How many puffs is equal to a cigarette

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ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
Yes, I do count the data when I smoke regular cigarettes. The goal is to quit, but also the nicotine stabilizes my mood and helps me perform my job. I have tried several times to quit "cold turkey" and people see a difference in my mood and work performance. The trade off's right now to quitting are not an option because of the work I do. Yes, the best solutions are the patch, gum or just quitting, but the ritual as I stated helps maintain my moods and work performance during the day.

I guess if I was not doing the work I do then quitting would be easier, but many of my business associates are struggling with the same issue. I am just surprised that no one has developed a vap that you can control the amount you take in when you use it. The impression I get is it is similar to how they get you addicted to smoking. The less you know the greater the chances are you will increase you nicotine levels and you will become further addicted to their product.

I would not think it would be that difficult to make a vap that controls the nicotine intake and gives you the option to turn it off or on for those who really do not care how much they are getting.
Sounds like you can’t quit nicotine without jeopardizing your job, and you can’t keep smoking or it will kill you.

In your position I would simply quit worrying for the at the very least next six months about how much nicotine you consume AT ALL and concentrate from moving from smoking to vaping. Once you have been vaping exclusively for a few months THEN you can start to worry about nicotine and juice consumption. NICOTINE IS NOT A CARCINOGEN. It’s actually one of the LESS damaging things in cigarettes. For one thing there isn’t just one addictive chemical in cigarettes there are three that work together. Getting rid of the stuff that IS damaging and stopping damage to your body, while maintaining a functional work presence is job 1.
Don’t worry about the rest of it till that stuff is under control.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
I agree that you may be overthinking vaping. Start with a high nic level and adjust to suit your preference. Most new vapers who smoked start high and adjust. If you get dizzy, drop the nic level. If you still crave a smoke, adjust the nic level upward.

As @ said, it's more than mg/ml that factors into the amount of nicotine you absorb. How you vape (DTL or MTL), the nic strength of the liquid, whether you inhale into the lungs or vape mouth to nose, and the device you are using (atomizer and wattage level of the mod).

Most of us simplify it down to a few factors. MTL vapers typically start with nic levels as high as 36mg/ml. Most MTL vapers start around 18mg/ml and work down as they get off the cigarettes. DTL vapers atomize more juice with higher wattage and air flow, so they use more juice per day at 3mg/ml and 6mg/ml. The more vapor you create the more nic you consume.

A lot depends on how you vape. If you hit it hard and frequently you will absorb more nic. Your brain will tell you when you have enough and you will adjust accordingly. You control the nic level by the way you vape. If there's a vape shop nearby, visit them and they will be happy to suggest a starting point and let you try some juices.

It sounds like the vape shop you visited was clueless. Visit some more shops and you'll find the info you are looking for. Vape style and nic strength are personal. You will decide what you like and recognize it when you find it. A good vape shop will have multiple test atomizers with different juices and let you try them with a disposable drip tip for sanitary reasons.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 5, 2015
    Grand Forks, ND
    Yes, I do count the data when I smoke regular cigarettes.
    All is not lost. Because of all the variables already mentioned (can't remember if I saw absorption rates being different, or even puff length) some mods will allow you to shut down firing once you've reached a puff number. Good luck with that on a stressful day.
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    Full Member
    Nov 14, 2018
    You make several excellent points. As for disclosing my personal reasons or situation is nobody's business. I am not the only person asking these questions about the vaps. Many professionals who smoke like me are asking the same questions about them and are they a better alternative to smoking regular cigarettes.

    They are also wanting more information concerning them since so many teens now have access to them.

    I thought this was the place to get educated feedback on this topic from those using ecigs.

    I guess I was wrong it seems to be a social meet up group of people who vap and do not have legitimate concerns about the long term health affects or what plans are in place to regulate this new industry better.

    I was mistaken when I assumed this was the case on this website.
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    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    You make several excellent points. As for disclosing my personal reasons or situation is nobody's business. I am not the only person asking these questions about the vaps. Many professionals who smoke like me are asking the same questions about them and are they a better alternative to smoking regular cigarettes.

    They are also wanting more information concerning them since so many teens now have access to them.

    I thought this was the place to get educated feedback on this topic from those using ecigs.

    I guess I was wrong it seems to be a social meet up group of people who vap and do not have legitimate concerns about the long term health affects or what plans are in place to regulate this new industry better.

    I was mistaken when I assumed this was the case on this website.

    Several folks have offered their opinions and suggestions, along with their pretty extensive knowledge about vaping, and you dismiss them and tell them it's nobody's business what you do or what your personal reasons are. I did not see ONE person ask you that.

    As far as getting MORE addicted to nicotine through vaping (not vapping, and vape, not vap :)), I started at 18 mg and am at 0. I just vape for the hand to mouth habit I can't seem to break.

    This IS a social forum also, thank goodness, as these folks have been around a LONG time and have developed lifelong friendships. There are MANY, MANY threads regarding the safety and studies of e cigs. Perhaps have a look around the entire forum and talk to some of the vets. Read the MANY scientific studies posted. Your answers are there. And some of your questions just can't be answered because everyone is different.

    I think you have probably NOT looked through the forum for the info you seek. There are thousands of threads, and several of our veterans have answered you to the best of their knowledge.

    I wish you the best in your decision, but I guarantee you that vaping is about 95% safer than smoking, and there is solid science behind it. There is also a lot of junk science. You have to sort through that junk to get to the truth. It's out there. :)


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Sep 12, 2010
    MN USA
    You make several excellent points. As for disclosing my personal reasons or situation is nobody's business.
    true but in asking for advice the circumstances may be necessary to define the solution
    I am not the only person asking these questions about the vaps. Many professionals who smoke like me are asking the same questions about them and are they a better alternative to smoking regular cigarettes.
    actually you are. You have an issue you need help with. You are not some appointed speaker for a group. You’re just you. That’s fine. Smoking and getting off cigarettes is a personal issue for everyone. You do seem to be ruffling feathers by making weird claims The evidence for which seems to come exclusively from inside your head.
    They are also wanting more information concerning them since so many teens now have access to them.

    I thought this was the place to get educated feedback on this topic from those using ecigs.
    It is.
    I guess I was wrong it seems to be a social meet up group of people who vap and do not have legitimate concerns about the long term health affects or what plans are in place to regulate this new industry better.
    I translate this as “but you people don’t agree with my majestic pronouncements and keep referring to things like “scientific studies” and “copious personal experience” that disagree with assumptions that I have made. Therefore you are WRONG!”
    I was mistaken when I assumed this was the case on this website.
    No, you weren’t. Where you were mistaken is to think that a bunch of experienced older adults would put up with such antics[/QUOTE]


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 24, 2015
    Depending on what type of cigarettes you use and how hard, long and frequent your drag is, a single cigarette can deliver anything from 0,1 to 3mg of Nicotine total.
    (Yes, total amount is 12mg average; but you´ll just burn a lot of it and some goes off as passive smoke.)

    If you choose some sort of low power (5 to 10 Watts) starter kit with 20mg/ml juice; 10 average drags (~3 seconds) will roughly give you 1mg of Nicotine.
    Again; this is a rough estimate from various numbers of starter kits I´ve analysed at work.


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 8, 2012
    Ridgeway, Ohio
    I have tried the gum and the patch, but miss the ritual of walking away from my work and standing outside and enjoying the sunshine while I smoked.
    I smoke on an average a half a pack a day. I get the 100's. I like how it helps me take that time to just get away from the work I do. Many of my friends now have health issues related to smoking, but they have been smoking longer than me. They too struggle with the patches and the gum. I am not the only person asking this question. I am just confused why no one has definitive information on this topic and yet, they were able to regulate nicotine intake on the patch and gum?
    You just answered your own question.

    The nicotine gum/patch only deal with the physical replacement of the nicotine one would normally receive if they were smoking. As you and others have found out, addiction involves much more than just physical reactions. They do not touch the BEHAVIORAL and RITUAL aspects of addiction, which for many addicts are just as strong as the physical.

    The behavioral aspects of smoking include the "hand-to-mouth" behavior and the "inhale-exhale" component. The ritual behavior of having a smoke right after meals or sex, having a smoke break at work, smoking at the bar, or smoking with other smokers, etc. are all part of the addiction.

    This is why, for many people trying to quit smoking, using the patch, gum, Wellbutrin, Chantix, and hypnosis ... FAIL. They do not address the behavioral and ritual components of addiction.

    Vaping, on the other hand, is the only method that addresses the physical, behavoral, and ritual aspects of addiction.
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    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 8, 2012
    Ridgeway, Ohio
    The other concern is people are talking about "popcorn" lung. What is that and would I be better off smoking regular cigarettes? I looked this up and I am not sure if this is related to vapping.
    No vaper has died or gotten sick from popcorn lung. Diacetyl is a flavoring chemical that was used in popcorn factories to give an artificial butter flavor to popcorn. The factory workers exposed to this chemical on a daily basis for an extended period of time developed what lay people would call popcorn lung. The chemical has since been banned from use.

    At one time, diacetyl was used in a few e-liquids to provide a buttery flavor, but as soon as the news of the workers at the popcorn factory became common knowledge, commercial e-liquid manufacturers voluntarily stopped using it. Anti-vaping activists still resort to using propaganda that e-cigarettes cause popcorn lung. Don't believe everything that you read on the internet.

    Popcorn Lung and Vaping? Is there a connection?
    Does vaping cause popcorn lung? | Cancer Research UK

    Does Vaping Cause Popcorn Lung?

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    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 8, 2012
    Ridgeway, Ohio
    You make several excellent points. As for disclosing my personal reasons or situation is nobody's business. I am not the only person asking these questions about the vaps. Many professionals who smoke like me are asking the same questions about them and are they a better alternative to smoking regular cigarettes.

    They are also wanting more information concerning them since so many teens now have access to them.
    Teens only have access to vaping because some adults are breaking the law by selling/giving it to them. Just like alcohol and cigarettes, vape products are restricted to adult sale and use. The fact that teens get vape products at all is no different than the reason that they are able to get alcohol and cigarettes.
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    United States

    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 17, 2018
    It's like you're asking how many gallons of water does a cloud contain and why don't they have automatic shut off when your grass has reached optimal watering....

    And then getting twisted because nobody answered the questions in 13 words or less....

    The initial post indicated a person looking for something simple from something very complicated because they had voluntarily undertaken an addictive habit and now wants to stop with absolutely no inconvenience...


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 8, 2012
    Ridgeway, Ohio
    Y'all know we may never see the OP again! :laugh:
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    Foggy Road

    Vaping Master
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    Jun 22, 2015
    How about taking some of that massive energy you apparently spent on researching to develop your paranoia based concept of vaping and apply just a little bit of it to your simple solution.

    These tiny Chinese companies cranking out vape devices don't have the resources to develope the database required to match a setting to every different cigarette brand on the planet.
    It would take a company with the resources of Google to compile such a database. There must hundreds of thousands of different blends and contents of cigs and all probably closely guarded secrets.
    Yeah should be a simple feat to create the mod you suggest. Pfffft!
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