply to X countries and not the UK (!)
She must have contacted them and complained!

Long story short, I found another wholesaler and got an even better deal on 200 atties (£180 + £43 duty tax)
A 5 atomiser pack is £15 to £20 from Joyetech and they claim each attie lasts up to 2 months.
They last one week, hence I needed to find bulk prices in China.
My bulk supply arrived and are the real deal with the bar code on the box and work perfectly.
I know there are rubbish products so I research the supplier and only buy from a website that can be reviewed by customers.

I don't mind people doing what companies like Joyetech are doing but I do mind them insulting my intelligence by trying to give the impression they design and manufacture and paten their products in the UK when all they are doing is what I am doing but on a much larger scale and selling them from a website for profit.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
I'm enjoying your comments @roseenglish

Joyetech are making a mess of communicating with you, as their products are officially sold through Joyetech UK, Totally Wicked, Vaporbrands UK and other official stockists. They (Joyetech, China) declared some top vaping shops as 'copy cat' distributors when those shops were importing from the official channels in China. Vape Escape (no longer in existence) and Cloud9 vaping (now under the name of Creme de Vape, or something) only ever sold genuine products. It also enabled Joyetech to escape from any warranty claims, a problem that I had in 2013.

What they say (at the UK end) and what they fully mean are sometimes two different things. I just hope that whatever you buy (have bought) works for you and you find a good supply system for the future. It sounds as if you did a great job. :)

200 atomizers for £220 is not exactly cheap as chips but £1 a week (if that's what you get) is not too bad. I would go for that 'deal' on some of the tanks I use.
Saying they last a month should have been long-since abandoned. Totally Wicked made millions selling e-cigs claiming some of their atomizers lasted weeks only to then supply regular customers with new atomizers on a weekly basis. This sort of behavior should have got them in trouble. They are a mysterious company in many ways.

As for reviews - the internet is not to be trusted at all when it comes to e-cigs. Fake reviews are the norm (more the 'big boys' of UK e-cigarettes than others) but even Amazon is not free of foul play. The 'top reviewed e-cigarette' of 2012 and 2013 used fake reviews and curiously 'lost' all negative reviews. I tried to take them on (legally) and was warned in no uncertain terms to 'cease and desist'.... in other words, threatened. It was a sad and scary moment.

Anyway... you have the eRoll and the Ovale... are they going to team up and keep you happy? I hope so. :)


Full Member
May 8, 2016

I went straight over to the review thread but was asked to introduce myself.

I have been vaping since 2012 and stopped my 20 a day habit within 2 days.
Never smoked since and the smell of real cigarettes is fowl! Hard to imagine I used to enjoy that stuff.

That said, I could not have given up my 20 silk cut (Lights) without e-cigs.

I purchased a disposable e-cig from a garage (service station) and tried it sat in the car. Compared to what I use now it was pretty bad but it was convincing enough (throat hit) for me to realise I had a chance to replace the £8.70 a day habit for an e-cig and so started researching the net immediately.

My first e-cigs were those mini types with the pre filled foam cartridges. Very weak throat hit but my real cigs were the weakest going so I was not really fussed.
I continued with them for about 6 months.

Then I purchased the same thing but with the option for me to fill my own cartridges and my first go to e liquid was Johnson Creek "British Bulldog" which was made by JC for UK e-liquid stores and websites.

It was a tobacco flavour with a hint of sweetness/caramel and I loved it.
I have never been one to reach for fruity or food flavours. I like a full bodied tobacco with a sweet after taste. I do not switch or change flavours either, once I have a brand I like, I stick with it.

So you can imagine my horror when I could no longer buy British Bulldog juice because JC had stopped producing it. :(

I spoke to the owner of one of the UK website who used to stock it and he explained who created it and advised me of the closest thing to it which turned out to be Johnson Creek Domestic.
It was indeed essentially the same e liquid and so I have been vaping that since 2013.

I moved to the eRoll in 2013 also and found my perfect combination of device and juice.

I have tried bigger devices like the Kanger Tech Pro Tank and Mini Pro Tank but I simply cannot handle the weight or size because I vape as I am working from my PC and those huge great big screwdriver type devices are just not practical!
I feel like I am smoking a peace pipe.

Some of you may know, Joyetech have stopped making the eRoll and even the eRoll C (Which I did not like) seems to have become hard to find so I stocked up on what was left of the spare parts for the original eRoll and managed to buy 200 genuine Joyetech C1 atomisers from a bulk website and my plan was to use all I had and hope something came along to replace it.

It seems there is a shift in the type of devices and the "breathalyser" type boxes really do not appeal to me. I like the feel of a cig in my hand to be as close to the actual real thing as possible.

How can a real cigarette smoker adapt to a box or huge peace pipe?
Its too much of a leap.
The micro or mini look alike e-cigs are the gateway device because they replicate the real thing in size as much as is possible. But it seems thee-cig market no longer supports that theory.

So, the reason I am here is as follows:

Ovale eMini Duo Review

I found Ovale eMini Duo (Update and upgrade from the eRoll/eMini original) but could not find one single review of the product. (March 2016)

View attachment 536574

Ovale (company) sold the eRoll device way before Joyetech ever did but it was and is named "eMini" But the original eRoll and eMini are exactly the same device. eMini and indeed all items sold from Ovale are more expensive than Joyetech.

It seems neither company own the patent to the eRoll (and parts) but rather buy them from Chinese manufacturers and brand them adding a huge mark up.

I liked the look of the Ovale eMini Duo and took a gamble and purchased the kit for £49.99
I was ...... when it arrived as you only get one e- cigarette and no spare parts at all. Most of the promotion images display the PCC with 2 e-cigarettes plus
the PCC is created to hold and charge two devices.

To me at least, it made sense to assume there would be two e-cigs in the kit,
after all, eRoll and eMini kits contained two complete e-cigs plus 2 atomisers.

I wrote to Ovale and complained. I was fobbed off with a default reply and offered a free e liquid from their range which I am not interested in, I had hoped a free spare part for the eMini Duo would be more applicable.

So I had to spend a further £45 for a packet of atomisers, a spare battery and some mouth pieces (Cartomisers)
That's almost £100 for the Ovale eMini Duo kit plus a spare device!!

I can only hope this device is sold by other websites such as Joyetech soon so the price comes down on the parts. It's never good when a company monopolises a product.

The positive news is my review on the Ovale eMini Duo. It IS fantastic!
I have tried all kinds of mini and micro vaping devices and they all leak or bubble or give a dry burn (My juice is 100% VG so quite thick) or worse, give zero throat hit at all.

The Ovale eMini Duo is without doubt better than the eRoll. It is for all intents a purposes a totally different device.
It gives much more vape production, cleaner taste of your e-juice, good throat hit, no leaks, no bubbling so far I would give it 10/10

I would resent going back to the eRoll now. But I cannot seem to work out what atomisers they are using in the eMini Duo. I am always looking for better deals and really do not like being forced to buying from one supplier at a price they won't budge on because they have no reason to (No competitors)

The cartridges are solid plastic with a metal cap. Not the disposable plastic type that you get with eRoll. They can be cleaned and used over and over until they break or the seal cracks for what ever reason, so that's a financial plus.

The atomisers are new to me. I would love to know if they are unique to the eMini Duo or can be purchased from other stores.
As much as I loved the eRoll the atomisers died on me within 1 to 2 weeks always.
I use 100% VG and i know that will play a part in that but I like the e-liquid and wish to continue using it.

So in a bid to reduce the cost of buying atomisers at £15 for 5 I managed to find a certified Joyetech manufacturer in China and purchased 200 of them in bulk. (And yes, they are genuine)

Sadly, I don't think I will be using them (Wasted £200!) Because the eMini Duo is simply 100% better than the eRoll/eMini.

Great review and informative. Like you i did quit smoking three years ago but after two years i started smoking horrible cigs again. Most of the fault came that i did not find any parts for my ecigs and always had to ship from overseas. Iether the cig malfanctioned and could not satisfy me anymore. I know it was a big mistake and for a year i was looking for that ecig to which start again vaping.

First i went to the blu cig the one of uk, but they were really expensive and the carts where all so expensive and coild not fill them out. Then while on trip to greece last month and some research that i did i bought the eroll from joyetech.

Wow!!!! How come i missed it throught these years??? Quit smocking again and now over a month passed. How the hell did i smoke cigs last year?? Since i found the eroll late in years, i found out that they are hard now to get. Parts, attys, ect. Bought some from ebay but expensive but could not care less as i love the eroll so much.

Seeing this review now i am sure that the eroll will soon be finished from sites. So i am stocking up as much as i find until i find something similar to the eroll which eventually have to switch to.

Is the ovale due any good? Is it hard to find online? Is it worth it ?
Update on Ovale eMini Duo

I am an original eRoll user for 3+ years. Tried the eRoll C and hated the metallic tips that left a metallic taste in my mouth. Other than that, I saw no benefit to the C version.
I purchased the Ovale eMini Duo despite not being able to find any user reviews of the product.
I actually left a glowing review of Ovale eMini Duo during the first week of its use which was brilliant, when it worked. As soon as it was time to replace the atomiser, things went downhill. That was 3 or 4 months ago.

I can now confirm it's overpriced rubbish.

1) Its expensive! (See point 6 also)
2) No matter how many times I change the atomiser and the cartridge, it bubbles and leaks liquid into my mouth within the first 30 minutes of use.
There are connectivity issues, if things are too tight, you get no burn at all, so you are constantly screwing and unscrewing the many elements and many of those components have rubber washes (Unlike the eRoll)
3) It leaks liquid into the battery and the metal ring that connects the battery to the cartridge.
4) Its not automatic, and I dont like having to hold a button down on the draw, I like the natural feeling of an auto mini cig as its more realistic to the real thing.
5) The company are expensive and rude. I fail to see why they need to charge so much for their products compared to a company like Joyetech
6) On that note, I purchased the eMini Duo based on the photos and name (Duo) and assumed like its predecessor that the kit would come with 2 devices and parts to match. It came with one e cig and no spare parts. The PCC is designed to charge 2 devices at the same time so why only send it out with one? Plus as I say the marketing images lead you to believe you would be getting two e cigs. It certainly costs enough to expect that.

Bottom line is I wasted £180 on the device and spare parts and it has been thrown in a drawer and I have gone back to my eRoll buying up spare parts where I can find them or buying Ovales version of the eRoll which is called "eMini"

Further more, in my quest to find cheaper atomisers for the eMini Duo, I discovered Eleaf iKiss pen as it uses the exact same atomisers. It looks exactly the same too only much cheaper and so I ordered one and I can confirm these e cigs are identical in design, atomiser types and they're both as bad as each other in terms of leaking and bubbling.
But at least the iKiss is cheaper so you don't feel as if you have been totally ripped off.

Eleaf iKiss Kit Vape Pen Blister Kit - 6 Colours

Save your money and buy something thats been around for a year or two and that has plenty of independent reviews


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2013
I love my eMini Duo. I hated the Eroll with a passion. It fills the role of a hands free unit quite nicely.

I only use it when I will be doing things that occupy both hands so it is not used for long stretches of time. I always have something else with me. I have not found anything better for hands free than this.

I don't carry the case. I just toss two charged units in my shirt pocket and stick a Provari in my pants pocket and I am good to go.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2016
Hi. I wanted to share my irl experience with Emini Duo. I live in Italy, so Ovale here is pretty big. I had a Egrip2 that made me actually quit smokes finally. But going out to bars and other social I needed something discrete. I had tried the C1 coils of Joyetech, that is still good! But, I wanted something new. The Emini Duo costed around 90 Euro, which is a lot.

Now, it was really worth it. I tried ovales own juices, that did not work, many dry hits. I was thinking it was this strange coils ect. (similar to Ikiss, but not really) Then I tried 50/50 VgPg and voila, it worked super smooth. Decent clouds and NEVER dry hits, even puffing for some time with smaller breaks. "Roseenglish" say it is not automatic, but it is, so why you say this I do not understand. The Emini Duo is automathic, and the construction is superior to the cheeper IKiss that uses similar coils. I say similar because they are a little different, and you can have leakage due to not buying Ovale coils. It's expensive but for me personally, worth it. It feels like a good 510CC or ERoll but much much better on a good juice! So it opened my eyes to the fact that it is not always the device that is important, but finding the right juice.

I never had one leakage either, because of the good o-rings that connect mouthpiece (quality resin plastic) to the coil chamber which house the coil with an actual side-soaked wick (rare for such small device) to battery. Air intake is also slightly different from Ikiss, and have good draw. So they really designed a new device inspired by others? I wonder if this is next for a Joyetech smaller device, and hope that they keep improving on this format. Maybe with even better coils. But that it works better with higher VG is interesting. This may be because of the air-pressure is so different, so it kinda "likes" thicker juice. Not tried 100% VG yet, and do not think high VG is suited for smaller devices yet. Leakage can happen because 90-100% VG have a very different consistence and will break the o-rings. 60-100% PG will on the other side not really go into the coil.

With the box it came with, it last all day in one charge. Although one have to refill the tank time to time to keep good air-pressure. Spare tanks and coil with o-ringed tops (never leak) cost 7 euro each, again expensive but really top quality and worth it. So one does not need to refill all the time just change mouthpiece/tank on the fly.

Since there were so little info about the Emini Duo here, and some very negative. I wanted to share my review of it after some months. It comes only with one full piece, and space on side for another one (35 euro) or two spare tanks.
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